So, what is One Day about? Throughout 14 episodes, the series follows two close friends named Emma (Ambika Mod) and Dexter (Leo Woodall, who you may recognize from The White Lotus). After meeting on the night of their graduation, they go their separate ways. But the show continues to follow the two main leads years after they first crossed paths.
Not only have viewers on social media fallen head over heels for One Day, but some of our PureWow editors seem to have too.
PureWow Senior Editor Dana Dickey shared how she sat down to watch One Day with her significant other and completely fell in love with the series. “My BF suggested we watch the first episode last night, and it totally melted my Grinch heart,” she explained.
Dickey also praised White Lotus star Leo Woodall for his charming portrayal of Dex, revealing, “It stars the hot rent boy from the last season of White Lotus! He shows a tender side. And the plucky heroine has a playful aggression borne of insecurity that is totally relatable!”