
Meghan Markle Was Clearly Prince Harry’s ‘Rock’ at the Invictus Games, According to a Body Language Expert

This past weekend, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle traveled to the Netherlands for the 2022 Invictus Games, where their love was on full display—so much so that they even shared a rare public kiss on stage at the opening ceremony.

And while Markle may be jetting back to the U.S. to be with her kids, we just got an insight from body language expert Darren Stanton (courtesy of Betfair Casino), who offered his interpretation to PureWow of Prince Harry and Markle's interactions at the Invictus Games. Stanton observed that, “On his arrival to the Invictus Games, Prince Harry’s happiness was undeniable.” He added, “Pictured alongside Meghan as they made their way past the crowd, Harry seemed completely at home, his body language was relaxed, with open palms and an engaged smile.”

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Samir Hussein/Getty Images

Stanton further elaborated on the ways in which the Duchess of Sussex acts as her husband's pillar of strength, saying, “A nice moment between Harry and Meghan was caught in video footage, where they took their seats ahead of the games. Here, Harry appeared to be a little nervous and displayed a level of anxiety as well as looking slightly emotional. Meghan sweetly took his hand as if to reassure him and to offer her support in a non-verbal way.”

We've seen Prince Harry talk openly about his anxiety in various interviews, and Stanton added, “It’s clear that even though Harry is known as a royal he still has moments where he shows anxiety or lacks confidence and in those moments he looks to Meghan to be his rock. She clearly gives him a great degree of confidence and self-esteem.”

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Chris Jackson/Getty Images

Stanton also noted genuine emotion from both of the royals. He said, “There was a moment where Meghan was seen with her hand on her heart while interacting with the crowds as she walked past. Such a gesture is generally reserved for when we are deeply touched or moved, suggesting Meghan was showing genuine gratitude for the crowd’s response to her.” Meanwhile, Prince Harry seemed legitimately happy, which Stanton detected, saying, “There’s a great shot of him with his hand and arm extended, finger pointing in the crowd’s direction in a similar way a rock star or famous actor would do so. He is clearly loving the adulation and admiration of the crowd and as a result Harry is expressing a sincere happiness that cannot be faked.”

Their love just continues to grow stronger.

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Associate Editor, News and Entertainment

Joel is the former Associate Editor for News & Entertainment and has been reporting on all things pop culture for over 5 years. Before working at PureWow, he served as a...