
Your Weekly Horoscopes: April 25 to May 1, 2021

This week’s main astrological event is a full moon in Scorpio on the 26th. Think of this lunation like a cosmic exfoliator. Full moons illuminate and this one brings our attention to some lingering emotional baggage. Time to get rid of those (literal and metaphorical) blackheads so we can meet the world with a fresh face. Then on the 30th, the sun meets up with Uranus—planet of shock and awe—throwing a curveball into a situation we thought was set in stone. Whether it’s an out-of-the-blue career opportunity or a flash sale at Sephora, this week is best navigated by remaining open to the unexpected.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that will provide further insight.)

1 taurus

It’s time to take your relationship to the next level. With the full moon in Scorpio on the 26th bringing up plenty of emotional baggage, you’re ready for yet another romantic milestone: supporting each other through family drama. Whether your boyfriend’s getting a guilt trip for skipping a visit home or your sister’s wedding nonsense has reached a new peak, you must weather this storm together. If he sticks around after all the familial idiosyncrasies are revealed, you know you’ve found a keeper.

This week’s mantra: You don’t know someone until you’ve been through hell together.

2 gemini

Taurus season so far has been a long, delicious nap for you, dear Gemini. With the sun, Mercury and Venus all hanging out in your unconscious sector, you’ve been perfectly set up to take a break. But the full moon on the 26th is an ugly dose of reality when you have to take an emergency trip to the vet, submit a last-minute application or fix a disastrous error at work. What were you (quite literally) sleeping on? And how can you prepare so this doesn’t happen again?

This week’s mantra: Wake up!

3 cancer

This week’s full moon in Scorpio on the 26th brings up some anxiety around your parenting skills. If you’re expecting, as your due date approaches, you start questioning whether you’re really cut out for this whole mom thing. If you’re dating, you start worring that you’re not cut for the “real thing” (whatever that means). Is everyone laughing at your incompetence behind your back? Luckily your BFF can intuit your panic and a hang at the park with her little one over the weekend boosts your confidence and pushes your worries aside. You’re once again reminded that the only way to extinguish your fears is to face them.

This week’s mantra: The only way out is through.

4 leo

For you, the full moon in Scorpio on the 26th is all about family therapy. Whether that’s literally going to a session with your mom and sister or initiating a confrontation with your avoidant roommates. Tears are shed by all but with those tears comes catharsis. Working through the knots in your foundation makes the exciting career news that comes on the 30th even sweeter. Though the timing is somewhat unexpected, you’re being challenged to pick up and go with the flow.

This week’s mantra: When it happens, it keeps happening.

5 virgo

You love Taurus season! The grounded, earthy energy is forcing you to get to work on some long-term goals. On the 25th though, Mercury—your ruling planet—squares off with taskmaster Saturn, giving you a massive reality check. Getting what you want is going to be an uphill battle. The full moon on the 26th falls in your communication sector so why not put your feelings into writing? An afternoon spent with your bullet journal gets you back on track.

This week’s mantra: It’s always a slow burn.

6 libra

Taurus season has brought up a lot of financial anxiety as you’re trying to save up for a huge purchase. The full moon in Scorpio on the 26th is a reminder that you don’t have to spend a ton of money to feel abundant. You don’t need to splurge on a fancy dinner out when your partner makes the most delicious roast chicken at home. Get on your comfy cashmere sweats and enjoy the vibes. Then on the 30th, when the sun meets Uranus, some unexpected monetary relief comes your way. Thank goddess!

This week’s mantra: You’re already blessed.

7 scorpio

With the full moon in your sign on the 26th, all eyes are on you. And for your sensitive soul, this isn’t necessarily a good thing. All of this extra attention—which began when you tried to post a subtle engagement announcement which quickly blew up—is bringing up a lot of nagging feelings of self-doubt. Who are you to be so happy? Wait until the weekend—when your partner does something unexpectedly sweet—to respond to the barrage of congratulatory texts.

This week’s mantra: You can’t fill an overflowing cup.

8 sagittarius

With this week’s full moon on the 26th lighting up your unconscious sector, your best bet is to settle in for a long nap. Taurus season has already been incredibly busy so use this lunation as an excuse to silence your calls, stop scrolling and catch up on some reading. Let yourself indulge in a trashy magazine or nostalgic movie if you like. Anything relaxing goes! Rest early so you can get through the tiny crisis—like an emergency dental visit—that comes up when the sun clashes with Uranus on the 30th.

This week’s mantra: Everyone needs a break.


Back in October, you set intentions around getting more involved. The full moon in Scorpio on the 26th illuminates where you’re really at with this goal. Maybe you wanted to start volunteering in the community. Maybe you wanted to schedule more regular check-ins with your college friends. But the truth is, you’ve really only been in touch with your same two group chats. That’s OK! An off-the-cuff hang on the 30th pulls you back into a social sphere and reignites your interest in putting yourself out there.

This week’s mantra: If you don’t like the results, try again.

10 aquarius

This week’s full moon on the 26th is an emotional rollercoaster. Things are blowing up for your career! You were certain that the check-in scheduled by your boss meant that you were getting laid-off but it turns out that you’re actually getting promoted...and relocated! This puts a whole lot of variables—including your new relationship—up in the air. You may not end up taking this job offer but with the sun meeting Uranus in your home sector on the 30th, something about your living situation is due for a major change.

This week’s mantra: The universe has a plan, are you up for it?

11 pisces

Your boyfriend has been making fun of your frugal mindset all month. But this is the week when your ramen diet finally pays off! The full moon on the 26th brings a major opportunity for travel or study. So whether you’re putting money down for your top choice grad program or booking tickets to a friend’s last minute (and post-vaccinated!) destination wedding, you’re feeling like a rockstar! You can book it with your credit card for the points and immediately pay it off! Your dream has become a reality. Revel in it!

This week’s mantra: Sometimes? Life is good!

12 aries

The full moon in Scorpio on the 26th falls in your joint investments sector and when it comes to the small business you’re building, there’s no more time for hesitation—get ready to launch! A heart to heart over wine with your business partner gives you the courage to share the financial skeletons in your closet that have kept you from going all in. She supports you through it all helping you realize that though nothing is perfect, this commitment is worth the risk.

This week’s mantra: Momentum is messy.

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can follow her on Instagram @jaimeallycewright or subscribe to her newsletter.

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast