We’ve made it to the final full week of 2020 and we’re picking up just where last week left off. The change keeps coming, so hang on tight! On the 20th, Mercury, freshly out of the heart of the sun, moves into pragmatic Capricorn and gives our communications a groundedness that’s been missing since late September. The winter solstice arrives on the 21st as the sun moves into Capricorn, the sign of wise sweethearts who always get things done—like Dolly Parton and Timothée Chalamet. Happy birthday to our sea goats!
Beyond just the solstice and beginning of Capricorn season, the 21st is also a day that has been circled in astrologers’—and astronomers’—calendars for years. It marks the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, a cultural reset that only happens once every 20 years. Jupiter is the zeitgeist and Saturn is the structure of society. The last time this monumental happening occurred was just after Y2K. This conjunction also resets a 200-year elemental period. We are moving from an earth age that saw us mining the land for natural resources and into an air age that will see us diving into the depths of social connection and technology. Simply put, the Zoom meetings are not going away but as a tradeoff, things are not going to be as literally or metaphorically heavy. Look to the western horizon just after sunset on the day of to catch a glimpse of this bright, remarkable omen.
The week closes out with the final harsh square between aggressive Mars and Pluto, which resolves a power struggle we’ve been caught in since August 13th. Then on the 25th, the moon is in Taurus, bringing comfort, delicious food and plenty of naps. Mercury trines innovative Uranus on the same day, helping us navigate all the technical issues of remote holiday celebrations with ease. Maybe opening presents over Zoom isn’t so bad after all? At the very least, it’s a challenge to think differently.
(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that will provide further insight.)