
Your Weekly Horoscopes May 23 to 29, 2021

Retrogrades are back! Both Saturn (our work ethic) and Mercury (our communications) start moving backwards so delays and changes in course (especially at work and with technology) should be expected. To bring up the heat even more, there’s also a total lunar eclipse—a supercharged full moon—in Sagittarius on the 26th! This eclipse continues a dramatic storyline from June 5 and December 14, 2020. What was happening then that truly can’t be avoided now? Things are definitely heavy and cathartic, so we’ll absolutely need to take a break and vibe out to Ms. Lauryn Hill (who was born during a similar total lunar eclipse in Sagittarius in 1975!)

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that will provide further insight.)

2 gemini

With your ruling planet Mercury going retrograde and Venus (still in your sign) squaring off with confusing Neptune, this whole week has you struggling to stay on top of your own schedule, barely knowing which end is up. But you have to pull it together (briefly) at the lunar eclipse on the 26th. This eclipse falls in your relationship sector and has you rushing to help out someone you love (even if you barely have the energy). Don’t worry, once you get your BFF set up to comfortably wallow through her breakup, you can get back to your own existential crisis.

This week’s mantra: If you can’t do it for yourself, do it for someone else.

3 cancer

The total lunar eclipse on the 26th is here to snap you back into reality. You’ve been happily operating from a place of disconnect since Gemini season began, until your hubby reminds you that your in-laws are visiting this weekend! Suddenly, you’re rushing to wash the guest linens and put those tacky Christmas gifts from your MIL out for display. When they arrive, you’re further challenged to keep your cool and accept that you won’t be able to dive back into your trashy romance novel until they leave town.

This week’s mantra: Life waits for no one.

4 leo

A long-term contract or gig that you started back in December comes to an end (or a pause) as Saturn stations retrograde on the 23rd. If nothing else, you’ve proved to yourself that you can commit to something and see it through, even when things get hard. Then, at the total lunar eclipse on the 26th, an old flirtation comes out of the woodwork, and you get caught up in another. Why not celebrate your accomplishment with a fling?

This week’s mantra: Resilience gets rewarded.

5 virgo

Though this week is intense for everyone, you might be having the most overwhelming week of all, Virgo. The total lunar eclipse on the 26th brings some unexpected news at home or from your family that has you rushing to visit your parents or scrambling to get a new roommate. Then on the 29th, your ruling planet Mercury stations retrograde, complicating a project at work, the kids’ schedules or a genius road trip plan with friends that you thought was under control. These challenges continue next week so tackle whatever’s most urgent first.

This week’s mantra: You’ve got this!

6 libra

Whether it’s unexpected car trouble or a surprise visit from your sister, the total lunar eclipse on the 26th brings a disruption to your schedule. As busy and frazzled as you already are, with your ruling planet Venus squaring off with hazy Neptune on the 27th, the circumstances could get even more confusing. So try to go with the flow. The time you spend waiting around (for your car to get fixed or your sister to get a manicure) gives you some space to daydream about some previously pushed aside goals.

This week’s mantra: Make lemonade!

7 scorpio

This week’s total lunar eclipse on the 26th delivers some difficult news about your financial situation. Maybe your tax refund was less than expected. Maybe that still hasn’t come through. Maybe you’re offered your dream position, but the role is only part-time. Whatever comes up has you scrambling to evaluate your budget and make things work. Mercury retrograde (from the 29th) gives you a three-week window to look into loans or ask a generous friend for a cash infusion.

This week’s mantra: Start from where you are.

8 sagittarius

With this week’s total lunar eclipse (a full moon that is truly doing the most) happening in your sign, the vibe can be describe in to words: exhaustion and overwhelm. Even if nothing super dramatic is going on, you can’t help but want to hide or take an extended nap. Take care of yourself and try to push anything stressful to next week. Then, Mercury retrograde kicks off on the 29th and puts you in touch with a lover from the past. Remember: Just because you get the message doesn’t mean you have to respond.

This week’s mantra: Stay out of the fray.


Your ruling planet Saturn slows down and stations retrograde on the 23rd, giving you a chance to review, revisit and revise some of your financial plans. Have you been following your savings strategy or do you need to start from scratch? Then on the 26th, the total lunar eclipse falls in your unconscious sector, so if possible, put your phone in a drawer for the day and catch up on your rest—sleep-care is the self-care, people. Things get way busier next week so take the chance to disconnect.

This week’s mantra: Slow down and remember what you need.

10 aquarius

Steady, reliable Saturn—your ruling planet—who has been traveling through your sign since December 2020, stations retrograde this week. This year has been a whirlwind so far and you’ve grown so much. Now’s the time to review your progress and revisit your original goals. Are you on the right path or do you want something else entirely? Then the total lunar eclipse on the 26th brings your social life center stage. Who are you excited to get back in touch with and who are you ready to leave behind? The pandemic FOGO is real.

This week’s mantra: It’s OK to change your mind.

11 pisces

Though you have a lot going on at home, this week’s total lunar eclipse on the 26th offers a major breakthrough for your career. Your boss is stepping down, and you’re moving up in the ranks. It’s what you’ve always wanted, but it’s more work than you expected. And though your highly intuitive self has sensed this coming for a while, that doesn’t make the transition any easier. Use Mercury retrograde (starting on the 29th) to rearrange things at home for a better working environment.

This week’s mantra: Step up to the plate!

12 aries

You’re moving at warp speed this month—finishing up a major renovation on your bathroom while onboarding new coworkers via Zoom. Maybe you can do it all! But at the total lunar eclipse on the 26th, you discover that all the mosaic tile you ordered is actually triple the price you expected, bringing all your work (home improvement or otherwise) to a screeching halt. Someone you trusted gave you some bad advice. Let this be a lesson about the value of doing research on your own.

This week’s mantra: Check it once and then check it again!

1 taurus

Gemini season has already turned into a major spending spree for you, Taurus. Sure, these aren’t frivolous purchases (fancy skincare, your summer wardrobe, and an excessive-but-worth-it bar tab with a new friend), these are investments. But at the total lunar eclipse on the 26th, you’re shocked at just how high your credit card bill is. Venus squares off with intoxicating Neptune the next day, encouraging you to splurge even more, but try instead to have some fun for free! Skip eating out and take a picnic to the park instead!

This week’s mantra: Everything has a cost.

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can follow her on Instagram @jaimeallycewright or subscribe to her newsletter.

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast