2022 is winding down and many of us can’t wait for it to be over. Though this year was one of unfettered growth, there were also plenty of upsets along the way. The good news is that, astrologically at least, there’s a vibe shift coming in early 2023 that sets us up for a whole new chapter. Sure, there will still be challenges, but they won’t be the same ones we’ve been dealing with for the last few years. To help you prepare for 2023, we created one-word mantras for each sign. Focus on your breath and repeat your mantra to get ready for the new year.
The One-Word Mantra Your Zodiac Sign Needs to Make the Most of 2023

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)
2023 is a year of major growth for both your image and your bank account. As your resources increase so will your self-confidence. After feeling a bit offline and separated from friends in 2022, you may wonder if you deserve this good fortune, but remember that you’re worthy of it all.

Taurus (Apr - May 20)
Get ready for your glow up, Taurus. You’ve put in so much hard work this year, and despite what you think, that effort has not gone unnoticed. 2023 is a time to remember that you aren’t defined by your success, but by the beautiful person you always are.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
After a trying last few months, 2023 is your year of rest and relaxation! Abundance planet Jupiter travels through your unconscious sector for most of the year giving you space to retreat and cultivate your private world!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Abundance planet Jupiter travels through your public image and community sectors for all of 2023 giving you the motivation and momentum you need to make your dreams come true. Miracles do happen, and they can happen to you!

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)
2023 brings relief for both your career and relationships. Things have felt both chaotic and restricted for the past year, but soon, you’ll have more freedom to connect and make an impact. No one keeps Leo in a corner and next year brings you all the accolades you deserve.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 23)
You’re always a hard worker but this past year has been a particular slog for you, Virgo. Thankfully 2023 is a year that will give you the freedom to explore. Whether you’re going back to school, traveling or diving into a spiritual practice, you’re cut loose and ready to fly!

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 21)
Expansive Jupiter will spend 2023 in your partnership and shared resources sectors reminding you how much you grow through collaborations and relationships. Though you’re also going to be working hard and focused on your health, you have so much support to get you through any hard times. Focus on what makes you feel big.

Scorpio (Oct 22- Nov 21)
2022 was a major year of recalibration for you, Scorpio. Your image and identity have gotten more sculpted and refined. Now you’re ready to connect with someone(s) who change your life for the better. Let 2023 be the year of love.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Growth planet Jupiter spends much of 2023 in your health and daily grind sector making it extra important that you take good care of your body and mind. If you’ve had trouble finding solutions for health issues, this is the year that you finally find treatment, management and/or a cure.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 10)
You’ve spent the last few years being careful with your resources and watching your spending carefully. Let 2023 be the year of doing things just for the fun of it again. The point isn’t to overindulge but to find your bliss.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
There’s been so much pressure on you this year to show up for everything and everyone. Thankfully 2023 lets you focus on the comforts of home and family. Success comes when you get back in touch with your roots and foundation.

Pisces (Feb 19 - March 20)
The last few years have left you feeling isolated or disconnected and 2023 is a year of getting back in touch. Whether you’re gossiping with friends or leading community projects, the goal is to bring people together.