Priyanka Chopra usually grabs our attention on social media with her romantic (and sometimes steamy) photos with her husband, Nick Jonas. However, the 39-year-old actress just caught our eye for a whole different reason when she casually shared a major throwback on her Instagram Story.
Chopra's cousin, Parineeti, is celebrating her 32nd birthday today, and the Quantico star decided to mark the special occasion by sharing a couple of photos of her and her cousin.
The collage included a sticker that said “Love you,” as well as a note which read, “Happy birthday Tisha. Sending so much love @parineetichopra.”
In addition to sharing the nickname she uses for her cousin, Chopra included a photo of them both posing back-to-back and holding hands. Above the image, Chopra also shared a vintage throwback, where Parineeti looks super young and Priyanka looks as if she couldn't be any older than a teenager.