
Your Weekly Horoscope: July 8 to 14

This week is hot, guys. No, I’m not just talking about the weather. We have a solar eclipse (of the heart) coming up on Thursday, bringing with it the energy of new beginnings in emotional, nurturing Cancer. Take a deep breath and write down a few wishes, because the universe is listening to what you put out this week.

Also: remember to read for your rising signs, because they tell you which part of your life is most affected by your horoscope.

3 cancer

Someone has been getting under your skin lately, and most likely, it’s your committed partner (take my wife, amiright?). Or it could be an enemy (funny how those two fall under the same astrological purview). Either way, the new moon on Thursday is your cosmic chance to bury the hatchet, or at least reach a détente. More good news? Venus is moving into your house of thinking, giving you much-needed peace of mind. Seriously, you’ll sleep through this heat wave better than anyone.

4 leo

All the good vibes of this new moon fall in your house of mental health and self-care. About frickin’ time. This is a friendly lunar event that gives you the power to set your course for the next few weeks. Treat yourself, babe. Spend a day at a Korean day spa. Clean your healing crystals. Prepare for next month’s PMS cramps by “seed cycling”—anything that gives you peace of mind.

5 virgo

You’re feeling more confident and social this week, probably because you have Venus in your house of self, lending you all the grace and beauty of the goddess herself. Loving yourself makes it easier for you to love others, and that, plus the new moon in your friendship house, means you have never been more popular or on quite so many text threads. That makes this week an ideal one to organize some rooftop after-work drinks. Consider inviting all three of your active group threads.

6 libra

As your career continues to heat up (work it, baby), the main tension in your life will be between yourself. I know, boring. But while the drama here is low-key, it’s important. As you’re being hand-picked for high-profile projects (yes, queen), try your darndest not to burn the candle at both ends. If you have to be the wet blanket who goes home early, so be it, Libra. Your friends will still love you, promise.

7 scorpio

Going on a big trip, Scorpio? The eclipse on the 12th lights up your house of travel, so if you’ve been hankering to get away this summer, now’s the time to start putting pen to paper on that. Even better, Jupiter, giver of gifts, is in cahoots with the sun in your relationship sector, so you may find a paramour abroad if you don’t have one domestically…or perhaps perchance a proposal on, say, the Great Wall of China? Or maybe you’ll just fall in love with Positano and try to move there. Please take us with you...

8 sagittarius

You’re the zodiac’s philosopher, Sagittarius, and you’ll be turning that analytical mind inward this week. The new moon for you is all about the link between what you want (abs), what you secretly want (pizza) and what you can actually get (maybe one or two Zumba classes). But for real: You might think you want that promotion to V.P.—and you do—but underneath that desire, you really, really want your parents to be proud of you. If you can anchor your wishes to your realest, deepest desires, you can get both, Sagittarius…and sure, maybe abs, too.


The solar eclipse is happening in your partnership house, reminding you that, hey, it’s OK to ask for help. No matter how organized and efficient you are (and you really, really are), you can’t do everything alone. Sure, you know how to delegate, but that’s still just telling people what to do. It’s not the same thing as truly collaborating on a vision—whether it’s a show, a presentation or what houseplant would suit your living room the best, if you just ask for some feedback, you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the responses you garner.

10 aquarius

The pace at the office is not letting up. Summer slump be damned, you’re turning out deliverable after deliverable, and the VIPs are noticing that you are some serious talent. Yep, the new moon energy is obvi hitting in your work sector. But hold up, that doesn’t always mean office work—sometimes it means working out. (Sorry.) If you’re going to live that overachiever life, you’ve got to be fit enough to handle it all. Don’t worry, there are workouts for lazy people, too.

11 pisces

If you’re trying for a baby, you’re getting a big help from the new moon in your house of creativity and fertility. If not, you’ll still be able to channel that energy toward creative projects and self-expression. Those doodles you’ve been scribbling in your sketchbook? They’re less doodles, and more really awesome illustrations. Show them off on a new Instagram account. Make something of that side hustle. This is the time to put yourself out there and do something that scares you. Technically—or at least according to Tina from high school’s Facebook posts—you’re supposed to do that every day, right?

12 aries

You aren’t known for being a homebody, but this week, you may feel the urge to nest. Water your low-maintenance houseplants, Swiffer your floors and re-stock your Amazon bulk items. In addition to getting your house in order, you may feel inspired to do the same with your body (it is your temple, after all), whether that’s doing some prelim research on Whole30 or signing up for barre class with your sister—after all, she’s been begging you to do it forever.

1 taurus

Ooh la la, Taurus. This is a romantic week for you with Venus, goddess of love, moseying into your house of dating. If you’re with someone, prepare to be surprised with an unexpected date night to that art exhibit you’ve been aching to see. If you’re not, you could meet someone—or at least get your flirt on…hard. Don’t stay home and hide your light this week. Dance like everyone’s watching, because they are, and swipe right like world’s about to end.

2 gemini


The new moon hits in your second house of money, and that’s more than just your paycheck. It’s what you value in life. Yep, we’re getting “deep” because you have the opportunity, cosmically speaking, to get more of what matters to you—and I’m gonna assume it’s bigger than a pint of egg-free cookie dough. Toward the end of the week, keep an eye out for something you wanted, but may realize you already have. Yes, that applies to that pair of jeans you thought your dryer ate but were just chilling behind your dresser for months. But we’re also talking big Wizard of Oz epiphanies. Time to click your ruby slippers together, Gem.

Kiki O'Keeffe is a writer and astrologer in Brooklyn. You can follow her newsletter, I don't believe in astrology, or on Twitter and Medium @alexkiki.

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