
The Ultimate 4-Week Home Workout Plan to Help You Kick-Start Your Fitness Goals

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Whether you’re just starting out, searching for something new or ready to dive back in, this four-week guide strategically combines strength, cardio and active recovery for your strongest month yet. To provide you with the best exercises fitness has to offer, we tapped WW coach and certified personal trainer, Bianca Vesco, for her signature moves and stamp of approval.

home workout plan meet the expert
Sofia Kruashaar/Bianca Vesco


This four-week plan is easy to follow and customizable by design. For the full month at a glance, download and save our handy guide below.


Begin each workout (including strength, cardio and low-impact) with this simple four-step warm-up. Flow through each move two to three times before moving on.


Each strength day is broken out into three sets with three exercises per set (nine moves total). Do each set twice before moving on to the next one and follow the rep suggestions noted below depending on your current fitness level.


Your cardio endurance days are where you can get creative and lean on your personal interests. If you love to run outside or on a treadmill, more power to ya. But if you prefer to walk, row, hike, bike, swim, golf, box, ski, dance, play tennis or partake in any other activity that elevates your heart rate and increases your oxygen consumption, commit to 20 minutes a day and get after it.


Think of your low-impact days as a time to recover and move mindfully. Yoga, Pilates, stretching, foam rolling, walking, meditation and mobility workouts are all fair game to help restore your body and avoid unwanted stress or injury.


Give your sneakers a break and take this day to hydrate, fuel and fully recover.

4 week home workout plan schedule
Sofia Kraushaar

Here's what you'll need to get started:

  • Equipment: exercise mat and dumbbells (that’s it!)
  • Rep Suggestions: 15 to 20 reps (bodyweight only), 12 to 15 reps (light to moderate weights) or 6 to 8 reps (heavy weights). Do each set twice before moving on to the next one.

Keep reading for step-by-step instructions on how to perform each strength exercise.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco


1. Inchworm Walkouts

Warms up your entire body.

From a standing position with a slight bend in your knees, hinge over at the hips and rest your hands on the ground. Walk your hands forward into a high plank position. Pause for a second, then walk your hands back in toward your toes. Slowly roll up to stand and repeat.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

2. Hip Openers

Warms up your abductors, adductors, gluteus medius and thoracic spine.

From a high plank position, bring your left foot to the outside of your left hand. Reach your left arm high toward the ceiling as you twist your spine open. Bend your elbow and bring your left hand to your head as you twist your torso open. Return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

3. T Spine Rotation

Warms up your thoracic spine.

From a quadruped position, lift your left arm high toward the ceiling and twist your chest/torso open. Return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

4. Jumping Jacks

Warms up your entire body while increasing your heart rate and oxygen consumption.

From a standing position, jump out to a small straddle while swinging your arms wide overhead. Jump back in, return your arms to your sides and repeat.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco


5. Front Squat

Muscles used: gluteus maximus and deltoids (shoulders)

Step 1: Holding one dumbbell at your chest (or two weights at your shoulders), squat down as if you were sitting in a chair, keeping your knees in line with your toes the entire time.

Step 2: Brace your core and press through your heels to return to the starting position and repeat.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

6. Bent Over Row

Muscles used: posterior chain (all the muscles that run along your backside including calves, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, latissimus dorsi and erector spinae)

Step 1: With a slight bend in your knees, hinge forward at your hips while maintaining a strong, straight back. Holding one dumbbell in each hand let your arms hang loosely below you.

Step 2: Start to lift one dumbbell at a time by bringing your elbow back, skimming your side body. Keep your shoulder blades wide and your back straight. For additional support, drop one dumbbell and rest your free hand on a couch or chair.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

7. Push-ups

Muscles used: pectoralis major (pecs)

Step 1: Begin in a high plank position with your hands placed slightly outside of your shoulders, legs straight back behind you.

Step 2: Lower your chest to the ground until your elbows are at a 45-degree angle. Press back up to return to the starting position and repeat.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

8. Alternating Reverse Lunges

Muscles used: gluteus maximus, quadriceps and hamstrings

Step 1: Holding one dumbbell in each hand, step back with your left leg as your right knee bends, lowering your left knee down toward the ground.

