Welcome to Pisces season! Things get emo on the 18th as the sun and moon both enter water signs, breaking up the pile-up of overthinking, philosophical planets in Aquarius. Under these skies, we can both identify the problem and find compassionate solutions, especially once Mercury enters poetic Pisces on the 23rd. Romantic visions and idealism are definitely leading the way, but the full moon in Virgo on the 24th also illuminates practical next steps.
This week is also big for relationships which reach a passionate climax or boiling point on the 22nd when Venus meets Mars. The last time these two relational planets met up was March 6, 2022. Are there any connections that began back then that you’re ready to let go of now?
(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)