2021 is here and this week’s cosmic forecast is filled with uplifting vibes for ringing in the new year. On the 27th, the sun (our life force) connects with Uranus (our collective progress), making us excited for change and giving us flashes of insight about what’s to come. Intuition is high, so take note of any visions that are coming up now. Then on the 29th, there’s a gorgeous full moon in Cancer. Cancer is the moon’s home sign where she can be her generous, nurturing self. This is a great day to get cozy with the people we love and lend a helping hand to those in need.
Watch out for overspending or overindulging on the 30th when Venus squares off with hazy Neptune, which makes everything feel intoxicating. That third (...or sixth) drink during the holiday Zoom with the cousins or that 3 a.m. Glossier shopping spree might not be the best idea. Mercury makes a supportive aspect with Neptune on the 1st, which helps us tap into a dreamy, creative vibe. Let’s get 2021 started!
(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that will provide further insight.)