We’re fully steeped in the waters of Pisces season now—no turning back the tide. As we acclimate to our rising emotions, we may feel an equal splash of hope and productivity this week. We’re taking our cues from the visionary side of Pisces (as opposed to the sorrowful), and learning that with a little action, we can make a lot of magic.

This is a good time for travel, even if it’s just a day trip to Seattle or adjusting your route home to take a more scenic path. Not to put a hard sell on you, Pisces, as Mercury’s going retrograde next week will threaten to upheave even the simplest of commutes, but if your heart is urging you to roam, you better do it—if not for Mercury, then for yourself.

Are you finally at peace with what you have? It’s hard to feel like we ever truly have “enough,” and some things you can never have once and for all (breakfast, for example). But this week is one of gratitude and taking stock, and you may find it easier than usual to look around and feel like you (finally?) have it all.

You might feel a little sexy this week, Taurus, and if you have someone in your life, then by all means, indulge in a sensual activity together, like hot yoga or a cooking class where you can lick each other’s fingers. If you’re unattached, enjoy the easy flirts that come your way. And if you need some inspiration for the bedroom, here’s a bespoke sex tip just for you.

You’re likely feeling harmonious alignment between who other people see when they look at you and who you know yourself to be. It’s valuable and rare to be seen so clearly and embraced for it, so remember this week to say “thank you” to compliments instead of “I know, right?”

If you’re undecided about whether you should confront your sister about her habit of asking you to make her tea when she’s perfectly capable of boiling water on her own, the answer is yes. But actually, you should consult only your nearest and dearest this week, keeping any personal drama close to the vest. That’s where the best advice is anyway (the answer is still yes).

If you’ve got the entrepreneurial bug, Leo, you may want to initiate Phase One of your plan to open your woven necklace Etsy shop. Any work you do on this will be fruitful this week, even if you’re just querying Google “how do I open an Etsy store?” It takes leadership to ask the humble questions!

Whether you’re traveling for work or for pleasure, it’ll be a pleasure, Virgo. In other words, don’t leave your ball and chain home if your company is forcing you to go somewhere warm like Miami. You might have more downtime than you anticipated, and you’ll both be in the mood to explore. (We’re all weeping for you over here…)

You may see a little more cash come your way. Whether that’s a refund you didn’t expect, a bonus or a raise, the universe is in the mood to reward you for your troubles. Start looking up ways to invest it now to curb any impulse to blow it all on a long weekend in Rome (even though that would be nice, wouldn’t it?).

If you’ve been itching to collaborate with someone on a creative project (maybe you write and they illustrate, or perhaps they sing and you play triangle), the timing is right for your partnership. If you join forces, you could literally—or metaphorically!—make beautiful music together.

If you enlist the kids in helping you rearrange the furniture, it might actually take longer but be twice as fun. Either way, you’ll be able to manifest at least some of the Joanna Gaines dreams you’ve been incubating, whether that’s getting a few succulents, hanging up a painting or getting to laundry basket zero (a heroic ambition).

If you and a crush have been doing a slow-mo flirtatious dance around asking each other out, one of you is going to get brave really soon. Whether you feel emboldened by ardor or they do, the buzzy rush of infatuation is a real treat. Don’t worry about hiding your perpetual blush from your friends; they already know.

You might be a little more pragmatic this week about throwing out things you don’t actually use. You may usually succumb to the sunk cost fallacy when you remember how much that old, holey Vince sweater in your closet cost, but it’s not adding value to your life by collecting dust back there. Make like Marie Kondo and giveaway.
Kiki O'Keeffe is an astrology writer in Brooklyn. You can sign up for her newsletter, I don't believe in astrology, or follow her Twitter @alexkiki.