Raise your hand if you could use more vacation days. *Raises every limb*
Well, thanks to the U.K.-based company Podmakers, you can now enjoy a Zen-like luxury retreat every day—in comfort of your own backyard.
Gals, meet the Escape Pod. Designed to function as "a garden office, snug or studio," these adorable, cedar-shingled orbs are basically the tricked-out, grown-ass-woman playhouse of your childhood dreams. Architecturally stunning and totally weathertight, they can be outfitted with a bevy of bespoke amenities to fit your personal hideaway goals. (We'll take the cozy wood-burning stove for our nightly quite-time reading hour, thanks.)
But the coolest feature of these posh mini pods? They rotate. Meaning you can position it to face the house when you feel social, then swivel it around to soak up the great, restorative "wilderness" of suburbia when you wanna get your Cheryl Strayed on.