The series centers on a professional thief named Assane Diop. When he was a teenager, his father was framed by a wealthy family for a crime that he didn't commit. This resulted in his father taking his own life. In the present-day (over 25 years late), Assane is determined to avenge his father, taking inspiration from a book about a gentleman thief named Arsène Lupin.
Omar Sy (who you might recognize from The Intouchables) stars as James Bond's reincarnate, Assane. Other cast members include Ludivine Sagnier, Clotilde Hesme, Vincent Londez, Nicole Garcia and Hervé Pierre.
The seres was written and created by George Kay and François Uzan. Directors included Marcela Said, Ludovic Bernard and Louis Leterrier, while Isabelle Degeorges, Nathan Franck and Martin Jaubert served as producers.
In her Slate review, Karen Han wrote, "The series doesn’t waste a single minute, packing each and every moment full of suspense. Put all of that together, and it’s an early front-runner to steal a spot as one of the best shows of the year."
We'll definitely be adding this one to our list. (Because who can resist a fun mystery with a modern-day dose of Bond?)
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