
Your Weekly Horoscopes: December 27 to January 2, 2021

2021 is here and this week’s cosmic forecast is filled with uplifting vibes for ringing in the new year. On the 27th, the sun (our life force) connects with Uranus (our collective progress), making us excited for change and giving us flashes of insight about what’s to come. Intuition is high, so take note of any visions that are coming up now. Then on the 29th, there’s a gorgeous full moon in Cancer. Cancer is the moon’s home sign where she can be her generous, nurturing self. This is a great day to get cozy with the people we love and lend a helping hand to those in need.

Watch out for overspending or overindulging on the 30th when Venus squares off with hazy Neptune, which makes everything feel intoxicating. That third (...or sixth) drink during the holiday Zoom with the cousins or that 3 a.m. Glossier shopping spree might not be the best idea. Mercury makes a supportive aspect with Neptune on the 1st, which helps us tap into a dreamy, creative vibe. Let’s get 2021 started!

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that will provide further insight.)


You’re in an amazing mood this week for what feels like the first time in years. The pressure is off, and you can simply be. Why work on spreadsheets while everyone else is OOO when you could spend your days baking sourdough, playing video games and catching up on all the gossip you missed while trying to work your way through quarantine. The full moon on the 29th could bring up some tensions with your partner though. What was overlooked in your relationship while you were so caught up in getting ahead?

This week’s mantra: There’s a lot to work on when you start paying attention.

10 aquarius

Just when you were enjoying some real time away from “living at work,” the full moon on the 29th illuminates a huge error you made before closing your laptop for the holidays. Though you’re going to be very busy for the rest of the week cleaning up this admin nightmare, at least you get to do it in relative privacy. Your boss is off Slack for the week, so she’ll never know what went down. Work on your spreadsheets while soaking your feet in some lavender bath salts. Whether this manifests literally or metaphorically for you, don’t make something into a crisis that you’ve got totally under control.

This week’s mantra: If you have to work, work in style.

11 pisces

The full moon on the 29th lights up your romance and creativity sector. So, even though you’ve been stressing yourself out over career issues, try to take a moment to relax and do something just for the fun of it. If you’ve been wondering about the fate of a Hinge flirtation or an on-again, off-again fling, this lunation gives you an answer for better or worse. Then on the 30th, you’re pulled right back into the overwhelming office drama when you get a cryptic email from your boss. Everyone’s confused so do your part by calmly asking for clarity.

This week’s mantra: Actually, you’ve got this!

12 aries

The full moon on the 29th finds you cozy and quite possibly alone at home. You’ve spent so much time this year worrying about leaving the best impression at work or making the most of a relationship that just isn’t the right fit. Now, you’re satisfied knowing that you’re just enough the way you are. You’re thrilled to be in your own private world. Don’t take this stillness and solitude for granted! Feeling more comfortable in your own skin will only improve your career.

This week’s mantra: Alone doesn’t mean lonely.

1 taurus

What was going on with your sister or a BFF who feels like one back in the summer of 2019? Whether she was getting married, going through a divorce or just driving you crazy with her endless streams of text messages, something that felt so dramatic back then is now a distant memory. The full moon on the 29th is a moment to celebrate how much you’ve grown and changed in that relationship. Be careful on the 30th when a tiny misunderstanding with a coworker turns into a full-on fight. At least you can text your sister to vent!

This week’s mantra: Don’t take your emergency contacts for granted.

2 gemini

The full moon on the 29th falls in your money sector so as they say: It’s time to get paid. This is the perfect week to approach your boss (or prepare you speech) about a promotion or raise—except on the 30th, which is going to be a confusing day of miscommunications—or at least splurge a little bit on a gift that’s just for you. Own your value. Then on the 1st, Mercury connects with Neptune and you find a creative solution for a problem that’s been giving your coworkers or your community grief for weeks. Is there anything you can’t do?

This week’s mantra: Only you can define your value.

3 cancer

This week’s full moon on the 29th falls in your sign, so don’t let anyone crush your vibe. This is the perfect excuse to clear your calendar and focus on self-care. Don’t leave all those serums and clay masks your niece sent you for Christmas in the packaging. Bust them out and enjoy yourself for once! There’s also an opportunity this week to get your partner more involved in your social circle. You’ve spent so much of this year cooped up in quarantine, but, even if it’s over FaceTime, try to connect with more friends.

This week’s mantra: If you feel stuck, turn outward.

4 leo

For months—or maybe years—you’ve been struggling to settle the divide between where you want to be and where you currently are. At least with your career. But on the 27th, you figure out a creative way to incorporate more of what you love and what makes you feel seen into your daily routine. Then the full moon on the 29th falls in your unconscious sector and you’re ready to go off the grid and hibernate until 2021. Take the rest while you can because once January hits, it will be impossible to stay out of the action.

This week’s mantra: Small adjustments make a huge difference.

5 virgo

The full moon on the 29th falls in your social sector and is a wonderful opportunity to get involved in your community. Whether that’s making calls for local politicians, organizing a post-holiday neighborhood cleanup or making a point to get in touch with more friends, you’re bursting out of your hibernation and onto the scene. Then on the 1st, Mercury connects with Neptune and you’re feeling super romantic and ready to tell the world about it. You might even take a risk and ask that longtime flirtation-only friend out on a date. Why not go for it?

This week’s mantra: Why keep it to yourself?

6 libra

The full moon on the 29th marks a breakthrough moment for your career. You spent most of 2019 and 2020 opening yourself up to possibilities. Maybe you changed fields, sought a promotion or took an extended break from “making the rounds.” And though you’ve felt like you’re falling behind, you’ve put in a lot of work. Give yourself some more credit and take the compliment. Now that you’re getting more attention, your schedule is about to get quite busy and on the 30th, you’re beyond overwhelmed by an influx of emails. This is what it feels like to be in demand!

This week’s mantra: You’re a star so be a star!

7 scorpio

You’re feeling extremely grateful this week for all the people in your life, especially on the 27th when you introduce your new partner to one of your oldest friends on Zoom and everyone gets along better than you could have possibly imagined. What can you say? You have good taste! Then the full moon on the 29th inspires you to get in touch with a former mentor or teacher. You’ve been considering grad school or another course of study and though you’re not quite prepared to start class, you’re ready to figure out what it is you want to learn.

This week’s mantra: Look to the past to figure out the future.

8 sagittarius

Though you were so excited to spend the holidays with your new boyfriend and things went better than you could have possibly expected, the full moon on the 29th bursts the honeymoon bubble. Now that you’re both figuring out what it is you want to focus on in the upcoming year, you’re realizing that your goals are not necessarily aligned. This shouldn’t be a deal-breaker, but it is a conversation. Things might feel extra confusing (or bleak!) on the 30th, so wait until after the ball drops and you pop the Champagne to hash it out.

This week’s mantra: You don’t need to change to be loved.

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can follow her on Instagram @jaimeallycewright or subscribe to her newsletter.

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast