The trailer offers a sneak peek at the story, which revolves around Sam documenting the school’s annual satire musical, dubbed Varsity Show. This year, the Black students of Armstrong-Parker House are writing the production for the first time ever. However, not everyone is on board with their ’90s theme.
“Is this the legacy we want? ‘Showtime at Winchester,’ minstrelsy,” someone says in the clip. “Black AF is protesting the show…and anyone involved.”
Since the new episodes are modeled after a ’90s musical, they’ll feature hit songs like En Vogue’s “Free Your Mind” and Montell Jordan’s “This Is How We Do It.” In addition to Browning, Dear White People also stars Brandon P. Bell, Antoinette Robertson, DeRon Horton, John Patrick Amedori, Ashley Blaine Featherson and Marque Richardson.
Dear White People originally premiered on Netflix back in 2017, but it’s based on the 2014 movie. The show instantly gained attention for its realistic approach to modern race relations, following a group of Black college students at an Ivy League institution. Volume four will double as a farewell to the beloved series, which was created by Justin Simien (Bad Hair).
Dear White People volume four will hit Netflix on September 22, which gives us plenty of time to re-watch the first three installments.
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