We know, we know: New Year’s resolutions are cheesy, played-out and made to be broken. But still, there’s something appealing about giving yourself a fresh start, especially when it comes to the place where you spend the most time. As you head into 2022, here are three New Year’s resolutions every homeowner should consider making.
3 New Year’s Resolutions All Homeowners Should Make

1. I'll Decide Whether To Refinance By The End Of January
If you’ve been thinking about taking advantage of lower interest rates, you should commit to doing the math and determining whether it makes sense for you ASAP. As inflation causes the cost of everything to go up, mortgage rates are expected to start creeping upward too. By the end of next year, they’ll likely hit around 3.6 percent, according to Realtor.com—up nearly a full percentage point from January 2021. To get a sense of the current refinancing rates, the costs you’d incur (typically about 2 to 5 percent of the principal of the loan) and what your new mortgage payment would look like, try Bankrate’s refinancing calculator, which is updated daily.
And if you need to put a deadline in your Google calendar to ensure you actually set aside the time to think this through, how about January 19, aka the day most people quit their New Year’s resolutions? It’s a quick win that could pay off for years to come.
2. i Will *finally* Upgrade My Thermostat
You’ve been talking about switching to a smart thermostat for years, but it seems like a hassle. Well, we’re here to tell you it’s worth it: Most new models can be swapped out in minutes, and it could save you anywhere from $50 to $145 a year in reduced energy bills. (So basically, it’ll pay for itself in 2022.) Our editors rave about Nest’s simplicity, ease of install and ability to “learn” what temperature range you like throughout the day, so you’re not constantly adjusting the dial every time a draft hits.

3. i’ll Stop Pinning, Start Doing
Admit it: You have 2,361 pins saved to your Pinterest boards, and you've made exactly...zero of them. (OK, maybe you tried that baked feta pasta.) This year, challenge yourself to choose one low-lift upgrade and make it happen. Loving the pale green trend? Paint those walls. Really digging the Newstalgia look? Start small with an entryway or bookshelf refresh, mixing in items from your attic (after all, the aesthetic is based on making the nostalgia-inducing feel fresh). Swap out your shower head for the rainfall style you've been dreaming of. You own the house; you make the rules.