Much has already been reported on last month’s childcare situation (or lack thereof). School closures and delays were rampant. Parents were feeling gaslit by lack of government support and clear guidelines. Teachers were struggling. In sum, it was a bleak time for parents (which says quite a lot, considering that we’re nearly two years into this special kind of hell that is parenting during a pandemic).
But something that is less openly discussed is how many of us are stretching the truth right now in order to keep our kids in school.
One mom told us that even though her daughter’s school has a strict “48-hours fever-free” policy in order to return to in-person learning, she chose to ignore it because both her and her partner had busy days at work and her child seemed fine. “She had a fever before bedtime but it was gone the next morning, so yeah, I sent her in.”
Another parent admitted to sending her child into daycare with a runny nose and slight cough, knowing that the school would likely send him back home in the afternoon but at least it bought her a couple of hours of childcare.