Do you need a nap? This week starts off in a void that began around the 22nd, and persisted through last week’s illuminating (but also exhausting) full moon in Virgo. Mars squares Jupiter on the 27th, an aspect that usually speaks to going all in or taking a risk, but right now, might mean you’re just taking a break harder. Watch for building tensions and frustrations as the two planets line up.
All this waiting finally makes sense on the 28th when the sun meets up with both Saturn and Mercury for a rare triple conjunction. This is a day of poetic clarity and assurance that the choices you’ve made, however strange, are working out the way they’re supposed to. Both the sun and Mercury connect with optimistic and grounded Jupiter in Taurus on the 29th and the 1st, as if to say, “You got this.”
(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)