
This Surprising Symbol Convinced Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to Buy Their California Home

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle made quite the big move when they packed their bags and traveled all the way from the U.K. to California (by way of Canada). And because this was such a huge decision (one which we've learned Princess Diana actually hoped to make herself), the royals wanted to ensure everything felt right, especially the new place they would call home. Now, in a new interview, the Duchess of Sussex revealed that one major symbol convinced them to pick their current residence in Montecito.

While talking with Allison P. Davis for The Cut, Markle discussed her and Prince Harry's house hunt in Montecito, saying, “We were looking in [that] area and this house kept popping up online in searches.” But at first, the couple didn't want to see the home. “We didn’t have jobs, so we just were not going to come and see this house,” Markle said. “It wasn’t possible. It’s like when I was younger and you’re window shopping—it’s like, I don’t want to go and look at all the things that I can’t afford. That doesn’t feel good.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
Samir Hussein/Getty Images

However, apparently it wasn't even the inside of the house that convinced the Sussexes it was the right fit. In the piece, Davis wrote, “Meghan stops to point out two massive Dr. Seussian palm trees, dead center on a lawn so verdant it’s better not to consider the water bill.”

And then Markle revealed, “One of the first things my husband saw when we walked around the house was those two palm trees. See how they’re connected at the bottom? He goes, ‘My love, it’s us.’”

And apparently, these trees also have a connection to the pair's eldest child, Archie. “Now every day when Archie goes by [them], he says, ‘Hi, Momma. Hi, Papa,’” Markle said.

With this immediate connection to the home, Markle said they told their real estate agent: “We have to get this house.” She added, “We did everything we could to get this house...It’s healing. You feel free.”

And now, the pair have even more symbols that have made their home feel special, like the bench in their backyard, which was the focus of Markle's children's book, The Bench, which she released last year.

Thank you for these fun tidbits, Meghan.

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Prince Harry & Meghan Markle May Be Moving Out of Their Montecito Home


Associate Editor, News and Entertainment

Joel is the former Associate Editor for News & Entertainment and has been reporting on all things pop culture for over 5 years. Before working at PureWow, he served as a...