Plenty of Hollywood couples love to show off a little PDA on their Instagram accounts, from Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra to Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos. Now, the latest pairing to join in on the fun is Katharine McPhee and David Foster, who were seen sharing a romantic kiss in a new set of photos that McPhee posted to Instagram.
“Poor guy…too bad he doesn’t get very much attention,” McPhee jokingly wrote in her caption. The pair were captured smooching on a patio, where McPhee had her leg wrapped around Foster. For the last snap, the American Idol alum jokingly zoomed in on a shot of her feet, to show that she had to stand on Foster's shoes in order to match his height.
But while many loved the steamy shots, there was one person who wasn't a huge fan: McPhee's stepdaughter, Erin Foster. The writer and entrepreneur jokingly responded, “Reporting this.”