
Your Weekly Horoscopes: May 9 to 15, 2021

Get excited, because this week, we’re in for a true cosmic treat. This isn’t just the best week of 2021; it’s the best week we’ve had since November 2019! On the 11th, we get a lovely new moon in Taurus—a final hurrah for the verdant season of the bull. New moons are for fresh starts and this one encourages us to bite off a little more than we can chew. We may find that the plan works out easier than expected. Then on the 13th, comes the moment we’ve all been waiting for: Jupiter—planet of abundance and opportunity—enters Pisces. Since late 2019, usually optimistic Jupiter has been struggling in the reality-focused signs of Capricorn and Aquarius. From now through late July, Jupiter gets to roam free in his home sign of Pisces. As Florence Welch (who was born with Jupiter in Pisces) once sang, “The dog days are over.” Let’s enjoy the good vibes while they last.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that will provide further insight.)

1 taurus

The new moon on the 11th is an undeniable call to celebrate yourself. Let your friends throw you that elaborate birthday picnic. Get into it—yes, even the socially distanced scavenger hunt! There’s always work to be done, but don’t forget the power of having fun…or literally doing nothing. Jupiter’s shift into Pisces on the 13th brings importance to your community and network for the next few months. You’ve done a lot to build yourself up so now you can share some of the wealth.

This week’s mantra: Connection is everything.

2 gemini

Though the vibes are extremely high this week, the new moon on the 11th is a bit of a bummer for you, Gemini. You’re feeling FOMO as things open up, and it seems like everyone’s hanging out without you. But the truth is that you’re too busy with work to do anything anyway. Jupiter’s shift into Pisces on the 13th brings huge news for your career and raises your public profile over the next few months. Don’t waste your time with anyone who isn’t growing with you.

This week’s mantra: You don’t have to be part of everything.

3 cancer

The new moon in Taurus on the 11th lets you return to your beloved role of being the “mom friend.” As things open up and social anxieties return, you’re ready to welcome your BFFs back to your place for couch hangs and lots of snacks; safely tucked away from those acquaintances you don’t even like. Don’t forget about your own long-term plans while you’re helping everyone else though. Jupiter’s shift into Pisces on the 13th reinvigorates your desire to travel or study. It’s time to explore!

This week’s mantra: Stay home, but don’t stay away.

4 leo

Whether you’re taking over a new position or starting your own business, you’ve been working extremely hard to impress everyone over the last few weeks. The new moon on the 11th is your chance to start fresh at work on your own terms. You got what you wanted, so why not make it yours? Jupiter’s shift into Pisces on the 13th puts emphasis on your shared resources for the next few months. Whose support—financial or otherwise—do you really need?

This week’s mantra: Be the boss.

5 virgo

You’re pleasantly surprised when a former teacher or mentor gets in touch with you at the new moon on the 11th. Hearing some encouraging words doesn’t just boost your ego, it helps you find direction. Jupiter’s shift into Pisces on the 13th lights up your relationship sector. This isn’t just a busy time for you, it’s also an extremely stressful time for your partner! For the next few months, you’ll be challenged to really show up for each other.

This week’s mantra: Give a lot to get a lot.

6 libra

You’ve let a few financial skeletons in the closet spiral out of control. And whether it’s your taxes, credit card debt or figuring out if the cost of daycare is worth keeping the job you love, the new moon on the 11th is for settling what you owe. Jupiter moving into Pisces on the 13th reinvigorates your work habits and daily routines. You’ve been in a bit of a rut, Libra, so don’t miss the opportunity to get back into a flow.

This week’s mantra: Put the past behind you.

7 scorpio

Though you’ve been feeling perfectly content to stay isolated, your romantic life is definitely picking up this week. The new moon on the 11th falls in your relationship sector, and even if you’re beyond single, it comes with an “aha!” moment about what you really want from a partner. Then as Jupiter moves into Pisces and your pleasure sector on the 13th, your inbox is suddenly filled with flirtatious DMs. It’s time to get back into the game—and start experimenting in bed!

This week’s mantra: When love knocks, answer the door.

8 sagittarius

With burnout becoming a constant for you, the new moon on the 11th is a chance to restructure your days so that you’re not burning the candle at both ends. Do a hydration challenge! Switch up your WFH schedule! Take your Zoom meetings from the park! Jupiter’s shift into Pisces on the 13th brings a breath of fresh air to your living situation. Say goodbye to that toxic roommate and hello to wide open spaces.

This week’s mantra: Choose health.


This week’s new moon on the 11th is a perfect moment to spend some quality time with your kids (or, alternatively: get in touch with your inner child). Everyone looks to you as a tough leader and the person who puts business before pleasure. But what if you let your hair down just this once? Jupiter’s shift into Pisces on the 13th jumpstarts a period of acquiring new skills and exploring your hobbies. Let yourself pause and appreciate the little things.

This week’s mantra: Dance like no one’s watching.

10 aquarius

Whether you’ve been stressing through the process of buying a house or running from the prospect of visiting your extended family, the new moon on the 11th is your chance to start fresh on the home front. Focus on the future—buying furniture, setting up a garden or placing your desk next to the nicest window—rather than the past. Jupiter’s shift into Pisces on the 13th is a boon for your bank account as well as your self-esteem.

This week’s mantra: Home really is where the heart is.

11 pisces

The new moon on the 11th is a moment for a heart-to-heart with your sister, a long walk in the neighborhood and a bougie latte from your favorite café. Something simple and comforting that recenters you in your own little world. Then on the 13th, Jupiter enters your sign and though it might still be Taurus season, it’s your time to shine! For the next few months, you feel more comfortable than ever putting yourself first. Book your first post-vaccine facial and let the pampering begin!

This week’s mantra: Everything’s coming up Pisces!

12 aries

This week’s new moon on the 11th is about making long-term plans for your wealth and resources. If building up your bank account isn’t possible, focus instead on improving your personal sense of worth. What makes you feel good? Jupiter’s shift into Pisces on the 13th puts emphasis on your solo routines for the next few months. Simple things like carefully ironing your clothes or giving yourself a full hour for a morning ritual bring a lot of satisfaction.

This week’s mantra: Worth isn’t just about money.

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can follow her on Instagram @jaimeallycewright or subscribe to her newsletter.

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast