
The 39 Best Bumble Prompts and How to Answer Them to Strategically Meet Your Match

You’ll be on a date before you know it

best bumble prompts: black woman hugs caucasian girlfriend
Mireya Acierto/Getty Images

The online dating world is vast, with a plethora of apps to choose from, including ultra-exclusive Raya and mainstream favorite Hinge. However, according to a study by Statista, one outranks them all when it comes to finding love: Bumble. The app, known for letting women make the first move, has since expanded into a networking platform for building both friendships and professional connections. But if you’re still interested in using Bumble for its original intent, you might be wondering how to go about answering all those Bumble prompts, of which there are over 40 to choose from. Here, I’ve rounded up 39 of the best Bumble prompts, plus example answers. So before you throw the towel completely on online dating, fill out that profile, pick your preferred zodiac sign to date (it’s Pisces, right?) and watch the notifications roll in—before you know it, you’ll be needing a spreadsheet to track all those dates.

How Do You Write a Good Bumble Prompt?

The best way to write a good Bumble prompt response is to be honest, specific and positive, according to experts. If you leave your profile generic (or worse, empty), you’re not giving dates enough information to work with so that they can start a conversation. So, focus on being clear about what you want (without being a negative nelly) and don’t be afraid to throw a little humor in there, too. After all, laughter is proven to help us relax. According to Logan Ury, a behavioral scientist, dating coach and author of How to Not Die Alone, the action lowers the stress hormone cortisol, enabling us to relax. “Laughter also creates a dopamine hit, activating our brain’s pleasure centers. It reinforces our behavior and makes us want to go back for more. All good things for a first date: more bonding, less stress and an improved chance of a second date.” When we feel at ease, we’re more comfortable sharing about ourselves and learning about others.

Similarly, you want to keep things positive, says Amie Leadingham, a Master Certified Relationship Coach who works with singles to help them gain clarity about what a good relationship looks like for them. That doesn’t mean you need to mask or pare down your expectations, but you’re probably better off writing, “be honest” in response to a prompt instead of “cheating on me like my ex did.”

Ultimately, dating coach and breakup mentor Lindsay O’Brien says you should always frame responses in terms of what you want—not what you don’t. Sharing the negatives gives the impression of relationship baggage, which isn’t attractive. So keep it fun, don’t be afraid to get (a little) vulnerable and get ready to have some fun conversations.

The Best Bumble Prompts and How to Answer Them

bumble prompts: perfect first date

1. Perfect First Date...

This Bumble prompt is a great way to let potential matches know what you’re expecting, so be specific. “Drinks” is not going to cut it. Instead, write out a little itinerary—it doesn’t have to be incredibly detailed, but it should give someone an idea of what you enjoy. Maybe it’s a picnic in a park. Perhaps you lean towards the classic dinner and a movie, or you love art museums, comedy clubs and bookstores.

What you can say:

  • Catching a flick (sci-fi or rom-com) followed by dinner at my favorite Italian restaurant in Los Angeles. If the sky is clear, we’d drive up to Griffith Park and have a little La La Land moment.
  • Picnic in Central Park and then a ride in a rowboat—you’re doing the rowing, of course. We’d top it off with ice cream and maybe a bookstore jaunt.
  • We’d eat our way through Smorgasburg in Brooklyn and then sit on the pier looking at the Manhattan skyline as the sun sets.
bumble prompts i get way too excited about

2. I Get Way too Excited About...

Behavioral scientist and author Logan Ury advises that a successful dating profile makes it easy for someone to start a conversation with you. Use this prompt to talk about something you’re passionate about. Restaurant openings, golf, Bluey, painting, opera, rock climbing, cooking, Paris, Marvel...whatever you can’t stop talking about goes right here. Don’t worry about appealing to the masses—the right person, who might also love these things (or just love how much you love them), will come.  

What you can say:

  • Paris in the springtime. I took a gap year there and love going every April to see the cherry blossoms, and one day I’d love to do a tour through Provence to see the lavender, too.
  • Rock climbing. I’m at the climbing gym at least twice a week and love going bouldering once a month with my club. If you haven’t seen Free Solo, you’re missing out.
  • Broadway shows. Every year, my dad and I spend a weekend in NYC marathoning every single musical we can get tickets for. I’ve seen Phantom of the Opera five times and yes, I’m crushed that it’s closing.
bumble prompts a pro and con of dating me

3. A Pro and Con of Dating Me...

Stay away from the “beige flags” here. Ury has previously explained that beige flags are clichés, and the whole goal here is to stand out. So be honest and own both your pros and cons, all while finding a way to keep it lighthearted. Debbie-downers aren’t good first impressions.

What you can say:

  • Pro: I’m a great baker, so you’ll always have fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies. Con: I’m definitely a planner and being spontaneous can be hard, but I’m working on embracing last-minute adventure.
  • Pro: I’m on the pulse of the restaurant scene and always have great recs. Con: I can’t stand the MCU. (But I’ll make an occasional concession.)
  • Pro: I’ll never ask you to TikTok dance with me. Con: I can be slow replying to texts—but I’m working on it!
bumble prompts: a non-negotiable...

4. A Non-Negotiable...

This Bumble prompt is important because it can be your deal breaker, however, avoid being super negative. We all have our icks, but as dating coach Lindsay O’Brien has told us, you don’t want to spiral on a list of things you don’t want, because it can imply emotional baggage. (That’s not a bad thing and a lot of us have it—it’s just not something you might want to spill in the “handshake” phase of dating.) Use this prompt to reveal qualities, values and even shared dreams/goals you’d like the person to have.

What you can say:

  • Great communicator.
  • You like and are conversational about art, books and travel.
  • You think living abroad for a few years sounds like an ultimate bucket-list adventure.
bumble prompts my real life super power is

5. My Real-Life Superpower Is...

This one can be a lighthearted icebreaker or a lean more serious. Whether it’s a quirky talent or your favorite quality about yourself, share it. Just, as noted above, stay away from the clichés.

What you can say:

  • Making conversation with strangers and putting them at ease.
  • Cooking for a crowd.
  • Somehow always managing to win the Broadway lottery.
bumble prompts after work you can find me

6. After Work You Can Find Me...

Here’s another Bumble prompt that can show not just your interests but how you spend your time. If you’re a budding cocktail connoisseur, maybe your future date will find you at the latest trendy opening in the city. If you love art, you might be taking advantage of museums’ free admissions nights before heading home. Tell potential matches how you want to spend your time, so you don’t waste time getting to know people who aren’t interested in those things.

What you can say:

  • Curled in bed with a book—I live for murder mysteries, Jane Austen and fantasy novels.
  • At a concert; I’m obsessed with alternative rock and country music.
  • Baking cookies while watching the latest season of The Bachelorette.
bumble prompts i promise i wont judge you if

7. I Promise I Won’t Judge You If...

Now is not quite the time to get serious with a heavy hitter, so use this prompt to get silly and show your sense of humor, while potentially revealing your own eccentricities in the process.

  • You totally trip over nothing on the sidewalk, because I do that at least three times a week.
  • You haven’t read Pride and Prejudice, as long as you promise to watch the Kiera Knightley version with me.
  • You have zero sense of direction. Me too.
bumble prompts favorite quality in a person

8. Favorite Quality in a Person...

Here’s a chance to cast a reel for the good traits you're looking for. Again, diving deep is key, so try to avoid things like “nice.” A lot of people and things are nice. Elaborate on what you want to see in a nice person.

What you can say:

  • The way he/she makes eye contact with the people they speak to, making them feel seen and heard.
  • Remembering important dates—birthdays, anniversaries—and celebrating them.
  • Prioritizing others’ needs first, while still having healthy boundaries.
bumble prompts im a great plus one because

9. I’m a Great Plus One Because...

A lot of your answers to Bumble prompts will be serious. This one is a chance to be less so. Flaunt your funnier side and tell them why taking you to a company party, wedding, family or other social event will be a good time.

What you can say:

  • I’ll totally stick by you if you’re the wallflower.
  • I can talk about literally any subject.
  • My dance moves can’t be beat.
bumble prompts a review from a friend

10. A Review from a Friend...

We want to know what other people think, so now’s the time to reel in a friend and have them give you a review. It’s always interesting to see how we are perceived by others, and as your profile is filled with prompts that you’ve answered from your own perspective, calling in a review will give potential matches a look into who you are that highlights qualities you may have glossed over.

What you can ask your friend to talk about:

  • Your personality traits that they like.
  • A favorite memory together.
  • Five reasons they would date you.
bumble prompts favorite quality in a person 1

11. My Favorite Quality in a Person...

Time to pull out your dream list of a person’s best qualities and...ask for them. (Gasp!) As dating coach Lindsay O’Brien has previously told PureWow, it pays to be clear up front so that the right people can find you. Just make sure to keep it positive, because listing the negatives (ex. Someone who doesn’t [insert quality here]) can suggest relationship baggage. “For example,” she says, “If you don’t want someone who is sarcastic or critical, you can say, ‘A sweet guy makes my heart melt.’”

What you can say:

  • A sense of humor.
  • Planner extraordinaire.
  • Thoughtfulness.
bumble prompts if i had an extra hour in the day i would

12. If I Had an Extra Hour in the Day, I Would…

An hour’s not much, but it’s something. This is one of the Bumble prompts you can use to share a hobby or insight into your personality type. (And maybe skip anything super serious, because honestly, who is *actually* achieving world peace in an hour?!)

What you can say:

  • Start my morning with a leisurely stroll.
  • Take a long lunch break. (Do as the French do.)
  • Head to the spa.
bumble prompts my childhood celebrity crush is

13. My Childhood Celebrity Crush Is…

Time to see if your potential matches are on the same pop culture page as you. Even if you think it’s cringe now, well, this is a good barometer of seeing if people will really take you as you are. And if we’re all being honest, who hasn’t crushed (ever so slightly) on Harry Styles in the One Direction days? Anyone who denies this is lying.

What you can say:

bumble prompts: if i could eat one meal for the rest of my life...

14. If I Could Eat One Meal for the Rest of My Life…

If you have super controversial opinions about, say, pineapple on pizza, ketchup on pasta or some other fiery food topic (like sriracha), now’s the time to stake your flag. Also a great opportunity to shout-out your favorite fast food chain, rave about a Michelin-starred dinner or unabashedly proclaim that you eat ice cream for supper. 

What you can say:

  • A pint of Häagen-Dazs matcha ice cream.
  • The entire menu at Via Carota. (IYKYK)
  • In-N-Out double double and animal-style fries.
bumble prompts the world would be a better place with more

15. The World Would Be a Better Place with More…

Feel free to lean silly or serious on this one. Maybe you wish that there were mandatory dachshunds at the corner of every street, or that the little free libraries in your neighborhood also dispensed soft-serve ice cream. Or, perhaps you want to see more compassion in the world. Either way, this question is one of the Bumble prompts that welcome a bit of introspection and show matches your thoughtful, contemplative side.  

What you can say:

  • Little free libraries—I love thrifting books and seeing the passages previous readers have highlighted.
  • Dachshunds. Have you ever felt sad while looking at a hot dog dog?
  • Butterflies in cities. The beautiful designs of their wings fill me with so much wonder.
bumble prompts my perfect sunday

16. My Perfect Sunday…

Here’s a chance to see if someone will match your freak—ahem, your habit of lying supine on the couch with a bowl of popcorn, covered in cookie crumbs and binging Big Little Lies. Alternately, if you spend Sundays running three miles through Central Park before a HIIT workout, you probably aren’t looking for someone doing the former. Use this prompt to showcase some of your interests that you’d want to share with a potential partner. Because while it’s important to have your own lives, you want to have activities you both love, too.

What you can say:

  • Starting my day with yoga followed by a pancake breakfast and walking my golden doodle.
  • Running five miles (training for a marathon), hitting my favorite brunch spot then binging the latest Netflix show.
  • Meeting with my book club (we read the classics), then spending the afternoon at a museum (no Modern art, please).
bumble prompts go to karaoke song

17. Go-To Karaoke Song Is…

Wow, you also spend every fall belting out “All Too Well” (10 Minute Version) (Taylor’s Version) at the karaoke bar? Me too. Kidding. (Not really.) Whether your pick is an easy karaoke song that brings down the house every time (we see you, “Since U Been Gone”) or a more obscure number with deep personal meaning (mine is personally “Gloria” by Umberto Tozzi), this is a low-stakes conversation starter that could totally lead to something more.

What you can say:

  • “Gloria” by Umberto Tozzi, because my friend played it as we drove through the lavender fields in Provence, and it makes me remember a really special summer.
  • “Love Story” by Taylor Swift because Fearless was my whole childhood.
  • “Vienna” by Billy Joel because it’s a great reminder to take life slowly.
bumble prompts: the person/thing that holds me most accountable is

18. The Person/Thing That Holds Me Most Accountable Is…

This is one of the more serious Bumble prompts—but not in a bad way. What holds us accountable in our lives can reveal a lot about our values. And in my experience, dating is about finding someone who shares your values. So don’t be afraid to go deep here. Because remember, if they don’t share your values, it’s probably not going to work out.

What you can say:

  •  My dad. We’re super close and he has always given me unconditional support, so making him proud is so important to me.
  • My best friend. She’s a little older than me and everything I aspire to be in the world: creative, kind, compassionate, seeing every day as a chance for something beautiful. When I’m having a rough day, I think about the way she lives and feel inspired to try and do the same.
  • Elizabeth Bennett from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. She’s the best reminder that life is best lived with spunk, stubbornness and love—tradition and societal pressures be damned.
bumble prompts: must see movie...

19. Must-See Movie…

Also, depending on who you are, a serious question. Are you a Charlie Chaplin, silent-film era diehard? Can you not get enough of Breakfast at Tiffany’s and Gentleman Prefer Blondes? Marvel ride-or-die, Wes Anderson acolyte, K-drama nerd? Taste in movies isn’t everything...but it does account for a lot.

What you can say:

  • The Darjeeling Limited. It’s a beautiful story about family, reconciliation and adventure—with Wes Anderson’s signature set design, costumes, color palette and story line.
  • Pride and Prejudice—2005 with Kiera Knightly, of course. Tell me something more romantic.
  • Psycho, because if all horror films were like this, then I’d totally be converted to the genre.
bumble prompts if i had three wishes id wish for

20. If I Had Three Wishes, I’d Wish for…

Yeah, a lot of people would wish for money or a fun car or a lifetime supply of chocolate—all good stuff—but I’d encourage you to get goofy and show your sense of humor here. Everyone wants the aforementioned goodies. Be unexpected! Subversive! Cheeky! The pond of fish is vast; stand out.

What you can say:

  • Sprinkles to rain on Friday.
  • An unlimited supply of French fries.
  • The ability to teleport to Paris whenever I want.
bumble prompts well get along if

21. We’ll Get Along If…

Time to reveal some of your quirkier habits, along with any non-negotiables. (All done in a playful, lighthearted manner, of course.) You can also keep this 100 percent unserious. (Who never fell for a pithy one-liner, anyways?)

What you can say:

  • You think red is a neutral color.
  • You also need 12 hugs per day.
  • You sing dad rock in the shower.
bumble prompts best travel story

22. Best Travel Story…

Time to flex your adventure muscles. Granted, there really isn’t a template for this one because it depends on, well, your travel experience. While this is often the time you hear, “I hitchhiked for three days through the rainforest and ended up just making my flight out of Rio,” a good travel story doesn’t have to be dramatic to pack a punch. It just has to mean something to you.

What you can say:

  • Meeting a cute, elderly French couple in Paris when they saw me taking pictures near the café where they always took their coffee. Four years later, we’re still in touch.
  • Took an overnight train through Scotland and pretended I was en route to Hogwarts.
  • Backpacked through Southeast Asia and ate fried tarantulas in Cambodia.
bumble prompts im most grateful for

23. I’m Most Grateful for…

You could make a joke here, but personally, I’m inclined to roll my eyes when it feels a little too overdrawn. I’d opt for something sincere but not too serious. Pets, parents, friends, a book that means a lot to you, a special encounter with somebody you admire.

What you can say:

  • My artist friends who encourage me to keep dreaming, because chasing dreams is hard.
  • My hamster, Pookie, who gives great cuddles at the end of a long day.
  • My sister, because she’s my best friend and we tell each other everything.
bumble prompts beach or mountains

24. Beach or Mountains?

As far as Bumble prompts go, this one is another easy, low-stakes ice breaker. But, it also gives you insight into what type of vacationer someone is, and that can be a deal breaker. Remember, the best response will extrapolate—why do you love the beach or the mountains, or find yourself unable to choose? Context will provide the conversation starter. 

What you can say:

  • The beach! I love the salty air, the smell of kelp, blue water, the crashing waves and a good tan.
  • Mountains—the rugged landscape of the redwood forests never ceases to fill me with wonder.
  • Both. I like the beach in the summertime, but prefer mountains (and foliage) in the fall.
bumble prompts: i'm a real nerd about...

25. I’m a Real Nerd About…

Put your interests and hobbies on display. Do you go to Zumba class five days a week? Are you learning Korean? Maybe you moonlight as a super Yelp reviewer or are a sommelier in training. You want someone who’s willing to engage with you about the things you’re incredibly passionate about—so what better way to gauge their interest than to see if they’ll strike up a conversation with you about them?

What you can say:

  • Jane Austen (I’ve read Pride and Prejudice 20 times).
  • Minions. (And all the Despicable Me movies in general.)
  • DC Comics (no Marvel over here).
bumble prompts: my hidden talent

26. My Hidden Talent…

Yes, I advised you to be honest and real about your inner nerd. Now, I’m giving you permission to goof off with your hidden talent. Now’s your time to shine if you are the person who can stuff eight Hostess doughnuts in your mouth, play the piano with your eyes closed, ride a unicycle while reciting the preamble to the constitution and make a mean tomato aspic.  

What you can say:

bumble prompts: my dream dinner guest

27. My Dream Dinner Guest…

Dead or alive, real or fictitious is up to you. This question is fun and games, but also reveals the type of people you like to spend your time with. Bohemian artists? Barrier-breaking scientists? Nobel laureates for literature or mathematics? An architect or an astronaut? They say you’re the sum of the five people you hang out with the most, so answer carefully—this’ll say a lot about you.

What you can say:

  • Kazuo Ishiguro. He won the Nobel Prize in literature in 2017, and his books contemplate, with novel and heartbreaking precision, the age-old question of what it means to be human.
  • Garfield, because I like lasagna and it’s on the menu.
  • Audrey Hepburn. Fashion icon, Oscar-winning actress, humanitarian. Need I say more?
bumble prompts: nightclub or netflix

28. Nightclub or Netflix?

Another cheeky question that clues you into someone’s lifestyle. Don’t fall for the idea that one is cooler than the other, and be honest here. Otherwise, you run the risk of matching with a date who wants to drag you to Studio 54 when all you want is a rerun of Emily in Paris, or you’ll be stuck on the couch when you’d actually rather be at a Taylor Swift-themed dance party in Brooklyn. 

What you can say:

  • Nightclub—but only if they’re playing 2000s hits.
  • Netflix—catch me under a blanket with three gallons of popcorn watching The Umbrella Academy.
  • Both! I love a good dance-off, but also the occasional night in.
bumble prompts the quickest way to my heart is

29. The Quickest Way to My Heart Is…

Here’s a question where it’s OK to be snappy (and maybe even a little controversial), while giving a glimpse into things you enjoy.

What you can say:

  • 72 percent dark chocolate.
  • Spontaneous weekend trips.
  • A book of poetry.
bumble prompts my favorite fact is

30. My Favorite Fact Is…

Make them zany and so unbelievable, people will question whether or not it’s really true—and maybe even strike up a conversation over it.

What you can say:

  • “The God Note” is known as “the heartbeat of the universe.”
  • Penicillin was first known as “mold juice.”
  • Walt Disney holds the record for Academy Awards, with 26 wins.
bumble prompts as a child i was really into

31. As a Child, I Was Really Into…

Time to bond over some childhood nostalgia. (And nothing brings people together like nostalgia.) Whether you faithfully watched Tom and Jerry or SpongeBob, manned a lemonade stand every summer or could not shut up about garbage trucks, now’s your time to spill your guts.

What you can say:

  • Barbie. Yes, I had the Dreamhouse.
  • Nickelodeon. I lived for iCarly.
  • Baking. I literally have a picture of myself and my mom making cinnamon rolls when I was 4.  
bumble prompts im hoping you

32. I’m Hoping You…

This Bumble prompt can lean serious or humorous, depending on your mood. Just remember that even if you take a serious tone, frame it positively. (I.e., don’t say “I’m hoping you aren’t a ghoster.” Try “I’m hoping you value good communication” instead.)

What you can say:

  • Love the Yankees as much as I do.
  • Feel comfortable with (healthy) conflict.
  • Like to drive, because I’m a passenger princess.
bumble prompts its meant to be if

33. It’s Meant to Be If…

Given the gravity of the beginning of this statement, you probably want to keep things lighthearted here, and save the deep-dive for the inevitable dinner date. Focus on shared interests, like movies, music, food and travel.

What you can say:

  • You’ve watched all of Wes Anderson’s movies.
  • Your idea of fun is road tripping and camping across the country. (I love underrated national parks.)
  • You put ranch on pizza, too.
bumble prompts my current obsesssion is

34. My Current Obsession Is…

If there were any chance for someone to match your freak, this is the question where you’ll find out.

What you can say:

  • On Cloud sneakers. (Wouldn’t run a 5k without them.)
  • Rediscovering Agatha Christie’s literary repertoire.
  • Watching Old Hollywood movies. (Gotta love Bringing Up Baby).
bumble prompts i quote too much from

35. I Quote Too Much From…

Just so that if your entire vocabulary comes from The Lion King or Star Wars, no one’s surprised.

What you can say:

  • Back to the Future. “Great Scott!”
  • Wuthering Heights. “Be with me always—take any form—drive me mad! Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you!”
  • When Harry Met Sally. “I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”
bumble prompts my mental health game changer was

36. My Mental Health Game Changer Was…

This is *not* where you trauma dump (but there is a time and place for that). Instead, remember, positive framing. Focus on sharing daily practices and habits that have helped you maintain a balanced mindset.

What you can say:

  • Journaling three pages a day. (Shoutout to The Artist’s Way.)
  • Tea and meditation before bed.
  • Going to yoga three times a week. (Always looking for a hot yoga buddy!)
bumble prompts my most useless skill is

37. My Most Useless Skill Is…

The more useless, the better.

What you can say:

  • I can recite the Declaration of Independence while on anesthesia.
  • Tripping on sidewalk cracks.
  • Buying too many books.
bumble prompts what makes a relationship great is

38. What Makes a Relationship Great Is…

Don’t be afraid to be honest. This is one of the Bumble prompts that will, again, provide insight into your values, and you want to attract someone who agrees.

What you can say:

  • Honest and open communication.
  • Being slow to get angry with someone.
  • Cuddles. Lots of cuddles.
bumble prompts two truths and a lie

39. Two Truths and a Lie…

A fun way to invite conversation. I’ve found that the more specific you are, the more difficult it is to guess—so don’t be afraid to embellish.

What you can say:

  • I can drive a stick shift; I’m allergic to peas; I speak French.
  • I had coffee with Helen Mirren in Cannes; I had three pet hamsters when I was six; I’m the oldest of seven siblings.
  • I’m allergic to root beer; I have an apiary in my backyard; I hate cheese.

MW 10

Associate SEO Editor

  • Writes across all verticals, including beauty, fashion, wellness, travel and entertainment, with a focus on SEO and evergreen content
  • Has previously worked at Popular Photography and Southern Living, with words in Martha Stewart and Forbes Vetted
  • Has a B.S. in journalism from Boston University