When Prince Harry and Meghan Markle tied the knot back in 2018, it was quite the star-studded event, with celebs like George Clooney, Victoria Beckham, Serena Williams and more attending the royal nuptials. Meanwhile, Luther star Idris Elba ended up DJ'ing for the couple, and he previously explained how he got the gig to Ellen DeGeneres, saying, “So Harry and I have hung out a couple of times through his dad’s charity—The Prince’s Trust—which really helped me out as a young actor...I met Harry and William a few times, and Harry came to a couple of parties that I DJed, and he was like, ‘Hey, man, what are you doing on [May 19]? Would you DJ at my wedding’”
And the rest was history. But now, Elba brought up the royal wedding gig once again while co-hosting BBC Radio 1Xtra’s Rap Show with Tiffany Calver. During his appearance on the show, Elba revealed that there was one song Markle really wanted on the wedding playlist: “Still D.R.E.” by Dr. Dre.