
Your Weekly Horoscopes: April 2 to April 8, 2023

Your Weekly Horoscopes April 2 to April 8, 2023
Matt Winkelmeyer/Staff/Getty Images

This is the week to get things done. Bursts of inspiration come with the energy to follow through on big ideas as Mercury leaves excitable Aries for deliberate Taurus on the 3rd. In the fixed earth sign, the communication planet can be a perfectionist, so there’s definitely a push and pull between wanting to get things done quickly and doing things the correct way. The full moon in Libra on the 6th illuminates a path to balancing passion and routine. 

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)

Once and for All: What Is the Best Zodiac Sign?

Cheeky illustrations of a girl of color in a purple shirt and overalls with a baby ram over her shoulders. She is smiling and so is the ram. The overall color is purple—purple background, pink ram with purple horns and the girls is wearing a purple shirt. Her hair is in a messy bun.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

The full moon in Libra on the 6th illuminates both the harmony and the discord that you’re experiencing in your closest relationships. What felt fresh back in the fall isn’t feeling so new anymore. Take this moment to check in with your partner (or work wife or bestie) and make some adjustments before things fall further out of balance.

This week’s mantra: “Align.”

Cheeky illustration of a young non-binary person petting a bull.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Though this is probably the busiest week you’ve had in a long time, the full moon in Libra on the 6th illuminates a need to slow down and focus on your health and wellbeing. Are your routines supporting your goals or have you pushed yourself to the point of burnout? Notice where you need more discipline.

This week’s mantra: “Adapt.”

Cheeky illustration of identical twins with long dark hair and a statement earrings back-to-back, smirking at each other.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

When do you feel most like yourself? The full moon on the 6th brings some romantic intrigue or exciting creative projects into your life. But with your ruling planet Mercury moving into your unconscious sector this week, you’re feeling reclusive and want to take a step back. Instead of getting in your head about missed opportunities, why not get some actual rest?

This week’s mantra: “Sweet.”

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

The full moon on the 6th is a culminating moment for an ongoing home improvement project or family drama. What was just a seed of an idea back in September has now become a full-blown thing. How can you find more balance in your private life?

This week’s mantra: “Nest.”

Cheeky illustration of a woman of Asian-descent wearing a sheer coral top with her hair half-up in pigtail puns, the rest down. She is hugging a lion, who is smirking.

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)

You’re the busiest you’ve been all year as the full moon on the 6th brings big moments for everyone around you. It’s your sister’s baby shower, best friend’s birthday and a much anticipated book club meeting all at once. If anything feels like less of a celebration and more of an obligation, trust your gut and work on moving away from that part of your life.

This week’s mantra: “Full.”

Cheeky illustration with a light blue background of a woman wearing a coral shirt coyly poking out from behind her hands.

Virgo (August 23 - September 23)

As your ruling planet Mercury moves into Taurus and your education and travel sector on the 3rd, you’re inspired to start working out the details for your next big move. The full moon in Libra on the 6th reveals whether you actually have the resources to make it happen. The amount in your bank account might surprise you, so now’s the time to steady your spending habits.

This week’s mantra: “Steady.”

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Libra (September 23 - October 21)

This is an intense and emotional week for you, Libra, as the full moon on the 6th is in your sign. Back in the fall, you set some goals around caring for your mind and body, and this week, your progress (or non-progress) is revealed. This is also an ideal time to put yourself out there and get some attention. Savor the spotlight while it’s here.

This week’s mantra: “Me time.”

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Scorpio (October 22 - November 21)

The full moon on the 6th illuminates some fears or anxieties for you, Scorpio. The good news is that you’re no longer hiding from reality, but the bad news is that what’s revealed is likely out of your control. This week is an exercise in letting go and asking for support where you need it.

This week’s mantra: “Release.”

Cheeky illustration of a Black woman with purple hair on an orange background. She's in a wearing jean jacket, with a quiver strapped across her back and arrows sticking out.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

The full moon on the 6th is a party, and you’re the guest of honor. Seeds you planted back in September toward making new friends or gaining success come to fruition this week. Now the challenge is balancing what’s grown in your public life with what you’d like to cultivate at home.

This week’s mantra: “Charm.”

A cheeky image of a woman of color with dark hair holding a pink goat by the horns. The background is pink and her shirt is darker pink.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

A breakthrough for your career or public life arrives with the full moon in Libra on the 6th. But you’re not just gaining recognition and respect this week, you’re getting clear affirmations that following your heart is always the right choice. Relax, have some fun and celebrate all that you’ve accomplished.

This week’s mantra: “Shine.”

Cheeky image of a Black woman with blue hair on a light blue background. She's holding blue water in her palms, which is bubbling up and taking shape as her hair.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

The full moon on the 6th lights up your travel and education sector. What intentions from back in September are coming to fruition now? Were you able to go on that big adventure or are you stuck back at square one? This is also a perfect time to reconnect with a teacher or mentor and realign yourself on the path.

This week’s mantra: “Receive.”

Cheeky illustration of a gender-fluid white person with short-cropped orange hair. They're wearing a light blue halter top as two bright pink koi fish circle their head.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Whether you’re meeting with your accountant or facing some hefty debts, all kinds of money matters are bubbling to the surface at the full moon on the 6th. If you’re off track, this is an excellent time to make a plan to get balanced again. Conversations with friends help you make this more manageable and less taboo.

This week’s mantra: “Burst.”

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can subscribe to her newsletter for more musings on the stars.

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast