Libras might be known for being fair, balanced and polite, but as their season closes out this week, things get heated! Passions are set aflame as the sun and Venus—who have been traveling together in the sky all month, putting relationships front and center—connect with Mars and then Pluto. Mars inspires creativity, play and flirtations, while Pluto brings obsessions, ugly truths and heavy conversations to the surface. There’s no way to “keep things light” under these influences!
Then on the 22nd, Venus meets the sun. This somewhat rare aspect is an auspicious one. A moment to pause and hit reset on Venusian matters: love, money, beauty and connections of all kinds. By the next day though, the vibe will have totally shifted. Rule planet Saturn stations direct on the 23rd, forcing us to get back to the grind while both Venus and the sun leave balanced Libra for protective Scorpio. Yes, Scorpio season has arrived! Happy birthday to our fixed water sign babes from Frank Ocean to Tilda Swinton to Scorpio poster child himself, Drake.
(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)