
Living Alone for the First Time? Here Are 10 Seriously Useful Tips

Ice cream for dinner, anyone?

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living alone for the first time photo of a woman dancing in her apartment
Westend61/getty images

Whether you’re sick of mom telling you to clean your room or done with your toxic roommate (there are only so many passive-aggressive Post-It notes in the kitchen one person can handle), you’ve finally made the decision to fly solo—congrats! Living alone for the first time is an exciting—and yes, slightly nerve-wracking—experience. How will you make delicious meals for just one person? Who’s going to get rid of that spider lurking under your bed? What should you do if the shower breaks? Find the answers to all these questions and more below. You’ve got this.

Is It Hard to Live Alone for the First Time? 

Living alone for the first time is an awesome opportunity to branch out on your own and get to know yourself better. But, as with any big life change, it isn't guaranteed to be 100 percent smooth sailing. (What do you mean I have to pay for all of the paper towels myself...?!) Still, if you follow the ten tips below, you can avoid some of the more common bumps in the road as you adjust to living solo.

The Random But Useful Products That Helped Me Maximize My Tiny Studio Apartment

living alone for the first time photo of woman in a new apartment
FG Trade/getty images

10 Tips on How to Live Alone

1. Make a Budget

Even if you’re used to managing your own finances, costs can pile up when you’re living on your own. This goes for one-time purchases (like a new couch for your new living room) as well as recurring ones (no more splitting the utilities with your roomies). Sit down and come up with a realistic budget for all your expenses that includes a cushion for surprise costs (like the boiler breaking down). Alarmed by the numbers? Don’t freak out—see if there are any areas that you can trim, like borrowing your brother’s Netflix password or buying second-hand furniture. (Psst: Check out this first apartment checklist to get you started.)

2. Keep a List of Emergency Numbers Handy

Just as you’re about to snuggle into bed with the latest must-watch series and a glass of Pinot (hey, it’s one of the perks of living alone), the internet stops working. Instead of spending hours Googling what to do (something that, um, is significantly harder to do when your Wi-Fi is gone), keep a list of numbers saved on your phone or taped to a wall for all kinds of emergencies. This should include: Your superintendent’s number and/or the building owner’s number, the nearest hospital and/or pharmacy, your water company, your power company, a locksmith and—if you’re living with Fido, a local veterinary hotline. If possible, get the number for one of your neighbors, too. Which brings us to our next point...

3. Be Nice to Your Neighbors

You don’t need to be best friends with the guy next door, but it definitely pays off to learn your neighbors’ names and exchange pleasantries with them on occasion. At the very least, this will ensure that they pick up your Amazon package when it’s left out in the rain. But hopefully, you can (eventually—no need to rush this relationship) rely on your neighbor to look after your plants when you’re away or help you if you get locked out—and you can do the same for them.

4. Decorate with Things That Make You Happy

You’ve always wanted a chaise lounge. Except your last roommate wasn’t thrilled about the idea. Well guess what? Now you can do exactly whatever you want. But before you go crazy at Pottery Barn, do some research to ensure the pieces you get for your new pad will actually fit the space (and your budget). You don’t want to splurge on a fancy piece of furniture only to realize that it takes up the entire living room (and totally clashes with the walls). Our advice? Read up on a couple of feng shui tips and then decorate to your heart’s content.

5. Keep Things Clean

Without anyone else to remind you to put your clothes away or take a sneak peek into your messy bedroom, it’s easy to let things descend into chaos. But a clean space is a happy space, so resist the temptation to leave those dishes until tomorrow or that pile of laundry until the weekend. We’re not saying you need to do a deep clean every day, but a little effort goes a long way. Before going to bed each night, speech five minutes putting things away and giving the kitchen counters a quick wipe down. And here’s another tip: A vacuum with an extending wand won’t just suck crumbs off the floor but it can also be used to swiftly get rid of creepy crawlies under the bed.

6. Be Safe

Living alone is awesome. But if you’ve never done it before, it’s OK to feel a little uneasy about the whole thing. To quell any fears, set your new pad up with security devices that will make you feel safe and secure. These can be high tech (like a security system) or low-key (like a bell on the door so that you no matter what you “think” you heard, you’ll know if someone has actually opened it). And here’s another tip: Change the locks when you move in (ask your landlord or do it yourself) so that you can be certain that strangers don’t have a key to your place.

7. Stock Up on Essentials

The last time you had the flu, your mom/roommate rushed to the pharmacy to pick up tissues, electrolytes and medicine. But now that you’re living solo, it’s all up to you (unless your mom is super sweet and feels like driving over). Keep a supply of pain killers and other medicines on hand, plus tissues, a thermometer and disinfectant sprays. Ditto for nonperishable foods (like canned chicken soup and dried pasta). Same goes for matches, flashlights and anything else that might come in handy in the unlikely case of an emergency.

8. Master the Art of Cooking for One

Note: Just because you’re cooking for one doesn’t mean you have to purchase one sad little chicken breast every time you go to the store. The key here is to plan (that cilantro you bought for tomorrow’s guacamole would also be divine in a broccoli soup) and also utilize your freezer. You can store leftovers for much longer if you freeze them or make a big batch of food on the weekend and freeze for later enjoyment. Here are 45 freezer meals that couldn’t be easier to get you started.

9. Make an Effort to See Other People

To be honest, you might find that you love living alone so much that you forget to spend time with other people. And that’s great that you enjoy your own company so much, but it’s important to see other humans, too. Schedule in a weekly FaceTime chat with your bestie across town, join a class or group or make a point to eat out with friends a couple of times a month (social distancing guidelines permitting). Whatever it is, make a regular appointment with others and stick to it—your social skills will thank you.

10. Enjoy It

For all you know, you may never live by yourself again. So enjoy it while it lasts! Here are some ideas to get you started: Dance around your living room like no one’s watching (because nobody is), throw a movie festival in your bedroom featuring all the movies you love (but can’t convince your crew to sit through) and eat pasta for breakfast because who’s going to judge? You do you.

How to Cope with Loneliness Living Alone

As great as it feels to have your own space and make your own house rules, living alone can sometimes feel lonely—and that's totally normal. Below, four tips for dealing. (And if you're really worried about feeling alone, read a more in-depth explainer on how to cope with loneliness right here.)

  • Join a Book Club. Or soup club, or any group activity, really. The point is to surround yourself with people in whatever capacity you're most comfortable with. If you do go the book club route, here are 13 books every book club should read for a little inspo.
  • Schedule Catch-Ups with Friends and Family. PureWow Executive Editor Alexia Dellner follows what she calls the “First Sunday” rule. She writes, "Every first Sunday of the month, I set aside some time—this can be as little as ten minutes or when my kids miraculously nap at the same time it may even be an hour— to reach out to a friend that I haven't spoken to in a while. I’ll text or email or even pick up the phone (remember phone calls?) just to say hi."
  • Try Speed Dating. OK so this one only works if you're single, but ICYMI: Speed dating is making a comeback. Per PureWow Associate Editor Sydney Meister, "Speed dating itself looks largely the same as it did in the ‘90s. You pay for a pre-determined set of mini-dates and each date lasts around ten minutes or less. What makes the process different from decades past is how speed dating today is more about fostering post-pandemic connections in general, rather than romantic partnerships specifically." So...are you ready to give it a try?
  • Volunteer in Your Neighborhood. Volunteering is a way to be around other people while simultaneously making a difference in your community—a total win-win. A quick Google search of causes you're passionate about will likely turn up volunteer opportunities near you, whether that's helping out at a food bank or playing with cute dogs at a local shelter.


Living alone for the first time can be equal parts exciting and nerve-wracking. You're thrilled for the independence, but you're also unsure of how to run a household by yourself (not to mention, won't it be lonely?). Luckily, there are lots of ways to ease the transition away from sharing a space with others and make the process as seamless as possible. (Plus, just think of how amazing it will feel to not have to compromise on which psychological thriller to stream on Netflix.)

The Ultimate First Apartment Checklist, Whether You’re Moving Into a Tiny Studio or a Massive 2-Bedroom

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