Step 2: Press through the ball of your left foot to return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

9. Bicep Curls

Muscles used: biceps

Step 1: Begin standing with your feet slightly wider than hip-distance apart and a slight bend in your knees. With your arms at your sides, hold one dumbbell in each hand, palms facing out.

Step 2: Bend both elbows, bringing the weights up toward your shoulders, then slowly lower back down and repeat.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

10. Spider Crawls

Muscles used: deltoids and abdominals

Step 1: Begin in a high plank position with your hands directly below your shoulders, legs straight back behind you.

Step 2: Engage your core and bring your left knee in to tap your left tricep. Return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

11. Romanian Deadlift

Muscles used: hamstrings, glutes and posterior chain

Step 1: Begin standing holding two dumbbells in front of your thighs with a soft bend in your knees. With a flat back, hinge forward at the hips while sending your butt back, slowly lowering your torso towards the ground until the weights are at about mid-shin height.

Step 2: Engage your hamstrings and glutes to rise back up to the starting position and repeat. Keep the weights as close to your body as possible throughout the movement.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

12. Birddogs

Muscles used: total body with a focus on the posterior chain

Step 1: Begin on all fours in a quadruped position with your hands directly below your shoulders and knees directly below your hips.

Step 2: Simultaneously lift your right arm while extending your left leg back into a straight line. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

13. Kneeling Tricep Extension

Muscles used: triceps

Step 1: Begin in a tall kneeling position holding one weight in both hands high above your head. With a neutral spine, engage your core and bend your elbows, lowering the weight down toward the nape of your neck.

Step 2: At your lowest point, squeeze your triceps to lift the weight back up to the starting position and repeat. Keep your biceps near your ears throughout the movement to avoid overextending.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

14. Glute Bridge

Muscles used: glutes

Step 1: Lie down on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Press through your heels to lift your hips up off the ground until your knees, hips and shoulders form a diagonal line.

Step 2: Pause here, then slowly lower back down to the starting position and repeat.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

15. Single Side Lateral Lunge

Muscles used: gluteus medius, abductors, adductors and quadriceps

Step 1: Holding one dumbbell in both hands at your chest, begin in a standing position. With your right leg, step out to the side, bending down into a side lunge so that your knee is directly over your toes and toes are facing forward.

Step 2: Press through your foot to rise, return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

16. Squat To Press

Muscles used: gluteus maximus and deltoids

Step 1: Holding one dumbbell at your chest (or two weights at your shoulders), squat down as if you were sitting in a chair, keeping your knees in line with your toes the entire time.

Step 2: Brace your core and press through your heels to return to standing as you simultaneously extend your arms high above your head, pressing the weight up. Slowly lower back down to the starting position and repeat.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

17. Plank Pull

Muscles used: abdominal wall and deltoids

Step 1: Begin in a high plank position with your feet hip-width or wider and hands directly below your shoulders. Place one dumbbell to your side in line with your left ribcage.

Step 2: With your right hand, reach across your body to pick up the weight and set it down on the opposite side, in line with your right ribcage. Repeat this movement while maintaining a strong plank with little to no movement in your hips.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

18. Alternating Curtsy Lunges

Muscles used: gluteus medius, abductors, adductors and quadriceps

Step 1: Holding one weight in each hand, begin in a standing position. Step back with your right leg, crossing your right foot back behind your left until it’s slightly outside of your left heel.

Step 2: Bend both knees to begin the lunge. Your back right knee should hover just above the ground. Press through the ball of your foot to return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

19. Chest Press

Muscles used: pectoral muscles and core

Step 1: Lie down on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor holding one dumbbell in each hand. With your elbows bent at a 45-degree angle, press the weights up toward the ceiling while keeping them in line with your shoulders.

Step 2: Slowly lower back down to the starting position and repeat.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

20. L Sit Up

Muscles used: core

Step 1: Lie down on your back with your legs straight out in front of you, arms extended up towards the ceiling. Engaging your core, slowly roll yourself up to a seated position, forming an L shape.

Step 2: Slowly roll back down to the starting position and repeat.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

21. Sumo Squat

Muscles used: gluteus medius, abductors, adductors and quadriceps

Step 1: Holding one weight at your chest, stand with your feet wider than hip-width apart and turn your feet out to a 45-degree angle, externally rotating your hips.

Step 2: Push your hips back to squat down, keeping your spine aligned and your chest lifted. As your rise back up, push through your heels to engage your inner thighs and repeat.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

22. Jackknife

Muscles used: core

Step 1: Lie down on your back with your legs straight out in front of you.

Step 2: Sit up while simultaneously bringing one knee in towards your chest, reaching the opposite hand to the opposite foot. Slowly lower back down to the starting position and repeat. Alternate between reaching for your right and left foot with each new sit-up.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

23. Single Leg Deadlift

Muscles used: hamstrings, glutes and posterior chain

Step 1: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding one dumbbell in each hand. Keeping your right knee slightly bent, send your left leg back and up while hinging forward at the hips, lowering the weights to about mid-shin height.

Step 2: Moving like a seesaw, squeeze your right hamstring and glute to lift your chest and lower your left leg, returning to the starting position, and repeat on the opposite side.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

24. Shoulder Press

Muscles used: deltoids

Step 1: Begin in a standing position holding one dumbbell in each hand at your shoulders. Keeping your chest up and core braced press the weights up high above your head until your arms are straight.

Step 2: Slowly lower back down and repeat, keeping your gaze forward the whole time.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

25. Butterfly Sit Up

Muscles used: core

Step 1: Lie down on your back and bring your feet to touch at your midline letting your knees fall open to the side (similar to a seated butterfly stretch).

Step 2: Use your core to roll up to a seated position with a neutral spine. Fighting gravity, slowly roll your torso back down to the ground and repeat.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

26. Single Leg Curtsy

Muscles used: hamstrings, glutes and posterior chain

Step 1: Begin in a standing position. Step back with your right leg, crossing your right foot back behind your left until it’s slightly outside of your left heel.

Step 2: Bend both knees to begin the lunge. Your back right knee should hover just above the ground. Press through the ball of your foot to return to the starting position or lift your right knee into a single-leg knee drive. Balance here, return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

27. Alternating Lateral Lunge

Muscles used: hamstrings, glutes and posterior chain

Step 1: Begin in a standing position in the middle of your exercise mat. With your right leg, step out to the side, bending down into a side lunge so that your knee is directly over your toes and toes are facing forward.

Step 2: Press through your foot to rise, return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side, alternating between right and left.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

28. Skull Crushers

Muscles used: triceps

Step 1: Lie down on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor holding one dumbbell with both hands. Extend the weight high above your chest with your palms facing in.

Step 2: Bend your elbows to bring the weight down toward your forehead, then squeeze your triceps to lift the weight back up toward the ceiling. Maintain a constant grip on the weight and be extremely careful as you lower and lift.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

29. Lateral Lean

Muscles used: hamstrings, glutes and posterior chain

Step 1: Begin in a wide-standing straddle with your toes slightly pointed out. Lean to your right as your bend your knee and lower down.

Step 2: Press through your right foot to come back to center and repeat on the opposite side. Keep your feet glued to the ground throughout the movement.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

30. Standing Overhead Tricep Extension

Muscles used: triceps

Step 1: Begin in a standing position with your feet hip-width apart and a soft bend in your knees. Hold one dumbbell in both hands and lift the weight high above your head. With a neutral spine, engage your core and bend your elbows, lower the weight down toward the nape of your neck.

Step 2: At your lowest point, squeeze your triceps and lift the weight back up to the starting position and repeat. Keep your biceps near your ears throughout the movement to avoid overextending.

Sofia Kraushaar/Bianca Vesco

31. Single Arm Shoulder Press

Muscles used: deltoids

Step 1: Begin in a standing position holding one dumbbell in your right hand at your shoulder. Let the left arm fall to your side. Keeping your chest up and core braced, press the weight up high above your head until your arm is straight.

Step 2: Slowly lower back down, keeping your gaze forward the whole time. Switch sides and repeat.

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