Deadly Illusions follows a successful novelist named Mary Morrison (Davis), who struggles to get over her writer's block. She enlists the help of a seemingly innocent nanny, Grace (Greer Grammer), to take care of her two kids. But as Mary becomes engrossed in her new novel, she finds it more difficult to distinguish what's real from what's not.
The film also stars Dermot Mulroney as Mary's husband, Tom Morrison, Shanola Hampton as Elaine and Melissa Chambers as Aunt Lotty.
When Deadly Illusions was still in development, PureWow had a chance to sit down with Davis, who shared a few behind-the-scenes deets about the mind-bending thriller. The Sex and the City actress revealed that the movie was completed before the pandemic, calling it "miraculous timing." She also said that the filming process took less than three weeks. She told us, "It was an indie we shot in 17 days. It’s myself and Dermot Mulroney, who I love passionately.”
The actress also said there was also some back-and-forth regarding the film's name, adding, "I don’t know what they’re going to call it because they’ve already changed the title three times." Thankfully, they settled for Deadly Illusions.
Buckle up, because you're in for a wild ride with this one.
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