Almost two years ago, Zendaya made history as the youngest actress to win Best Actress in a Drama at the Emmys. She took home the gold statue for her outstanding performance on the HBO series, Euphoria. And now, the young actress is making history (once again) by snagging an acting and producer nomination at this year’s Emmys.
The complete list of the 2022 Emmy Awards nominees has finally been released and the popular teen drama has garnered a total of 16 nominations. The show is nominated for Outstanding Drama Series, making Zendaya—who serves as the show’s executive producer—the youngest woman ever to be nominated for an Emmy in this particular category (*claps*).
To celebrate the momentous milestone, she shared a heartfelt message to the Euphoria cast and crew on Instagram. Alongside a rare snapshot of her Euphoria character Rue, she wrote in the caption, “Making this show with this cast and crew of the most incredibly talented people that I get the privilege of learning from every day has been a highlight of my life.”