The movie takes place on Halloween night in Salem, Massachusetts, and follows a man named Hubie Dubois (Sandler). Although he regularly plays pranks on the town’s citizens, he takes the annual holiday very seriously, volunteering as a patrol unit to ensure everyone is safe.
When he suddenly finds himself in the middle of a real murder investigation, Hubie is forced to get creative as he tries to convince the police that monsters actually do exist.
In addition to Sandler, Hubie Halloween features an all-star cast, including Kevin James (Sgt. Steve Downing), Julie Bowen (Violet Valentine), Ray Liotta (Mr. Landolfa), Rob Schneider (Richie Hartman), June Squibb (Hubie’s mother), Kenan Thompson (Sgt. Blake), Shaquille O’Neal (DJ Aurora), Steve Buscemi (Walter Lambert), Maya Rudolph (Mrs. Hennessey), Michael Chiklis (Father Dave), Tim Meadows (Mr. Lester Hennessey), Karan Brar (Deli Mike Mundi), George Wallace (Mayor Benson) and Noah Schnapp (Tommy).
The movie was directed by Steven Brill (Little Nicky). Sandler also served as an executive producer alongside Kevin Grady (Grown Ups) and Allen Covert (Happy Gilmore). The film is dedicated to the memory of actor Cameron Boyce.
Pleased to meet you, Hubie.