
Your Weekly Horoscopes: July 17 to 23, 2022

This week has lots of ups and downs. Though it begins in the same kind of dreamy yet productive haze that we felt for much of last week (as the sun and Mercury both connect with imaginative Neptune on the 17th), things quickly get crunchy again. Mercury and the sun both face off with powerful Pluto on the 18th and 19th, pulling all kinds of obsessions and power struggles to the surface. These aspects provoke anxiety and make everything feel heavy. Try not to overthink.

Thankfully, the latter half of the week comes with another vibe shift. Mercury and the sun both leave “Summertime Sadness” Cancer for “I Don’t Care I Love It” Leo on the 19th and 22nd respectively. Leo season is here, and with it, we’re getting a boost of confidence in our communications! Mercury then makes a supportive connection to Jupiter on the 23rd further encouraging a positive attitude. As Lisa Kudrow (a Leo who was born with the Mercury-Jupiter trine) said in an interview for The Hollywood Reporter back in 2012, “This isn’t just an unhappy planet. Sometimes good things can happen.”

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)

12 aries

Leo season begins on the 22nd and for you, this is the most romantic season of the year! You’ve spent much of this summer in more of a hibernation mode—spending lots of time on home improvements, and going overtime at the WFH office. But you can no longer resist the urge to get out there and have some fun. Creative projects also receive a helpful boost when Mercury connects with Jupiter on the 23rd. Now’s your time to play.

This week’s mantra: “I deserve pleasure.”

1 taurus

Leo season begins on the 22nd and for you, this time of year is for spending time with family and clearing out the literal or metaphorical basement. Whether you need to clear out some emotional baggage or are just ready to get rid of all those clothes you haven’t worn since 2009, there’s no time like the present for cleaning and cleansing at home. Later in the summer, you’ll have more distractions from work or public service, so take this week to make a dent in what needs to get done.

This week’s mantra: “A happy life has a happy foundation.”

2 gemini

Leo season kicks off on the 22nd, and for you, this is a season of quick trips, long walks in the neighborhood and catching up with friends. This is also a great time to get into a daily journaling or writing habit, or practice a skill like sewing or cooking. A conversation you have with an old acquaintance on the 23rd may lead to an unexpected career or money making opportunity. Keep your mind open to whatever’s coming at you this week.

This week’s mantra: “I appreciate all the little things.”

3 cancer

As you wrap up your birthday season, you can sense that one of your closest relationships is about to change. Maybe you’re drifting apart from a friend. Maybe you’re ready to commit to someone you thought was just a casual partner. Either way, this transition is weighing on you heavily. Then the sun moves into Leo on the 22nd shifting your focus to your cash flow and your values. The next few weeks are for making choices that get you what you need.

This week’s mantra: “I choose relationships that support me.”

4 leo

It’s finally your season, Leo! The week begins on a bit of a rocky note with you running around handling errands and stressing over the details. But once Mercury moves into your sign on the 19th and the sun follows on the 22nd, you’re back in control and in the spotlight where you belong. Not only is everyone giving you tons of birthday attention because you look good, you’re also brimming with creative ideas and want to speak your mind.

This week’s mantra: “I’m in control.”

5 virgo

Leo season begins on the 22nd, and for you, this is the time of year when it’s best to retreat, take time off and release yourself from unnecessary obligations. This has been another year of near constant change, and you probably haven’t taken the time you need to sit and feel your feelings. As Mercury connects with Jupiter on the 23rd, a cathartic therapy session, chat with a friend or acupuncture appointment helps you process what’s transpired.

This week’s mantra: “I release what I can no longer hold.”

6 libra

The early part of the week brings some relief at work, but even with less pressure on you, you can’t let go of the feeling that you’re not doing enough. Remember that rest is necessary. Thankfully once Leo season begins on the 22nd, your focus shifts to your social life and community. On the 23rd especially, you have an almost overwhelming amount of invitations and connections coming your way. If you’re looking for love, this is also the time to ask a friend to set you up.

This week’s mantra: “Friends are everything.”

7 scorpio

Leo season begins on the 22nd, and for you, this time of year is both powerful and painful as you’re encouraged to focus on your career and public image. You take more pride in your work than most, and still you have difficulty with being recognized for your efforts. As Mercury connects with Jupiter on the 23rd, you get a sweet note from a coworker or someone who works for you that inspires you to keep going toward your goals.

This week’s mantra: “I’m allowed to take up space.”

8 sagittarius

In the early part of the week, you’re likely feeling stressed about your finances. Maybe you’ve taken a risk on investments, or perhaps you’re worried that a recent promotion at work is too good to be true. Either way, it’s a good time to focus on what you can control when it comes to money. Then, the sun moves into Leo on the 22nd, ushering in a season of expanding your mind! Planning your next (cheap) vacation or digging into a research project brings you joy so let yourself escape into the fantasy.

This week’s mantra: "It’s never the wrong time to keep learning.”


The early part of the week is difficult for you, Capricorn, as intense conversations with your partner may lead to hurt feelings. You’ve needed to get this off your chest for some time, so don’t back away from speaking what’s on your mind. Then on the 22nd, the sun moves into Leo, shifting your focus to shared resources. Now’s the time to hash out how to better divide both financial and energetic obligations. This is also a great time to seek loan opportunities, patronage for your new business or collaborators for an upcoming project.

This week’s mantra: “Boundaries make strong bonds.”

10 aquarius

Leo season begins on the 22nd and for you, this time of year is all about your closest relationships. It’s your BFF’s birthday, your work wife needs support through a big project and your partner is working overtime so you’re the one shuttling the kids around town. There’s also potential in the next few weeks to get close to someone new, especially as Mercury and Jupiter make a supportive aspect on the 23rd, encouraging you to connect with a neighbor or classmate.

This week’s mantra: “I’m so lucky to be loved.”

11 pisces

The sun moves into Leo on the 22nd which for you kicks off a season of focusing on your health, daily routines and workflow. Let’s be honest: Have you been taking your vitamins? Eating your vegetables? Working out as often as you’d like? As Mercury connects with Jupiter on the 23rd, you have an opportunity to work out the nitty-gritty details of what it is you need to make your body and mind feel good.

This week’s mantra: “Discipline is my relief.”

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can subscribe to her newsletter for more musings on the stars.

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast