
Your Weekly Horoscopes: April 24 to 30, 2022

As we told you about in your April Horoscopes, this week is going to be an intense one! The main event is a solar eclipse in Taurus on the 30th. Though Taurus season is usually a time to relax like a happy cow in a lush field, eclipses instead bring catharsis, upheaval and sudden change. Eclipses in Taurus disrupt stability, money systems and the earth itself. Think: the appearance of Audrey II—the monstrous houseplant from Little Shop of Horrors—during a solar eclipse. But seriously, if there are bills that must Aries Compatibility: The Best and Worst Zodiac Matchesbe paid, jobs that must be left, or relationships that must be defined, by the end of the week, you’ll be certain of your next move. Less because of any internal breakthroughs and more because external circumstances will make the answer very clear.

What’s especially interesting about this eclipse is that it goes exact as Venus meets up with Jupiter in Pisces. The two benefic planets are coming together for what would usually be this year’s moment of peak bliss. But with the eclipse, things get complicated. Pleasure comes with pain, agony comes with ecstasy and big wins come with difficult choices. Luckily, chatty Mercury moves into Gemini on the 29th giving us plenty of words to describe this sea change.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)

12 aries

This week’s solar eclipse on the 30th brings up major changes in how you earn money, save money or spend money. Whether it’s a sudden departure from your current position or a lucky windfall that pays off your growing stack of bills, it’s time to take stock of the resources you have available. Overall, you’re being challenged to claim your independence and gain confidence in what you do have. Try to avoid comparing yourself to others this week as it will be very easy to get caught up in things you can’t control.

This week’s mantra: “I keep my eyes on my own prize.”

1 taurus

You’re what the kids are calling the “main character” this week as the solar eclipse on the 30th is in your sign. Though you’d prefer to stay in the same holding pattern forever if that means you can avoid uncomfortable change, you’re being called to shake things up in the name of self improvement. Maybe start with something easy. Like when’s the last time you bought a new pair of running sneakers? Or did something slightly different with your hair? It doesn’t have to happen all at once, but it does have to happen.

This week’s mantra: “I can change.”

2 gemini

The major shifts coming with this week’s solar eclipse on the 30th are likely out of your control. It might be necessary to adjust your expectations about how much you can force a goal into reality and allow the universe to show you what’s next. Putting so much energy into something that ultimately isn’t meant to be only leads to burnout. Despite the uncertainty, you’re also feeling refreshed in your ability to articulate yourself this week. This makes for an ideal time to talk through the situation with friends or return to therapy to get some clarity.

This week’s mantra: “I release my need to control every outcome.”

3 cancer

This week’s solar eclipse on the 30th is here to shake up your friend groups, work environment and community connections. As you reach new heights in your own stability, this eclipse is less about a personal crisis and more about supporting a friend in need. Whether you’re helping a coworker push for a raise or organizing an event for your neighbors, your ability to prioritize compassion and care is much needed in this tumultuous time. You may also find that random acquaintances are coming out of the woodwork, seeking your advice. Without overextending yourself, share your wealth.

This week’s mantra: “I have a lot to give so I share it.”

4 leo

The solar eclipse in Taurus on the 30th brings an unforeseen shift in your responsibilities. Though you’ve craved this shift in power for a while, it’s less about calmly stepping into what you’ve earned, and more about hurriedly dealing with what’s been thrust upon you. Whether you’re suddenly being promoted at work or planning your BFF’s bachelorette party at a moment’s notice, this is not a time for you to lay low or stay quiet. Many are willing to help so remember to delegate, but ultimately, the buck stops with you.

This week’s mantra: “I lead with style, grace and clarity.”

5 virgo

You may have thought your travel and/or education plans were set in stone for the rest of this year, but the solar eclipse on the 30th is here to shake things up at the last minute. Though you prefer to always be in control of the situation, eclipse season speeds up time and lets the universe take the wheel, sometimes for our benefit. A delayed trip or canceled class leaves space for you to investigate what else might be worth your time to explore. Who knows? What you find out this week could lead to an unexpected spiritual awakening.

This week’s mantra: “I release control so I can learn something new.”

6 libra

You can’t help anyone if you’re not helping yourself, Libra. This week’s solar eclipse on the 30th falls in the part of your chart that deals with loss, secrets and other people’s money. You’re in the process of learning how to take better care of yourself and the next step is coming clean about those secrets and debts that are keeping you energetically or financially drained. You might be surprised by who wants to help you when you’re vulnerable enough to admit that you need it.

This week’s mantra: “My vulnerability is not a liability.”

7 scorpio

Relationship drama that last bubbled up around mid-November returns during this week’s solar eclipse on the 30th. Whether you’re breaking up or taking a commitment to the next level, you’re having revelations about all kinds of one-on-one dynamics from romantic connections to close friendships to freelance contracts. Your steadfast loyalty makes it so that anyone would be lucky to be in partnership with you. But this is not the time to prioritize anyone else’s needs. What is it that you really want? Following your heart leads you in the right direction.

This week’s mantra: “I know what makes me happy.”

8 sagittarius

Last-minute changes at work or in your daily schedule derail your best laid plans with the solar eclipse in Taurus on the 30th. Whether you’re being offered a raise, taking an early maternity leave or starting a fitness bootcamp with a bang, these shake ups are ultimately meant to bring more peace and ease to your life, even if it feels a bit unstable now. Your partner, your work wife or even your mom might have a lot of strong opinions about how you should be using your time. But you know what’s best so trust your gut.

This week’s mantra: “I meet challenges with a positive attitude.”


The solar eclipse on the 30th brings a series of delightful or confusing plot twists to your romantic life. When was the last time you thought about that super hot guy from Hinge who ghosted you after your perfect date in November? Or your crush from high school who recently moved to your city but hasn’t yet reached out for drinks? Suddenly, both of them are in your DMs. Eclipses tend to bring up situations that are fated, for better or for worse. Trust that whether this lasts or is simply a moment, that you’re being taken on this journey for a reason.

This week’s mantra: “I deserve a little fun.”

10 aquarius

This week’s solar eclipse on the 30th brings sudden changes at home or disruptions in your relationships with family. Sure, you’ve known for months that construction was about to start next door and that tensions with your sister were slowly rising to the surface, but that doesn’t make the situation any easier to deal with now. This issue may also end up being more expensive than you originally planned. It’s definitely a moment for testing your endurance, and remembering that you’re much more resilient than you give yourself credit for.

This week’s mantra: “When everything is chaotic, I turn inward to find peace.”

11 pisces

For you, Pisces, the much anticipated solar eclipse on the 30th brings communication snafus, car troubles and other disruptions to your schedule. This eclipse is here to shake up what you previously thought of as a steady and reliable inner circle, revealing cracks in the foundation. Maybe that old friend who you once considered an emergency contact really isn’t there at your time of need, but your new neighbor is ready to help at a moment’s notice. This eclipse could also bring some surprising news from your sister or BFF. Expect the unexpected to arrive right at your front door.

This week’s mantra: “I’m available to those who are available to me.”

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can subscribe to her newsletter for more musings on the stars.



Jaime Wright is an astrologer and writer based in NYC. She has been writing PureWow’s weekly and monthly horoscope columns since 2019, and also authors the cult favorite...