Welcome to May! Spring is here and Taurus season is in full bloom with the Sun, Venus and Jupiter all hanging out in the fixed earth sign. Taurus energy is calm and reliable, sensuous and patient. Simple pleasures are a welcome salve after the crisis and tumult that was April, but the slow burn of it all brings frustration. Now that everything feels better, shouldn’t it all be working out?! Patience isn’t easy, but it’s required, especially once Mercury finally leaves hotheaded Aries (where it’s been since mid-March!) and joins the picnic in Taurus on the 15th making slow, deliberate communication the norm. Watch out for a tendency toward perfectionism and rumination under this influence.
The New Moon in Taurus on the 7th is for grounding rituals and intention setting. I’m planning on grabbing some fresh flowers and making a charcuterie board myself, and encourage you to do the same, maybe with a nice glass of natural wine? Or a phony Negroni if that’s more your style.
Circle the 18th in your calendar for hot dates and good news. Romantic plot twists and serendipitous delights arrive this day as Venus collides with shocking Uranus just as the Sun meets up with Jupiter (an aspect thought of as the “luckiest day of the year”). Another day to highlight is the 23rd, the day of the Full Moon in Sagittarius, happening at the same time as Venus kisses Jupiter in the final degree of Taurus. Sweetness, wish fulfillment and a little bit of mischief are something to look forward to.
Gemini season kicks off on the 20th and we quickly swerve off the country road and onto the superhighway. Venus moves into Gemini on the 23rd and Jupiter joins the party on the 25th. Get ready for deep philosophical insights alongside galaxy brain nonsense. Despite all the frenetic energy, there’s something glamorous about the way the month ends though. Think Don Draper in Mad Men (famously a Gemini), completely unprepared for the pitch meeting yet knocking it out of the park anyway. Everything clicking all at once.