
Your Monthly Horoscopes: August 2023

Zendaya from Dune surrounded by atmospheric blue illustrations.

Happy Leo season! August begins with a full moon in open-minded Aquarius on the 1st. This full moon is about breaking free from what you’re “supposed to do” and taking the road less traveled.

Venus went retrograde on July 22nd kicking off our cosmic summer vacation. By the end of the month, seven planets will be retrograde, meaning that this time of year is meant for review. This heart-centered time reaches a breakthrough moment on the 13th when Venus meets the sun. This aspect brings clarity around love, art and beauty, and these revelations help us set intentions around desire at the new moon in Leo on the 16th.

Virgo season begins on the 23rd. Happy birthday to our favorite unfailing mutable earth signs who share a season with luminaries like Jack Black, Zendaya and Queen Bey herself. Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo on the same day (through September 15th) leaving us no excuse not to slow down and review.

Mars leaves practical Virgo for balanced Libra on the 27th—some might find this energy soothing while others find it passive aggressive. The first test comes on the 28th when Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus asking us to reckon with all the change we’ve experienced since January.
The month ends with another full moon on the 30th, this time in compassionate Pisces. Though Pisces full moons are usually a moment to take a break from reality, this one is exactly conjunct boundary enforcing Saturn making us very aware of our limitations.

Cheeky illustrations of a girl of color in a purple shirt and overalls with a baby ram over her shoulders. She is smiling and so is the ram. The overall color is purple—purple background, pink ram with purple horns and the girls is wearing a purple shirt. Her hair is in a messy bun.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

August 2023 Overview

  • Full Moon in Aquarius (8/1): Raucous happy hour with coworkers!
  • New Moon in Leo (8/16): Unexpectedly successful first date
  • Full Moon in Pisces (8/30): Do Not Disturb Mode

You didn’t get tickets to the Renaissance Tour but your Beyoncé-centric running playlist has you wanting to work out everyday. Whether you’re weight lifting, committing to 30 consecutive days of hot yoga, or finally figuring out what CrossFit actually is, take it slow because overdoing it leads to major burnout. If you’re decidedly not on a fitness journey, you might feel the same drive around a job search, work project or bringing a new pet into the family. Whatever the challenge is, you’ll either push your limits or become very aware of them around the 22nd. The reward of a job well done won’t feel as sweet if you’re too tired to celebrate.

Love Horoscope

Venus is retrograde in your dating sector which means your exes are coming out of the woodwork. Though these might feel like fated encounters, sometimes even fate is meant to be fleeting. Think of it less as a reconciliation and more as an opportunity to sit with your desires and figure out what it is you really want.

Money Horoscope

Your fitness journey—or job search or pack of foster puppies—isn’t just affecting your schedule, it’s also shifting your budget. You want all the stuff that comes along with this new project, but with Venus retrograde it’s better to reuse or recycle what you already have.

Cheeky illustration of a young non-binary person petting a bull.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

August 2023 Overview

  • Full Moon in Aquarius (8/1): Nerve-wracking performance review
  • New Moon in Leo (8/16): Intimate housewarming party
  • Full Moon in Pisces (8/30): Productive networking opportunity

Your ruling planet Venus is retrograde all month and tbh, so are you. With Venus retracing her steps through the most private part of your chart, this is your time for deep rest and work behind the scenes, a rebirthing process if you will. Whether you’re in the midst of relocating, digging deep into your ancestry or just getting more in touch with the natural world, this journey also affects your confidence and self image. As Uranus stations retrograde in your sign on the 28th, take a moment to pause and process how much has changed since this time last year.

Love Horoscope

If you’re single, you might be putting extra effort into trying to meet someone new this month: refreshing your app profiles and flirting extra hard at all those Leo birthday parties. With Venus retrograde, remember to take things slow and know that you might have to go back and complete some skipped steps further down the line.

Money Horoscope

Spending extra time alone and at home this month means you’re probably cleaning out your closets. Let’s face the truth: you’re never going back to those hobbies. You don’t need that DJ equipment or those cute pickleball outfits. Why not sell these hidden gems for some extra cash?

Cheeky illustration of identical twins with long dark hair and a statement earrings back-to-back, smirking at each other.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

August 2023 Overview

  • Full Moon in Aquarius (8/1): Glowing review from a teacher or mentor
  • New Moon in Leo (8/16): Coffee shop date with bestie
  • Full Moon in Pisces (8/30): Level up in your career

After a very busy June and July spent upgrading your wardrobe, visiting friends and spending lots of money you don’t have, you’re ready to spend more time at home. Though at first you feel a severe case of FOMO about what you’re missing out on, by the 9th, you’re content to be disconnected and offline. If you end up starting any home improvement projects while you’re grounded, just know you might have to revise or revisit them after Mercury stations retrograde on the 23rd. Through early October, you’re going to be in a homebody era! Enjoy that peace and quiet while it lasts.

Love Horoscope

Whether you’re in a long distance relationship or just dealing with having a completely different schedule from your partner, you’re finally able to slow down and spend more time together this month, especially around the 9th. If you’re single, you could connect with someone through an app or who lives in a different city.

Money Horoscope

You’re being asked to step up to the plate this month both at home and at work. The full moon in Pisces on the 30th brings a culmination for your career. If you need a raise, ask for one. Just be ready to go to the bargaining table for it.

680x400 Cancer@2x

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

August 2023 Overview

  • Full Moon in Aquarius (8/1): Invoices must get paid
  • New Moon in Leo (8/16): Clean out the closet
  • Full Moon in Pisces (8/30): Satisfying yoga or breathwork class

The full moon in Aquarius on the 1st stirs up big feelings around money and mortality for you as it falls in your house of debts and loss. Venus retrograde already has you reconsidering how to earn more and what you really need, and after this full moon, you might want to add a financial advisor or new therapist to the list. Things turn around after the new moon in Leo on the 16th which gives you some creative insights about how to gain friends and influence people. You’ll spend the second half of the month building up to a moment of recognition as a teacher or mentor at the full moon in Pisces on the 30th.

Love Horoscope

Your partner has been making some big life changes this year: shifting careers, going back to school or adjusting to a new schedule. July was a particularly busy month for them and now they just want to relax. What adventures would you like to plan together?

Money Horoscope

Venus is retrograde in your money sector making this month the perfect time to review and revise your budgets and spending habits. Don’t keep this process to yourself as sharing with friends and family could bring unexpected insights.

Cheeky illustration of a woman of Asian-descent wearing a sheer coral top with her hair half-up in pigtail puns, the rest down. She is hugging a lion, who is smirking.

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)

August 2023 Overview

  • Full Moon in Aquarius (8/1): “What are we?” conversation
  • New Moon in Leo (8/16): New moon, new you (Retrograde’s version)
  • Full Moon in Pisces (8/30): You’re left with the check at the group dinner

Happy solar return, Leo! We begin the month in your season which means that all eyes are on you (just the way you like it!) But with Venus now retrograde in your sign as well, you might be surprised by who you see in the mirror: bleaching your hair, changing your style and maybe even trying a new personality are all on the table this month. This is your moment to experiment, and by the time Venus meets the sun on the 13th, you’ll know which direction your style is going. As your image changes, you’re also considering alternate career paths and cultivating your skills. Keep your heart open!

Love Horoscope

There’s a full moon in your partnership sector on the 1st: a culmination for an important relationship. Things may get tense between the two of you later in the month, especially if you’re dealing with some money issues. Remember: it’s better to agree to disagree than to dig in your heels.

Money Horoscope

With overheated Mars in your money sector for most of the month, you’re on a spending spree and feel like cash is slipping through your fingers. The full moon in Pisces on the 30th is a reality check around the debt you’ve been racking up over the past few months. How can you get back on track?

Cheeky illustration with a light blue background of a woman wearing a coral shirt coyly poking out from behind her hands.

Virgo (August 23 - September 23)

August 2023 Overview

  • Full Moon in Aquarius (8/1): Busiest day of the year
  • New Moon in Leo (8/16): Day 1 of a meditation app
  • Full Moon in Pisces (8/30): Next-level commitment

August is for self-care, and you’re not just doing your extended skincare routine, you’re also working on your mental health. Venus retrograde in your unconscious sector has you seeking out therapy, practicing meditation and committing to a full-on digital detox. You’re also feeling extra creative and expressive with your ruling planet Mercury in your own sign. Though you mostly want to stay off the grid, you’re also connecting with friends and lovers over shared spiritual pursuits, education and travel. Your season begins on the 23rd—happy solar return to you!—and Mercurys stations retrograde on the same day. Know that you don’t have to rush through any part of the process as there will be plenty of time to review.

Love Horoscope

Both you and your partner are focused on self development and expanding your mind this month. It’s great to work on these things together but make sure you’re also taking personal space. If you’re single, you might meet someone in a class or while on a trip who you really connect with.

Money Horoscope

With Venus retrograde, you need to be extra careful about spending money this month. With Venus in your unconscious sector, it’s easier than usual to swipe your credit card without thinking. Stick to your budget and all should be OK!

680x400 Libra@2x

Libra (September 23 - October 21)

August 2023 Overview

  • Full Moon in Aquarius (8/1): A really hot date
  • New Moon in Leo (8/16): Amazing job interview
  • Full Moon in Pisces (8/30): Last day with your old responsibilities

Your ruling planet Venus is retrograde and so are you. You’re making friends, connecting with the community and cultivating an audience while also going through a rebirthing process. It’s time to make like a pop star on Instagram and go dark for a few weeks before emerging to announce your latest album. The peak of this process comes on the 13th when you have a breakthrough about the final missing piece of art direction, and then drop your teaser trailer at the new moon in Leo on the 16th. You can go on retreat once Virgo season begins on the 23rd.

Love Horoscope

Though the full moon on the 1st highlights your dating sector, whether you’re single or partnered, you might feel a bit disconnected from relationships this month. Whether your boyfriend is abroad or your Hinge dates keep canceling, your energy is better spent on making new friends. That being said, you might meet someone this month who comes back around later this year.

Money Horoscope

This is a month for keeping your budgets tight. Money slips through your fingers if you aren’t careful as Mars (your money planet) travels through your unconscious sector until the 27th. That being said, you might also get lucky with grants, loans or other people’s generosity if you’re willing to ask.

680x400 Scorpio@2x

Scorpio (October 22 - November 21)

August 2023 Overview

  • Full Moon in Aquarius (8/1): Why not have a yard sale?
  • New Moon in Leo (8/16): First day in your new position
  • Full Moon in Pisces (8/30): Casual date gets serious

You are the queen of socializing this month. Between coworker happy hours, Leo birthday parties and local volunteering, your schedule is jam-packed. This comes at a good time because you’re feeling more frustrated than ever with your home or work situation. Some good old-fashioned networking is what’s going to reveal your next pivot. Everyone has an offer for you this month, but be sure to take time and consider whether each one is actually a good fit. Do you need a fancy job or expensive apartment? Or do you just need more stability?

Love Horoscope

Venus retrograde in your public image sector has you reconsidering how you want to present your relationship to the public. Maybe you were too quick to make things official or maybe it’s time to go ahead and push for that “boyfriend/girlfriend” label. Whatever you decide, know that you can always reconfigure. Relationships are meant to flow and change.

Money Horoscope

A lot is in flux as far as your career this month. Contracts are being negotiated as lucrative business partnerships start to grow. The new moon on the 16th brings a chance to set new career and leadership goals. Where do you want to be six months from now?

Cheeky illustration of a Black woman with purple hair on an orange background. She's in a wearing jean jacket, with a quiver strapped across her back and arrows sticking out.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

August 2023 Overview

  • Full Moon in Aquarius (8/1): Drama in the group chat
  • New Moon in Leo (8/16): Level 1 of a new language on Duolingo
  • Full Moon in Pisces (8/30): Finally put together that Ikea furniture

The past few months have brought rapid growth and progress at work and in your daily routine. The days have been jam-packed and there’s also been plenty of drama with coworkers and difficulty with bureaucracy. As everyone goes on literal and figurative summer vacation, you finally get to slow down and take stock of what’s transpired. You’re always philosophizing but Venus retrograde this month has you hungry to teach and mentor in an official way. The only thing stopping you from sharing your wisdom is not making the time to do so. With a lighter schedule this month, make sure you’re carving out time to study and connect with friends and teachers who inspire you. Once Virgo season begins on the 23rd, it’s your time in the spotlight.

Love Horoscope

Both you and your partner are caught up in work and managing your schedule this month but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make time for each other. If you’re single, there are many opportunities to connect with your next relationship through friends, coworkers and at public events.

Money Horoscope

The full moon in Pisces on the 30th marks a culmination for your home and family. Whether you’re moving into a new apartment, renovating your kitchen or helping your parents out of town, you’re spending extra money to make yourself comfortable this month. Higher quality is worth the splurge.

A cheeky image of a woman of color with dark hair holding a pink goat by the horns. The background is pink and her shirt is darker pink.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

August 2023 Overview

  • Full Moon in Aquarius (8/1): Shopping spree
  • New Moon in Leo (8/16): Apply for a new credit card
  • Full Moon in Pisces (8/30): Road trip to visit your big sister

After feeling stuck in place since mid-June, you get back into the groove this month as you dig into the past for inspiration. It’s not that you’re on a nostalgia bender, but rather you’re reviewing the situation. You’re learning how to balance your long term goals and short term plans as well as developing skills that will improve both your work and home life. This is a great time to sign up for a class, dig into your summer reading or take a quick trip out of town. The full moon on the 30th has you taking the lead on a community project and making yourself known. Step up to the responsibility!

Love Horoscope

With Venus retrograde in your shared resources sector, you’re very tapped into relational power dynamics. This isn’t the time to acquiesce to someone else’s needs just to avoid a fight. Stick up for what you want! What waits on the other side is even greater intimacy.

Money Horoscope

The full moon on the 1st is a check-in point for the money goals you set at the top of the year. Whether you’re way ahead of the game or deep in the red, the new moon in Leo on the 16th allows you to set intentions around settling debts and improving your cash flow.

Cheeky image of a Black woman with blue hair on a light blue background. She's holding blue water in her palms, which is bubbling up and taking shape as her hair.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

August 2023 Overview

  • Full Moon in Aquarius (8/1): Overwhelming but affirming day in the spotlight
  • New Moon in Leo (8/16): Renew a contract
  • Full Moon in Pisces (8/30): Delicious meal on a budget

The month begins with a full moon in your sign on the 1st. The spotlight is on you! For the past few months, you’ve felt like everything is moving at a snail’s pace—especially when it comes to earning money and building resources—but now you’re able to get back in a flow. Seeking out alternative forms of income whether that’s freelancing, side gigs or picking up extra shifts at your day job helps you pay off the debt that’s been holding you back. You may also find opportunities for grants and loans to make your goals possible. The full moon in Pisces on the 30th highlights how far you’ve come in getting serious about your money.

Love Horoscope

Venus is retrograde in your partnership sector all month bringing some relationships from the past back into focus. Whether you’re seeing your ex in the flesh or just reviewing the files to understand what went wrong, the point is to find more clarity about connections that will support you in the present. Dig deep and release what needs to be let go.

Money Horoscope

As already mentioned, money is a big focus for you this month. Both what you have and what you owe. Once Mercury goes retrograde on the 23rd you may be forced to backtrack on those loan agreements and payment plans so make sure you read the fine print before signing on the dotted line.

Cheeky illustration of a gender-fluid white person with short-cropped orange hair. They're wearing a light blue halter top as two bright pink koi fish circle their head.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

August 2023 Overview

  • Full Moon in Aquarius (8/1): Do Not Disturb Mode
  • New Moon in Leo (8/16): First day at a new office
  • Full Moon in Pisces (8/30): Treat yourself to a mani/pedi and acupuncture

After a few months of constant travel, socializing and/or taking classes, you’re finally slowing down this month. You have less road trips and community events on the schedule so now you can make time to just vibe at home with your partner and close friends. Venus retrograde is bringing some chaos to your day job and daily routine so make sure you’re also taking time to treat yourself. This is the month for dinner parties, park picnics and mocktail happy hours. The month ends with a full moon in your sign marking a big moment for your health, identity and image. It’s about time everyone took you seriously.

Love Horoscope

Both passion and conflict come to the forefront in August as inflammatory Mars spends almost the entire month in your partnership sector. Virgo season begins on the 23rd and Mercury retrograde kicks off on the same day encouraging you to take a step back and revise relationship patterns.

Money Horoscope

All is steady on the money front until Mars goes into Libra and your shared resources sector on the 27th. This transit only happens once every two years bringing some frustration to your cash flow and forcing you to get creative. The last time this happened was September and October 2021—what were you working through then?

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. Subscribe to her newsletter for more astrological musings.

Jaime Wright Astrologer PureWow e1723737740541


  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast