
Your Monthly Horoscopes: May 2021

May takes us on a journey. As the month begins, we’re still in Taurus season, feeling relaxed and unhurried, like a bull out to pasture. But on the 3rd, communication planet Mercury glides into curious Gemini, followed by Venus entering the sign of the twins on the 8th. This influence brings options—maybe too many options. Are we heading back into the office or still working from home? Are we ready to be social or still trying to hibernate? And why does everyone look so hot on the apps?

Even with all the Gemini frenzy, the second week of May—from the 9th through the 15th—is some of the best vibes we have all year. On the 11th, a lovely new moon in Taurus is for recognizing what makes us feel secure. How can we adjust to our new normal while keeping a sustainable routine? Then on the 13th, Jupiter—planet of luck, growth and expansion—enters its home sign of Pisces, imbuing us with a sense of possibility we haven’t felt since November 2019.

The sun moves into Gemini on the 20th—happy birthday to our shapeshifting, forever young air signs like Bob Dylan, Prince and Paul McCartney. In Gemini season, we learn that the only constant is change. The full moon in Sagittarius on the 26th is also a total lunar eclipse. Eclipses help us navigate endings and accept defeat. Something is ready to be released. Finally on the 29th, Mercury stations retrograde: Relationships are being reconsidered, contracts are being renegotiated and family drama is getting rehashed. This tumultuous energy continues through June so strap in for an exciting ride.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that will provide further insight.)

1 taurus

2021 has stabilized your career but you’re still not ready to relax. How can you identify less with your job and more with the value you bring to every aspect of your life? On the 8th, your ruling planet Venus moves into Gemini and the part of your chart that represents your money and resources. With eclipse season on the way, you’re being forced to reckon with what’s really worth the splurge. You want those shoes that keep popping up on Instagram, but will they actually satisfy your craving? The new moon on the 11th paired with Jupiter’s shift into Pisces on the 13th signals a moment for you to find your place within the community. As the month goes on, you discover more ways to get involved.

Love Horoscope: If you’re single, now’s the time to start dating. With action planet Mars traveling through your communication sector, you’re feeling more empowered than usual to make the first move. At the new moon on the 11th in your sign, everyone’s looking at you. So why not use that to your advantage?

Money Horoscope: Gemini season kicks off on the 20th and brings focus to your personal finances. You’ve majorly leveled up in your career but has your income reflected that? The total lunar eclipse on the 26th lights up your freelance sector and finds you closing up shop on a side hustle that just isn’t paying enough.

2 gemini

May is a tumultuous month and self-care is of the utmost importance. Though Taurus season is a bit of a calm before the storm, things start building up as soon as your ruling planet Mercury enters your sign on the 3rd (where it remains until July 11th). For the next couple months, your words are powerful and you’re in control of every hard conversation. Express yourself! Meanwhile Jupiter’s entrance into Pisces on the 13th signals a period of expansion for your career. Offers are coming to you left and right, but how do you know which to choose? The more you take care of yourself, the more you can listen to your gut.

Love Horoscope: If you’re in a relationship, your partner is having a major career glow up right along with you (especially after Jupiter goes into Pisces on the 13th). This is amazing for your shared finances but you’re also feeling like neither of you has any time to work on the relationship. The total lunar eclipse on the 26th clears up some lingering business concerns and lets you two focus on each other again.

Money Horoscope: The new moon in Taurus on the 11th finds you ready to splurge on something that makes you feel comfortable and luxurious but make sure you do your research first. With the lunation happening in the part of your chart that represents “the void,” that weighted blanket, high-tech blender or seemingly magical rug could end up being a total dud.

3 cancer

Depending on what you currently have on your plate, May could be a grueling month or the perfect opportunity to go completely off the grid. Mars is in your sign, giving you plenty of energy to go after your goals. That said, throughout the month, the planets are piling into Gemini and your solitude sector. So if other people are vital to getting a project off the ground, the new moon on the 11th is your window to call in your team. Otherwise, you’re better off focusing on the things you can do at your own pace. Once Gemini season fully kicks off on the 20th, you’re ready to book an Vrbo in that quiet beach town and settle down for a spiritual retreat. Just watch out for an office or pet-related fiasco at the total lunar eclipse on the 26th, which comes as a harsh reminder of reality.

Love Horoscope: With Saturn traveling through your joint finances sector all year, you’ve been spending a lot of your time detangling shared possessions and figuring out what belongs to who with your ex. Saturn stations retrograde on the 23rd giving you a chance to breathe, sign those divorce papers and switch gears to a budding romance.

Money Horoscope: If you need to make any big purchases, try to get them in before Gemini season kicks off on the 20th. The tumultuous nature of eclipse season makes you impulsive and shockingly irresponsible with your money.

4 leo

Major career progress that began in April continues this month. 2021 has been a crash course in discovering who really supports you on your path. Your growing business partnership faces its first major challenge on the 3rd when a contract or client doesn’t pan out. The new moon on the 11th is here for you to take the lessons you’ve learned and strategize the next steps to take together. In the second part of the month, the tumult of Gemini season (from the 20th) plays out in your friendship and networking sector. You’re feeling ready to attend some virtual happy hours, meet up with coworkers and build your audience. On the 21st, you meet a potential investor who could be a total game changer for your business. Just make sure the deal is complete before Mercury goes retrograde on the 29th and slows down communication.

Love Horoscope: With so much going on in your professional life, you barely have time for relationships these days. But at the total lunar eclipse on the 26th, you surprise yourself when instead of cutting off a long-term friends-with-benefits situation, you flip the script and ask her out on a real date.

Money Horoscope: Jupiter glides into Pisces and your shared resources sector on the 13th and suddenly, it feels like everyone just wants to give you stuff. Though you’re usually the one to pick up the tab, let your friends take care of you this month. They know you’ll eventually repay the favor.

5 virgo

For you, April was a month of nonstop action, and though May brings its own pandemonium, you’re operating with more of a single focus now. Your ruling planet Mercury moves into Gemini and your career sector on the 3rd where the communication planet will stay until July 11th! You finally have the chance to put your ideas into action. Just remember that with eclipses on the way and Mercury going retrograde on the 29th that everything you’re starting now will be revisited later. (Starting a new job? Things could get messy this summer when you return to the IRL office.) Though all your career progress is exciting, there’s also potential for burnout. The lunar eclipse on the 26th stokes an uncomfortable family situation that requires a lot of your time and energy.

Love Horoscope: Growth planet Jupiter moves into your partnership sector on the 13th. Though love has been elusive for what feels like years now, all of the sudden, you’re seeing the potential in everyone. This transit makes you more open minded about not only who you date but how you handle relationships. Go with the flow.

Money Horoscope: With Venus traveling through your career sector for most of the month, this is an ideal time to ask for a raise. A successful meeting with your boss when the money planet connects with Saturn on the 19th also ensures that your job is secure for as long as you want it.

6 libra

This is a busy month for you, Libra. You’re hustling to make your dreams match up with your reality. Taurus season has been a reevaluation of the power dynamics in your life. You’re learning who is a resource and who is an energy vampire. At the new moon on the 11th, you can let go of a connection that’s sucking you dry and commit to collaborations that are meant to last. Jupiter enters Pisces (and your daily grind sector) on the 13th, optimizing your workflow and improving your relationship with coworkers. Gemini season (from the 20th) shifts your focus to long term plans for travel and study. Though not much can get in the way of actualizing your visions, the total lunar eclipse on the 26th brings car trouble or a sibling communication meltdown which forces you to take a detour.

Love Horoscope: If you’re in a relationship, your partner is extremely busy at work this month, leaving you with more time than usual to fill by yourself. When Mercury retrograde meets up with Venus in your travel sector on the 29th, take the evening to plan a fantasy vacation for when you both have more free time.

Money Horoscope: Though good news about a loan or refinancing comes to you at the new moon on the 11th—for the rest of the month, you feel like you’re working way too hard for how much you’re getting paid. Once you find an easier routine (thanks, Jupiter in Pisces), you’ll waste less time.

7 scorpio

May presents many rewarding challenges for your intimate relationship(s). The new moon on the 11th is here to get you on the same page with all of your most important people—husband, BFF and work wife! If your love relationship has been all work and no play then Jupiter’s shift into Pisces (and your pleasure sector) on the 13th dials the romance up to a ten. Things get a bit more complicated though once Gemini season kicks off on the 20th. The total lunar eclipse on the 26th could come with a surprise cut to your income. You’ve been dreaming of buying a home with your partner, but are you truly ready for the investment?

Love Horoscope: Love and relationships really do take center stage for you this month, Scorpio (as mentioned above). Even if you’re not partnered, Jupiter’s entrance into Pisces on the 13th inspires you to experiment more with self-pleasure. With your ruling planet Mars traveling through sensual Cancer (and your literary sector), you might want to dip your toes into some erotica. As a wise woman once said, “Why not?”

Money Horoscope: With the lunar eclipse on the 26th bringing some potentially stressful news for your personal income, make sure you’re spending time this month buffering other resources. Your market-savvy Uncle has been begging you to research crypto or re-invest your inheritance. As Mercury retrograde meets Venus on the 29th, you’re ready to make some market moves.

8 sagittarius

Remember that identity crisis you were going through at the end of 2020? Unfortunately, that feeling is back this month—especially when the sun shifts into Gemini on the 20th and eclipse season begins. On the bright side, your ruling planet Jupiter moves into Pisces (its other home sign) on the 13th, bringing abundance to your family or living situation. Relationship upheavals have left you more confused than ever about where and how you’re supposed to live but you find grounding this month as you sign a lease or repair a familial relationship. Of course, then the total lunar eclipse on the 26th (in your sign) has you once again questioning yourself. This lunation could be hard on your body or health so lay low, practice breathwork and remember this too shall pass.

Love Horoscope: What you’ve learned this year is that there’s absolutely no point to a boring relationship. Whether you’re going through a queer awakening, considering polyamory or just experimenting more in bed with your one long-term partner, your lust for love (and life) reaches a new level this month. June holds more potential for relationship shake-ups but for now, there’s only bliss.

Money Horoscope: Action planet Mars is in Cancer and your shared resources sector all month. This influence inspires you to launch a side hustle or make some calculated investments in the stock market. Though most of what you do now pays off in the long term, a financial risk on the 31st (as Mars connects with opportunistic Neptune) could reap a huge reward.


May is for striking a balance between having fun and maintaining a routine. We know, typical Capricorn problems—can there ever just be pleasure for pleasure’s sake? For you, Taurus season is always a lovely time of year, and if you have kids, you’re able to savor your quality time with them. Jupiter enters Pisces—and your local environment sector—on the 13th, helping you realize that there’s so much to explore in your own neighborhood. Local connections come easily and for the next few months you have the opportunity to really build community. Once Gemini season begins on the 20th though, things get chaotically busy at work with your only chance for a break coming at the lunar eclipse on the 26th. If you don’t purposefully step away, you might be forced to slow down.

Love Horoscope: Aggressive Mars is in your relationship sector all month, stirring up drama after drama with your partner. At this point, it’s almost like you enjoy fighting. Some sweetness does arrive with the new moon in Taurus on the 11th. Finally, you get a night off from bickering and have a chance to just enjoy each other’s company.

Money Horoscope: Your ruling planet Saturn has been in the financial part of your chart since late December 2020 and you’ve been on a strict budget, saving way more than you spend. Saturn slows down and stations retrograde on the 23rd, giving you a chance to loosen up and re-evaluate your frugal approach.

10 aquarius

Most of this year has required you to be “on” 24/7, vonstantly managing a crisis. Whether that’s been increasing demands at work or changing family dynamics, you’re burning the candle at both ends. This month though, you’re allowed to broaden your scope and think about the future. The new moon in Taurus on the 11th is a chance to stabilize things at home, whether that’s upgrading your mattress or establishing better communication with your roommate. Making things more sustainable from the ground up allows you to get out of survival mode and focus on your dreams. Gemini season (from the 20th) is all about tapping into your creativity and potentially revisiting artistic projects from the past. The lunar eclipse on the 26th could bring connections or collaborators out of the woodwork to get things moving.

Love Horoscope: With love planet Venus moving into Gemini and your romance sector on the 8th, things are getting hot and messy. Just watch out for anyone you meet on the 17th or 27th. Though you’re totally smitten, you might be stepping into a relationship that’s more than you can handle.

Money Horoscope: Blessings are aplenty this month as Jupiter glides into Pisces on the 13th, boosting your finances. This is only the beginning of the story of you leveling up your income, upgrading your wardrobe and getting as much takeout as your heart desires. Remember: abundance is a mindset. Get into it.

11 pisces

Though May has it’s (extremely) chaotic moments, you’re feeling too blessed to be stressed. Since late December 2020, you’ve felt like you’re a supporting character in your own story. But on the 13th, Jupiter returns home to your sign and the positive effects on your confidence and charisma are immediate. We’re not joking—everyone is looking at you! Book an indulgent facial or a spa visit for that day. Dress up and feel like yourself! To close out the month, the total lunar eclipse on the 26th is a major breakthrough for your career as well as the end to an ongoing power struggle. You don’t have to argue with your boss anymore are the boss.

Love Horoscope: Mars is in your pleasure sector all month and all you can think about is sex. If you’re in a relationship, there’s not much that’s keeping you out of bed (especially because both you and your partner are down to spend all your time at home). If you’re single, potential dates are coming at you from all angles. Isn’t it nice to be in demand?

Money Horoscope: Your finances are mostly stable this month, but you’re often tempted to splurge on things that are “just for fun.” (Especially stuff to decorate your home). It’s OK to dip into your rainy-day fund. but if you find yourself breaking into a sweat before typing in your credit card info, put it on your wish list instead. None of this is stuff that you need.

12 aries

Though May brings a lot of general chaos, you’re thrilled to be keeping busy. Your ruling planet Mars is hanging out in your home sector for the entire month and making no hard aspects to any other planet. This gives you a window to make progress on a DIY project, get rid of an annoying roommate or reconnect with a family member without anything getting in your way. Then Jupiter’s shift into Pisces on the 13th brings expansion to your unconscious sector and suddenly, you’re craving solitude. Start therapy! Keep up with your dream journal! Go on a solo retreat! Having an arsenal of mini meditations at the ready helps you when Gemini season (and the subsequent eclipses, from the 20th) finds you with a packed schedule, pursuing some long-term goals.

Love Horoscope: Venus’ shift into Gemini on the 8th, helps you get back into the dating game. You’re flirting with your barista, DMing your Instagram crush and even taking a quick trip out of town to hook up with your ex. Disillusionment with the situation arrives after Venus squares off with Neptune on the 27th but it’s certainly fun while it lasts.

Money Horoscope: The new moon in Taurus on the 11th falls in your money sector and is a perfect time for you to schedule a meeting with a financial advisor. All your home improvement projects are necessary but they’re also draining your bank account. How can you meet your goals more affordably?

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can follow her on Instagram , @jaimeallycewright, or subscribe to her newsletter.

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast