
Your Weekly Horoscopes: January 23 to 29, 2022

Mercury retrograde continues this week and Venus retrograde comes to an end. Still deep in reflection mode, we’re realizing that no matter how brilliant our ideas are, they’re not going anywhere without a solid foundation. This becomes especially clear when Mercury re-enters matter-of-fact Capricorn on the 25th. “Success is only meaningful and enjoyable if it feels like your own,” said Michelle Obama, who was born with Mercury in Capricorn. It’s time to stop dreaming and start building. When Venus stations direct on the 29th, we begin moving forward with our connections and relationships, even if we’re still searching for the right words.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)

12 aries

With Mercury retrograde meeting the sun in your friendship sector on the 23rd, this week really is about the friends you made along the way. Since the holiday season, you’ve been struggling to re-evaluate your ambitions or redefine your relationship to success. Now you’re realizing that none of your personal goals matter when you’re not prioritizing community. Plan to share more of what you’ve learned with the entire group.

This week’s mantra: There’s no I in team.

1 taurus

Your ruling planet Venus goes direct on the 29th after a grueling 40-day retrograde journey. Since mid-December (and really since early November), you’ve been reviewing your relationship to higher learning, spirituality and long-distance travel. Some of your goals are easier to reach than you realized, and some just have to be let go. This week is for sharing your visions to further clarify what it is you really want.

This week’s mantra: I speak my dreams into existence.

2 gemini

Things continue to be chaotic this week with your ruling planet Mercury still retrograde, causing missed flights, cancelled classes and over-the-top political arguments in your group chat. Defining your beliefs is always a challenge as you prefer to hold multiple truths at once, and all the chaos surrounding you prevents clarity. Some insight arrives as Mercury meets the sun on the 23rd, and if only for a moment, you know exactly what you want.

This week’s mantra: I solve my problems one by one.

3 cancer

Venus has been retrograde since December 19th. Over the past two months, you’ve been reconciling with estranged friends, reviewing past relationships and reconsidering what you really need from a partner. Ghosts of all kinds have re-entered your life. With Venus finally moving forward again on the 29th, you’re ready to apply the lessons of this psychic archival dig to your present reality. It doesn’t hurt to revisit the past, but make sure you don’t get stuck there.

This week’s mantra: My experiences have made me stronger.

4 leo

Mercury is still retrograde, and at this point, the constant miscommunications have become pure comedy. Texts about after-school pickup never reach your babysitter; your coworker thought you needed a shift covered on Tuesday rather than Thursday; and your BFF leaves you on read during an emotional crisis. As Mercury meets the sun on the 23rd, you find clarity within the chaos. Sometimes all you can do is laugh and focus on the things that are in your control.

This week’s mantra: I’m focused on the process, not the outcome.

5 virgo

As Mercury retrograde meets the sun on the 23rd, you have a major a-ha moment around a problem at work or scheduling conflict with childcare. All the puzzle pieces fit into place after all! With Mercury then re-entering Capricorn on the 25th, you can give more of your attention to pleasure, romance and adventure. What’s the point of working all the time if you never have fun? Get a date night on the books for this weekend.

This week’s mantra: I can have it all.

6 libra

After an intense 40-day underworld journey, your ruling planet Venus finally stations direct on the 29th. Since December 19th, you’ve been re-evaluating your familial relationships and reconfiguring your home. Your foundation is sturdier than you realized, but keeping it together is going to require a lot of work. The first step is getting everything organized for this weekend’s big family party. Be sure only those who make you feel seen are on the guest list.

This week’s mantra: I’m more than my roots.

7 scorpio

Family has been a touchy subject for you over the last few years, but as Mercury meets the sun on the 23rd, you have a breakthrough about why all the tension has been necessary. Separating yourself from your parents, taking a break from your on-again off-again ex or even putting close friends on Do Not Disturbe, has allowed you to carve out a more meaningful place in the world that’s just for you. Once Venus stations direct on the 29th, you can forge some new connections.

This week’s mantra: Nothing gets in the way of my peace of mind.

8 sagittarius

Venus finally stations direct on the 29th, bringing more stability to your money sector after several weeks of fluctuations. All your recent stress over budgeting paves the way for a year of ease, at least financially. Moving forward, focus on monitoring your spending week by week so that there’s never a mad rush before tax season—or holiday credit card bill season—again.

This week’s mantra: I’m not just surviving but ready to thrive.


Good news! Venus stations direct in your sign on the 29th which means you can finally book the hair color appointment you’ve been mulling over for the last few weeks. The love and beauty planet’s retrograde has left you feeling conflicted about everything from your personal style to your skincare routine. Most of the clothes you bought on sale this month have to be returned. Moving forward, you have a much better idea about what makes you feel good both inside and out.

This week’s mantra: When I’m on, no one can block my shine.

10 aquarius

With Mercury retrograde meeting the sun in your sign on the 23rd, it’s in your best interest to prioritize yourself, even if only for a moment. Think all the selfish thoughts you want. Get your partner to watch the kids for the day and splurge on something that helps you relax. Once Mercury re-enters Capricorn on the 25th, you’re back to stressing over big-picture problems, so take care and take space while you can.

This week’s mantra: I’m allowed to take up space.

11 pisces

As Mercury retrograde meets the sun in your unconscious sector on the 23rd, some brilliant ideas come to you in a dream (or while you’re spaced out during a company-wide Zoom meeting). For the last few weeks, you’ve been considering which friends, coworkers and collaborators are meant to stick around in your life and which others are only passing through. This week is for imagining a future full of love and support.

This week’s mantra: I choose the people who choose me.

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can subscribe to her newsletter for more musings on the stars.

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast