
Your Weekly Horoscopes: July 24 to 30, 2022

This week begins in a place of indulgence and unfiltered conversation. Venus in cozy Cancer squares off with Jupiter in audacious Aries on the 25th (an aspect found in the chart of comfort food chef Jamie Oliver), just as communication planet Mercury squares off with harsh Mars on the 26th and shocking Uranus on the 28th. “Why not now?” is a mantra this week as many of us choose to take risks and speak up.

The week’s main event arrives on the 28th with a new moon in Leo. New moons are a chance to reset and set intentions and in fire sign Leo, it’s a moment to courageously submit to our heart’s desire. On the same day, Jupiter stations retrograde until November 23rd, allowing us to slow down and review the abundance that has come into our life since the expansion planet first entered Aries on May 10th. After a period of rapid growth, there’s always some necessary pruning.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)

12 aries

Money has felt like it’s flying out of your account as fast as it goes in lately, and on the 26th or 28th, you may get a wake up call about how much you’ve been frittering away. Thankfully, the new moon in Leo on the 28th offers you a fresh start for your romantic or creative life. Time to choose not only what makes you feel good, but what makes you feel supported.

This week’s mantra: “I can have enough.”

1 taurus

You’re feeling much more emboldened and outspoken lately, but with this comes a constant state of agitation. A quick getaway with your sister or BFF at the beginning of the week relieves some of the tension, helping you feel less trapped. Then the new moon in Leo on the 28th allows you to rediscover a sense of calm in your living space or with your family. What is not negotiable when it comes to your peace of mind?

This week’s mantra: “I choose calm.”

2 gemini

The new moon in Leo on the 28th is an opportunity for you to get back in touch with someone or establish better boundaries for communication. That said, with your ruling planet Mercury clashing with Mars and Uranus this week, you might have to deal with quite a few unexpected disturbances to your flow. Think of these less as distractions from your regular routine and more as lessons about the best use of your time. What’s worth getting a little bit lost?

This week’s mantra: “I can master my environment.”

3 cancer

The new moon in Leo on the 28th is a great time for you to cast some abundance spells and set some intentions for your cash flow. You’ve given so much of your energy to shared resources—debts, loans and combining assets with your partner—over the last few years, and together, you’ve made many great choices. But this new moon is a chance to tap into your own personal needs and desires. Take yourself for a haircut and start vision boarding a new wardrobe. You deserve it.

This week’s mantra: “I can have nice things.”

4 leo

The new moon on the 28th is in your sign. But despite all the positive attention and birthday love, this lunation may leave you feeling extra sensitive or vulnerable. You’re especially tuned into sensations in your body so if you haven’t been taking care of yourself, what’s lacking in your routine may become very obvious. This is all happening so you can set intentions for image, identity and self-care over the coming year. How can you better support your body and mind?

This week’s mantra: “I treat my vessel with care.”

5 virgo

This week’s new moon in Leo on the 28th is a perfect time for you to set intentions around rest, meditation and community projects for the coming year. There are interesting opportunities for travel, learning and spiritual growth coming up right now, but you won’t be able to make up your mind about what’s best to pursue without a clear mind. Instead of stressing yourself out, try to take a real break and then step back into what most excites you.

This week’s mantra: “I’m allowed to slow down.”

6 libra

Venus squares off with Jupiter on the 25th, allowing you to tap into the care and intimacy that keeps you inspired. Partnerships, contracts and agreements—especially those that have to do with your career—start coming together this week as you also come into your own as a warm and accessible leader. Then the new moon in Leo on the 28th gives you a chance to set intentions around friendship and community involvement over the next year.

This week’s mantra: “I lead with courage.”

7 scorpio

As communication planet Mercury squares off with Mars in slow, steady Taurus, you’re learning to advocate for yourself at work or in the public eye. Whether you’re negotiating a salary for your dream job or speaking up about something that’s been bothering you at the office, it’s a relief to get all of this off your chest. The new moon on the 28th is for setting intentions in your professional and public life for the next year. What do you want to achieve, and, more importantly, how do you want to show up?

This week’s mantra: “Progress requires commitment.”

8 sagittarius

The new moon in Leo on the 28th brings a fresh start for your travel plans, spiritual pursuits and educational paths. With your ruling planet Jupiter going retrograde on the same day, it’s important to follow what brings you joy and keeps your inspired. What isn’t generative probably isn’t worth the tuition or airfare. Since May, many new romances and artistic projects have been sparked in your life. How can you make sure those flames are sustainable?

This week’s mantra: “I follow joy.”


The new moon in Leo on the 28th offers an opportunity for you to set intentions around shared resources and collaborations. Whether your income has been growing or you’ve been going through more of a lean time, how can you be more generous? Who can you ask for the support you need? This is also a great time for setting energetic boundaries, especially at work or with your family. Getting clear on your limits this week keeps you from totally burning out six months from now.

This week’s mantra: “I know my limits.”

10 aquarius

Clashes with your partner over schedules and responsibilities at home get this week off to a rocky start. Everything feels like it’s happening at once and worst of all, none of it is really about you. It’s about how you’re showing up as a unit. Thankfully the new moon on the 28th lets you refresh your commitments, and get back on the same page.

This week’s mantra: “We can work it out.”

11 pisces

A fresh start for your workflow and daily routines arrives with the new moon in Leo on the 28th. With your ruling planet Jupiter going retrograde on the same day, the big question to be asking yourself is, “What’s worth my time?” If something’s not filling your cup, then it might be time to move on. Don’t worry too much about finding the perfect fit, and instead focus on slowly integrating things one step at a time.

This week’s mantra: “I go at my own pace.”

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can subscribe to her newsletter for more musings on the stars.

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast