Sarah “Fergie” Ferguson isn’t slowing down after releasing her latest novel, Her Heart for a Compass.
The 61-year-old royal recently sat for an interview with Radio 4’s Front Row and revealed that she has signed another book deal with her publisher, Mills & Boon. Ferguson didn’t discuss any specific details about her next narrative, but there’s a good chance it will be similar to Her Heart for a Compass.
“It was really exciting to grow together in friendship and collaboration, and we’re both very unified together in this book Her Heart for a Compass,” Ferguson told host Nick Ahad. “So much so, we’ve signed our next book deal.”
The news comes just a few days after Ferguson released Her Heart for a Compass, which she co-wrote with Marguerite Kaye. Although she’s always wanted to share stories about her ancestor, Lady Magaret Montagu Douglas Scott, Ferguson revealed that the coronavirus pandemic gave her the nudge she needed.