
What Venus in Cancer Means for Every Zodiac Sign

Three words: cardinal water sign

Venus in Cancer art to explain what Venus in Cancer means for every Zodiac Sign
Sofia Kraushaar

“What does it mean that my sun is in Cancer and this guy I’m seeing has Venus in Cancer?” a friend texts me. “Does this mean we’re meant to be?”

As everyone’s “astrology friend” who is also an actual professional astrologer, I get questions like this a lot. There’s part of me (the part that gets bored with everyone constantly asking me questions about their crush) that wants to reply, “It’s not a big deal.” It’s unlikely that this Sun-Venus connection is the most important thing about either person’s chart or their compatibility. The other part of me (the part that’s always a bit crushed out myself) knows that my friend just wants another assurance that this connection is meaningful. Someone’s Venus placement tells you a lot about how they connect, how they strategize and even how they spend their money. It might not mean everything, but it does mean something.

Venus takes about a calendar year to travel through the zodiac, spending three to four weeks in each sign. When Venus is in Cancer, the cardinal water sign, she’s comfortable charting emotional waters. Venus in Cancer always has the best snacks, a listening ear, plus tissues and a first aid kit on hand in case someone gets hurt. Venus in Cancer is a consummate party host, but what kind of party she’s hosting is different for everyone. Let’s get into what Venus in Cancer means for every zodiac sign.

Meet the Astrologer

Jaime Wright writes PureWow’s weekly and monthly horoscope columns, along with the cult favorite Substack moon missives. She also hosts good fortune, a podcast for weekly astro forecasts, cultural critique and gossip.

A Quick Refresher on Cancer Traits and Personality

Going through a breakup? Stressed at work? Overwatered your houseplant? Call a Cancer (chances are, they’ll sense you’re upset before the phone rings). Cancer, the cardinal water sign, is often thought of as the “mom” of the zodiac, but really she’s the matriarch. Cancer’s not just any mom, she’s the Queen Mom. Like all water signs, Cancers lead with how they feel. Like all cardinal signs, Cancers are initiators who like to start the party more than they like to clean up after it. Cancers are strong leaders who are always considering the needs of others but they also hold those they love to very high standards. Cancers tend to be more critical of their inner circle than they are of their enemies. (If you have a Cancer in your life, you know the wrath that comes if you let them down!) Ruled by the moon, Cancers are also known for being very sentimental and holding onto memories. But also like the moon, Cancers ebb and flow, and are very sensitive and adaptable to the rhythms of life.

What Does Venus in Cancer Mean?

If I could only use one word to describe Venus in Cancer, that word would be loyal. Think Venus in Cancer native Ben Affleck’s loyalty to Dunkin’ Donuts coffee. A real hometown softie. In fact Venus in Cancer natives can be so steadfast that they hold tight to things that are no longer serving them. As much as they love to initiate, they also have a hard time letting go. This is because Venus in Cancer is very sentimental, and shows their love through collecting memories. Scrapbooking. Shared experiences. The Venus in Cancer love language is quality time. All of this also translates to the way Venus in Cancers handle their money. Venus in Cancer is both generous with money and excellent at budgeting. They prioritize spending on experiences over material gifts, and always prefer something folksy and handmade to its luxury counterpart. Venus in Cancer people, for better or worse, can be very attached to their family so don’t be surprised if they make their money working at a family business. 

This Venus in Cancer vibe is true for those who were born when Venus in Cancer, but when Venus is in Cancer by transit, we all experience love and beauty through this lens.

Key Dates and Events for Venus in Cancer 2024 & 2025

Venus was in Cancer from June 16 through July 11, 2024. Think about that time period for you, what was happening in your life? Anything you feel particularly sentimental about?

Venus will next be in Cancer July 31, 2025 through August 25, 2025.

Tips for Navigating Venus in Cancer

When Venus goes into Cancer get ready for some “Summertime Sadness.” Though it’s a sweet time to initiate new relationships, it’s also a time when you might find yourself pining for your ex or wishing you could return to an old job. Nostalgia is a drug of choice. To channel the healthiest version of this energy, block out time to go through old photos, look at past concert footage and schedule coffee dates with childhood friends. Relationships built and investments made during Venus in Cancer have a strong emotional foundation but may lack presence and practicality so make sure you’re checking in with both your mind and your heart under these transits.

How Venus in Cancer Effects Cancers                         


Venus spends about three to four weeks of every year in Cancer. When this time comes, I’m always getting questions from Cancer clients about what it means when Venus is in their sign. “Will my situationship finally become official?” “Will I be looking hotter than usual?” Truthfully, the answer is both yes and no. Venus in Cancer moves differently through every birth chart so there’s no one size fits all interpretation. Many factors (primarily  the rising sign more than the sun sign) affect what part of life will see the most stimulation. That all being said, Venus in Cancer does bring, at the very least, a little bit of sweetness and extra sentimentality to all Cancers.


Cancers may find that their outlook is cheerier when Venus is in their sign, especially if the weeks leading up to it (while Venus was in Gemini) had them feeling disconnected. Venus in Cancer takes emotions very seriously and for Cancers this is a return to center after feeling very scattered. Venus in Cancer is a great time for Venus in Cancer to get a fresh haircut or splurge on a facial to make sure they’re looking as dewy as they feel inside.                                                           


Though one might think Venus in Cancer is the best time for a Cancer’s love life, it’s actually a better time for self love.  That being said, this transit is definitely when Cancers are feeling themselves and getting lots of attention for it, but it’s probably a better time to flirt than look for a commitment.

Money & Career

Venus in Cancer is a great time for Cancers to take their earning power back into their own hands. It’s a great time to ask for a raise, seek new collaborators or project mentors, and build community. Cancers are likely to step into leadership positions during the transit of Venus in Cancer, and do well in groups that reflect well on their self image.

How Venus in Cancer Impacts Each Zodiac Sign

Signs That Benefit When Venus is in Cancer

Venus in Cancer is an especially sweet transit for Scorpio, Pisces and Capricorn. Cancer’s fellow water signs Scorpio and Pisces get a dose of that big emotional intimacy they’re always craving, and earth sign Capricorn gets to feel witnessed and held like a rock shaped by a flowing river. 

Signs That May Face Challenges When Venus is in Cancer

Venus in Cancer is an especially challenging transit for Leo and Sagittarius. For Leo, this transit lights up their unconscious sector making love, beauty and connection harder to access. For Sagittarius, Venus in Cancer is in their shared resources sector and though this may bring good news around debts or loans, it also brings up heavy power dynamics.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Venus in Cancer is nesting time for your, Aries. Family bonds and emotional connections deepen under this transit. Buy a new couch! Do one of those DNA Ancestry tests! Call your grandma! This period encourages you to find flow in your foundation and joy in your domestic life.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Venus in Cancer is for speaking your mind. This transit is for treating yourself in the neighborhood and spending time with close friends and family. Flirt at the bookstore! Take long walks! Text your college roommate! There are times to break out of your comfort zone and this isn’t one of them. Enjoy what’s familiar and comforting. 

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Venus in Cancer brings some sweetness to your finances. In addition to evaluating your budget, this is also a great time to reflect on what you need to feel valued and secure. Start a rainy day fund! Treat yourself! Invest in a new pair of fuzzy slippers. This is also a great time for you to slow down and relax. Time is money after all. Give yourself more of it!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Venus in Cancer makes you glow. With Venus in your sign, you’re more magnetic and charming, attracting positive attention in all areas of your life. Book a facial! Go blonde! Get a massage! This is a great time to refine your personal style and invest in self-care routines that make you feel your best.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Venus in Cancer is for inner growth and emotional healing. This transit is for shadow work, going deep so that you can let go of what’s holding you back. Meditate! Put your phone on Do Not Disturb! Find inner peace! Solitude nurtures your well-being and leads to greater emotional clarity. Let yourself enjoy being out of the scene for a bit.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Venus is Cancer is for nurturing connections. Go to karaoke! RSVP yes to a new friend’s birthday party! Organize a happy hour at work! Though this transit can definitely be a great one for building your social network to further your career, it’s also about remembering who your real friends are. Enjoy the support!

Libra (September 23 - October 21)

Venus in Cancer puts you in the spotlight. This transit brings opportunities to advance your professional life and boost your reputation. Apply for that job! Ask to define your relationship! Put yourself out there! Venus in Cancer also brings you in contact with more VIPs. Embrace this moment of recognition and use the increased visibility to your advantage.

Scorpio (October 22 - November 21)

Venus in Cancer is a time to expand your mind. You may feel inspired to learn new things or make travel plans with a lover. Sign up for Spanish classes! Go to a museum! Renew your library card! This is a transit for broadening your horizons and seeking new experiences. As you embrace opportunities for growth, you may find a new crush along the way.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Venus in Cancer is when things get very deep for you, Sagittarius. It’s a great transit for building trust and intimacy in your closest relationships. It’s also a great time to apply for a loan. Collaborate! Consolidate debt!  Go to couple’s therapy! Use this time to build a solid foundation for shared goals that will support you in both your personal and professional life.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Venus in Cancer brings sweetness to your closest relationships! It’s a time to offer as much you’re receiving and receive as much as you’re offering. Only the reciprocal can stay. Make promises! Hard launch a relationship! Sign a contract! This is the time of year when you’re most likely to get support so ask for what you need.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Venus in Cancer is for finding ease in your routines. Focus on creating a balanced and supportive environment that supports your mental and physical wellbeing. Get back into yoga! Meal prep! Try the pomodoro technique! This is a great time to increase your productivity not through hustling, but through finding a flow.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Venus in Cancer is your most romantic time of year. This is when your inner teen takes the wheel. Ask your crush on a date! Learn to play the drums! Go to a pottery class! This transit supports taking risks in your love life and creativity. When you allow yourself to focus on your desires, you’ll find more joy in your daily life.

Conclusion: Embracing Venus in Cancer

When Venus is in Cancer, there’s no choice but to embrace sentimentality. Remember though: a little bit of nostalgia goes a long way. It’s fun to reminisce about the past as long as you don’t get stuck there. This isn’t a time to follow trends or worry about what others think. It’s a time to focus on what’s comfortable and familiar. Remember: you’re the one hosting this party. Invite whoever you want.

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What Venus in Virgo Means for Every Zodiac Sign

Jaime Wright Astrologer PureWow e1723737740541


  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast

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Resident Hufflepuff, Beyonce historian, self-proclaimed tea sommelier

Steph is a native of Zimbabwe who is both enamored and genuinely baffled by the concept of silent letters. From 2020 to 2022, she served as Associate Editor at PureWow covering SEO content. That includes anything from finding the best lightweight foundations and compiling an expansive list of the best dog costumes to giving you a thorough breakdown on how to clean your sponge.