
Your Monthly Horoscopes: October 2022

October’s cosmic forecast is relatively chill…until it’s absolutely not. Libra season (through the 22nd) brings us love, beauty and connection: All of the Venusian good feelings. But just when things feel like they’re picking up again, Scorpio season delivers another round of upheaval and unknowns. 

The month begins with some relief as Mercury stations direct in Virgo on the 2nd. Conversations that began back at the end of August are revisited, this time with more perspective and clarity. Life-altering Pluto also ends its retrograde on the 8th, and responsible Saturn starts moving forward again on the 23rd. 

The full moon in Aries on the 9th is a moment for bold, courageous action. What happens at this lunation might ruffle a few feathers, but luckily Mercury moves back into balanced Libra on the 10th helping us smooth over any inflammatory remarks or hurt feelings.

Things are then relatively calm until the 22nd when Venus meets the sun in the final degree of Libra—a moment of reset and clarity for relationships, creative pursuits and money matters. Then on the 23rd, Scorpio season begins with both the sun and Venus moving into the fixed water sign. Happy birthday to our loyal, moody and protective Scorpios from Meg Ryan to Adam Driver to Bjork. 

The vibe shift continues on the 25th with a solar eclipse—a super potent full moon—in Scorpio. Eclipses bring fated beginnings and endings, and tend to speed up time. What comes up at this time could be devastating, cathartic or a little bit of both. No matter what, something’s going to change. Luckily on the 28th, Jupiter retrogrades back into Pisces, increasing our compassion for others during this rocky time.

As all of the cosmic chaos is swirling, communication planet Mercury moves into secretive Scorpio on the 29th. Then, the grand finale of the month is Mars stationing retrograde in Gemini on the 30th. Mars retrogrades happen every two years, and last for just over two months. From now until Mars goes direct in January 2023, we have the opportunity to pause and re-strategize. Under this influence, the pen is mightier than the sword, so it’s worth choosing your words carefully.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign may provide further insight.)

2 Zodiac Signs Who Nail Halloween Every Year (& One Who Throws It Together at the Last Minute)

Cheeky illustrations of a girl of color in a purple shirt and overalls with a baby ram over her shoulders. She is smiling and so is the ram. The overall color is purple—purple background, pink ram with purple horns and the girls is wearing a purple shirt. Her hair is in a messy bun.


(March 21 - April 19)

October 2022 Overview

  • Full Moon (10/9): Get a facial!
  • Solar Eclipse (10/25): You wanted a new wardrobe so now you have to pay for it!
  • Other Key Dates: 10/1, 10/2, 10/8, 10/10, 10/12, 10/17, 10/30

The first few weeks of October have you completely focused on your closest relationships, Aries. What started as an innocent fling over the summer has progressed into something serious. But are you sure this is the person you want to do life (or business) with? Talking through the pros and cons with your closest friends helps, but ultimately the decision is up to you. As Venus meets the sun on the 22nd, you’re ready to breakup or commit, nothing in between. The month ends with your ruling planet Mars going retrograde in your communication sector, bringing both an uneasy pause and unexpected chaos to your schedule and routines. For the next few months, the goal is to figure out how you really want to be filling your days. Time to cut out the mess.

Aries Love Horoscope

As mentioned, this month is all about personal relationships for you, Aries. That said, the full moon in your sign on the 9th is an opportunity to prioritize yourself and your own needs. Use this as a relationship check in: Does your partner know how to let you take up space?

Aries Money Horoscope

The solar eclipse on the 25th brings some stressful money matters to a head. Whether you’re chasing down invoices as a freelancer, struggling to get a loan as a new business owner, or just painfully aware of your credit card debt, the end of the month is a reality check re: how much you owe.

Cheeky illustration of a young non-binary person petting a bull.


(April 20 - May 20)

October 2022 Overview

  • Full Moon (10/9): Go MIA for the day
  • Solar Eclipse (10/25): A proposal or a breakup
  • Other Key Dates: 10/1, 10/14, 10/22, 10/23, 10/29

For the first few weeks of October, you’re content to enjoy life’s simple pleasures. You’re getting back into a fitness routine, finding the bliss in a new WFH schedule, and discovering that it’s so much easier to make meals at home. As your ruling planet Venus meets the sun on the 22nd, you get a lovely hit of clarity and assurance that as long as you have your routines, you can survive any storm. This is perfect timing because once Scorpio season begins on the 23rd, your life gets chaotic again. All the existential questions that were coming up back in April and May about your personal life and closest relationships return with gusto. The most frustrating thing is that these problems can’t be handled on your own, you need input and collaboration from others. Make the time to talk it out.

