Get ready for an action-packed week. It begins with the sun finishing up its time in sensitive water sign Pisces, conjoining illusory Neptune on the 17th and getting us all wrapped up in a fantasy. Then Mercury in Aries conjoins the North Node just as it enters its retrograde shadow on the 18th. Watch out for people high on their own supply and making promises they can’t keep. Whatever conflicts/concerns/big feelings that are coming up now are going to come back later in the spring so make sure you’re taking notes (though their recurrence will probably be too loud to miss anyway).
The spring equinox is on the 19th. Welcome to Aries season and the astrological new year! One of the best things about following astrology is all the bonus holidays, and this one is great to refocus and initiate. Then on the 21st, Venus conjoins Saturn—a day that solidifies our dreamiest romantic or creative visions.
The whirlwind week ends with action planet Mars joining Venus in Pisces on the 22nd. (Side note: Happy birthday, Reese Witherspoon!) Some might call Mars in Pisces meek, but that fish can be a piranha. For the next several weeks, we’re going to be facing conflict with cutthroat compassion.
(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)