
Here Are Prince Harry's First Words Upon Seeing the Princess Diana Statue, According to a Lip Reader

When it comes to royal family news, it can be hard to find confirmed information. If it's not coming straight from the royal sources themselves, some news outlets rely on insiders to provide any details that aren't shared to the public.

But there's another avenue that can come in handy: lip reading. Thanks to professional lip reader Jeremy Freeman over at The Mirror, we now have a pretty good idea as to what Prince Harry may have been saying when his late mother's statue was unveiled just a week ago at the Sunken Garden of Kensington Palace.

According to Freeman, when Prince Harry and his brother, Prince William, first revealed the monument, the Duke of Sussex said, “Wow! Isn't that amazing? Amazing." Freeman claimed that in turn, Prince William commented, “What a reveal. Okay. Okay.”

The entire unveiling was captured in a recorded live stream, which can be seen below courtesy of Reuters.

While it was hard to decipher the rest of the conversation, Freeman also reported that when the brothers first entered the garden space, Prince Harry said, “This is spectacular.”

Along with The Mirror's lip reader, we at PureWow turned to our own professional to help interpret the statue unveiling ceremony. Body language expert and psychotherapist Toni Coleman analyzed the actions of the two royal brothers during the event, saying that the two seemed “completely out of sync” mainly because they express emotion very differently.

Coleman summarized the event by saying, “I think both had strong emotions which were on display in these pictures. However due to their differences, they express them so differently...I think [their] statement voiced what both feel and along with this statue and celebration of their mother, will help them to finally express some of that long pent-up grief and sadness.”

We're happy to see that, at least according to their lips, both brothers were pleased with the final result.

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Associate Editor, News and Entertainment

Joel is the former Associate Editor for News & Entertainment and has been reporting on all things pop culture for over 5 years. Before working at PureWow, he served as a...