Taurus Love Horoscope

The solar eclipse on the 25th is a make or break moment for one of your most important relationships. If you’ve been waiting to have a confrontation or “what are we?” talk, it can no longer be avoided, so prepare your notes and be clear about what you have to say.

Taurus Money Horoscope

Mars stations retrograde in your money sector on the 30th bringing cash flow issues that have been on your mind since the end of August to a head. Through January 2023, you must put extra energy into resolving your debts so you can live and spend with more freedom.

Cheeky illustration of identical twins with long dark hair and a statement earrings back-to-back, smirking at each other.


(May 21 - June 20)

October 2022 Overview

  • Full Moon (10/9): Best party night of the year!
  • Solar Eclipse (10/25): Drama in the office
  • Other Key Dates: 10/2, 10/6, 10/12, 10/10, 10/22, 10/26, 10/27, 10/28, 10/29

For the first few weeks of the month, you’re focused on romance, dating and creative pursuits. Whether you’re getting adventurous in the bedroom, celebrating an indulgent anniversary, or carving out time to write or paint, pleasure comes first. As Venus meets the sun on the 22nd, you’re ready to start a new cycle when it comes to your wants and desires. What joys do you want to integrate into your everyday life? Once Scorpio season begins on the 23rd, responsibilities pile up and the pressure is on for you to get everything done, both at work and in your personal life. Mars stations retrograde in your sign on the 30th. Through January 2023, you’re meant to be experimenting with your identity, image and self concept. How can you slow down to take better care of your body and mind? 

Gemini Love Horoscope

As mentioned, Libra season is always your most romantic time of year. But the connections that come up this month might be more fleeting than lasting. As Jupiter re-enters Pisces on the 28th, you’re inspired to start a conversation about making things official with someone special.

Gemini Money Horoscope

Money is mostly steady this month, though you may be tempted to spend more on treating yourself as all the planets move through your pleasure sector over the first few weeks. That being said, if you’ve been working overtime without proper compensation, things come to a head at the solar eclipse on the 25th. Resist burnout by asking for what you deserve.

680x400 Cancer@2x


(June 21 - July 22)

October 2022 Overview

  • Full Moon (10/9): Soak up all the attention! You deserve it!
  • Solar Eclipse (10/25): An awkward date is a blessing in disguise
  • Other Key Dates: 10/1, 10/8, 10/10, 10/12, 10/22, 10/27

For the first few weeks of October, you’re absolutely thriving in your private life. Whether you’re hosting family from out of town, settling into a new apartment with your girlfriend, or working from home again in peace, you’re content to skip every social outing and stay inside. The one exception to your robe-and-Ugg-slippers-only policy comes at the full moon in Aries on the 9th, which brings a breakthrough moment for your career. This recognition is made even more sweet because of the solid group of people you have around you to celebrate the achievement. Once Scorpio season begins on the 23rd, social obligations pick up and life gets overwhelming again. But with Mars going retrograde in your unconscious sector on the 30th, it’s important for you to consider who’s really worth your time. Through January 2023, the goal is to figure out what rest is actually rejuvenating.

Cancer Love Horoscope

Whether you’re partnered or single, the solar eclipse on the 25th brings some major shake ups to your romantic life. Throughout this year, you’ve been finding it harder and harder to relax and have fun. Though this eclipse might leave you feeling disappointed, you have more information about what it is you really want.

Cancer Money Horoscope

Your finances remain steady this month, but while you’re spending so much time at home, you might be tempted to spend on decor or gifts for your family that no one actually needs. As the sun connects with Saturn on the 11th though, you invest in something that’s expensive, but very worthwhile.

Cheeky illustration of a woman of Asian-descent wearing a sheer coral top with her hair half-up in pigtail puns, the rest down. She is hugging a lion, who is smirking.


(July 23 - Aug 22)

October 2022 Overview

  • Full Moon (10/9): Run away (if only in your mind)!
  • Solar Eclipse (10/25): Family drama over holiday plans
  • Other Key Dates: 10/11, 10/17, 10/19, 10/23

October is a busy month for you, Leo. Between some quick trips out of town for work, your best friend’s wedding, and constant birthday parties for all your Libra friends, your schedule is packed. Though what you’re experiencing is the good kind of busy, the full moon in Aries on the 9th finds you daydreaming about running away to a foreign country and never looking back. That said, you’re better off making some authentic Japanese food at home than booking a last-minute flight to Tokyo. Especially because once Scorpio season begins on the 23rd, life gets very hectic with rapid changes coming in both your career and living situation. Then on the 30th, Mars stations retrograde in your friendship sector. Through January 2023, you’re being asked to take a step back in your social life and consider who really supports your dreams.

Leo Love Horoscope

If you’re single, you might make a love connection through a close friend as the sun trines Saturn on the 11th. You’ve been struggling to meet anyone worthwhile on the apps which is why it’s such a delight to meet someone the old fashioned way. If you’re partnered, this transit could correspond with a lovely day trip or outing with your love.

Leo Money Horoscope

Your finances were a bit funky last month as Mercury was retrograde in your money sector. Once the commerce planet stations direct on the 2nd, you’re able to clean up the mess and get things back on track. After the 16th, you should be in the clear.

Cheeky illustration with a light blue background of a woman wearing a coral shirt coyly poking out from behind her hands.


(August 23 - September 23)

October 2022 Overview

  • Full Moon (10/9): Amazing therapy session
  • Solar Eclipse (10/25): Nuclear war in the group chat
  • Other Key Dates: 10/2, 10/6, 10/12, 10/10, 10/22, 10/26, 10/27, 10/28, 10/29

For the first few weeks of October, you’re completely focused on enjoying the finer things in life, Virgo. Though you’re usually one to be practical and frugal, this Libra season has you splurging more than usual, especially on self-care. You deserve some fresh looks for fall, a fancy manicure and a haircut that makes you feel like the main character. That said, the full moon in Aries on the 9th could reveal some unrelated debts that need to be taken care of, so treat yourself but budget before you indulge. Things get chaotic once Scorpio season begins on the 23rd and for you, this has everything to do with figuring out how your big dreams fit into your everyday life. How can you make space for where you’re going while staying present in the now? Then Mars stations retrograde in your career sector on the 30th. Through January 2023, it’s best to focus your energy on restrategizing your career and leadership goals. 

Virgo Love Horoscope

Jupiter—planet of relief and opportunity—re-enters your partnership sector on the 28th. The rapid progress that you saw in your relationships earlier this year gets a second chance in the fall. If you’ve been crushing on someone, the end of the month might be your moment to take a risk and ask them out.

Virgo Money Horoscope

As Venus meets the sun on the 22nd, you’re ready for a new phase when it comes to your finances. This is a moment of clarity that helps you reset your scarcity mindset to one of abundance.

680x400 Libra@2x


(September 23 - October 21)

October 2022 Overview

  • Full Moon (10/9): Plan your perfect date night!
  • Solar Eclipse (10/25): A surprise on your paycheck
  • Other Key Dates: 10/1, 10/8, 10/10, 10/14, 10/20, 10/22, 10/23

For the first few weeks of October, you’re being forced to prioritize yourself and take up space in ways that usually make you feel uncomfortable. Remember that you don’t have to do it all alone, and that your clearest breakthroughs come when you’re in conversation. Things get interesting on the 9th when the full moon in Aries lights up your partnership sector bringing a new phase to an important relationship in your life. Then on the 22nd, your ruling planet Venus meets the sun in your sign, welcoming a new phase for your identity and self image. Things get chaotic, especially for your finances, once Scorpio season begins on the 23rd, and then Mars stations retrograde in your travel and higher learning sector on the 30th. Whether you’re going back to school, expanding your business or making big travel plans, through January 2023, most of your energy is going into expanding your mind.

Libra Love Horoscope

As mentioned, the full moon in Aries on the 9th brings a breakthrough moment for your intimate relationships. If you’re partnered, this is a time to have some fun with your lover, and if you’re single, there’s no time like the present to shoot your shot.

Libra Money Horoscope

The solar eclipse on the 25th brings some sobering news re: your financial situation. Difficulties you were experiencing back in April and May return, and you can no longer hide from those overdue bills. Though it’s stressful, this is a potent time to clear any blocks you have about abundance and get back on track.

680x400 Scorpio@2x


(October 22 - November 21)

October 2022 Overview

  • Full Moon (10/9): Start that 30 day yoga challenge!
  • Solar Eclipse (10/25): Wear what you want to wear! Who cares what anyone thinks?
  • Other Key Dates: 10/12, 10/17, 10/23, 10/26, 10/30

For the first few weeks of the month, you’re happy to spend most of your time alone, Scorpio. Libra season is always a transitional time for you—a moment to close out projects from the last year and release what’s no longer serving. If you’ve been meaning to start a meditation practice, now’s the time to do it—especially when Venus meets the sun on the 22nd. Once your season begins on the 23rd, things all of the sudden get both very chaotic and very personal. The solar eclipse—an extremely potent new moon—on the 25th is in your sign, bringing upheaval to your identity, image and closest relationships. Sweeping changes that started back in April and May pick up again now. Remember: It’s your birthday and you can cry if you want to! Your ruling planet Mars stations retrograde on the 30th in your shared resources sector. Through January 2023, your energy should be focused on closing out debts, both financial and emotional.

Scorpio Love Horoscope

Eclipse season begins on the 25th and for you, this time of year brings personal revelations that are meant to expand your ideas about what’s possible in relationships. Then on the 28th, Jupiter returns to your romance sector bringing lovers you last heard from in the spring back into your life.

Scorpio Money Horoscope

As mentioned, your ruling planet Mars goes retrograde in your shared resources sector on the 30th bringing financial stress that’s been on your mind since late August to a head. Spend some time earlier in the month getting your budgets, bills and taxes together so you know what’s coming.

Cheeky illustration of a Black woman with purple hair on an orange background. She's in a wearing jean jacket, with a quiver strapped across her back and arrows sticking out.


(November 22 - December 21)

October 2022 Overview

  • Full Moon (10/9): An extremely hot date
  • Solar Eclipse (10/25): Keep your phone on airplane mode
  • Other Key Dates:10/1, 10/2, 10/12, 10/28, 10/30

Libra season is always your most social time of year, but this one feels especially romantic and playful. The party invitations you receive this month aren’t just social obligations, but inspiring opportunities. You’re even enjoying your coworkers for once! The full moon in Aries on the 9th is a particularly creative and romantic night for you so be sure to treat yourself. Once Scorpio season begins on the 23rd, life begins to feel a bit more hectic, and you may find yourself choosing to remain at a remove. The solar eclipse on the 25th is a moment to let go of something that’s far beyond your control. Then on the 30th, Mars stations retrograde in your relationship sector. Through January 2023, your energy should be focused on building partnerships that are as strong as your thriving community.

Sagittarius Love Horoscope

The full moon in Aries on the 9th brings a lovely romantic evening for you. But don’t think this month is all fun and no work. As Mars stations retrograde on the 30th, you’re suddenly rethinking some romantic commitments you’ve made. If you’ve been avoiding a difficult conversation, the end of the month is when things come to a head.

Sagittarius Money Horoscope

Transformational Pluto stations direct in your money sector on the 8th bringing some financial stress that’s been on the backburner since the spring to your attention. As anxiety inducing as this moment is, it could also be empowering. What if you gathered your courage and asked for a raise?

A cheeky image of a woman of color with dark hair holding a pink goat by the horns. The background is pink and her shirt is darker pink.


(December 22 - January 19)

October 2022 Overview

  • Full Moon (10/9): A low-key housewarming party becomes a rager
  • Solar Eclipse (10/25): A messy night out with friends or coworkers
  • Other Key Dates: 10/1, 10/8, 10/10, 10/11, 10/12, 10/14, 10/22, 10/23

The first few weeks of October find you very focused on your career and public image. Trust that even if you don’t feel accomplished, that everyone around you is noticing your extraordinary efforts. The full moon in Aries on the 9th falls in your home and privacy sector and is a great moment to celebrate your achievements with the people who really know you. Who needs an awards ceremony when you can enjoy a delicious home-cooked meal and your favorite feel-good movie with your love? Once Scorpio season begins on the 23rd, things get much more tumultuous, and the solar eclipse on the 25th could bring shakeups in your friend group or at your workplace. Then on the 30th, Mars stations retrograde in your daily grind sector. Until January 2023, you’re going to be re-strategizing your workflow and obligations. Time to take a few things off your plate.

Capricorn Love Horoscope

The full moon in Aries on the 9th is a lovely one to spend at home with your lover without a care in the world. If you’re single, this month could be a challenging time to meet someone special. Though the solar eclipse on the 25th could spark an unexpected romantic connection with someone in your friend group.

Capricorn Money Horoscope

This month’s career and public image breakthroughs could come with a pay increase  if you’re willing to advocate for yourself. As Saturn stations direct on the 23rd, you release some tension you’ve been holding in your mind and body around finances since the spring.

Cheeky image of a Black woman with blue hair on a light blue background. She's holding blue water in her palms, which is bubbling up and taking shape as her hair.


(January 20 - February 18)

October 2022 Overview

  • Full Moon (10/9): Get the bouncy castle for your kids’ birthday party!
  • Solar Eclipse (10/25): Interview for your dream job
  • Other Key Dates: 10/11, 10/23, 10/29

Libra season is always your optimal time for travel and study, but this year more than ever, you’re meant to take advantage of every opportunity there is to learn. If you aren’t sure where to start, this is a great time to find a mentor or teacher. At the full moon in Aries on the 9th, you boldly initiate a conversation that shifts your perspective for the better! Once Scorpio season begins on the 23rd, life gets quite intense both at work and in your private life. The solar eclipse on the 25th marks a sudden shift in your career that may leave you with more responsibility than you previously thought you could handle. Then on the 30th, Mars stations retrograde in the part of your chart that deals with romance, creativity and children. Through January 2023, you’re meant to figure out how to spend more time dedicated to your own desires and creations.

Aquarius Love Horoscope

If you’re single, this month is a difficult one to meet someone new, at least in your usual haunts around town. But as Venus meets the sun on the 22nd, you could meet someone special in class or on a trip. Connect with someone who’s also excited to learn!

Aquarius Money Horoscope

Jupiter returns to Pisces and your finance sector on the 28th which is great news for your bank account. Part of the equation is building up your savings though. Just because you’re earning more doesn’t mean you have to spend it all.

Cheeky illustration of a gender-fluid white person with short-cropped orange hair. They're wearing a light blue halter top as two bright pink koi fish circle their head.


(February 19 - March 20)

October 2022 Overview

  • Full Moon (10/9): Treat yourself!
  • Solar Eclipse (10/25):  Sudden urge to drop everything and go to grad school
  • Other Key Dates: 10/1, 10/2, 10/12, 10/28, 10/30

Libra season is always an intense time of year for you, Pisces. For the first few weeks of the month, you’re sitting with the weight of both your emotional and financial debts. While everyone else is apple picking, you’re applying for a home loan, starting couple’s therapy, or unearthing yet another family secret. As Venus meets the sun on the 22nd, you’re ready to purge all of the collaborations and shared resources that are no longer working so you can focus on what actually supports your goals. Once Scorpio season begins on the 23rd, you’re more ready than others to face the challenges of this part of the year. The solar eclipse on the 25th could bring a fated encounter with a mentor or teacher that helps you clarify your dreams. Then on the 30th, Mars stations retrograde in your home and family sector. Through January 2023, you’re meant to focus your energy on your private life. What people and places make you feel like you belong?

Pisces Love Horoscope

As Mercury stations direct in your relationship sector on the 2nd, you’re finally able to get on the same page with your partner about how to move ahead in the relationship. Once Mercury moves into Libra on the 10th, a breakthrough in couple’s therapy brings much relief.

Pisces Money Horoscope

The full moon in Aries on the 9th brings a boon to your money sector. Not only are you getting a raise at work, you’re also building more confidence in yourself. Now that you’re more comfortable financially, how can you share the wealth with others?

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can subscribe to her newsletter for more musings on the stars.

Jaime Wright Astrologer PureWow e1723737740541


  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast