Things finally start moving again this week when Mars stations direct on the 12th. The action planet has been retrograde since October 30th giving us the chance to pause and re-strategize. Now that we’ve done a thorough review, we can start moving forward again. Mercury is still retrograde though (until the 18th) so don’t expect everything to come together at once. It might be cliché, but in this case, slow and steady really does win the race. Stay patient.
Other notable cosmic weather:
- Mercury trines Uranus on the 8th leading to delightfully unexpected conversations
- Venus connects with Mars and clashes with Uranus and the nodes throughout the week bringing up shocking, fated and passionate connections, lovers and creative projects
- Sun sextiles Neptune on the 13th heightening intuition, creativity and imagination (To inspire some vibes: Keanu Reeves, Elliot Page and Kate Winslet were all born with their aspect in their birth charts)
(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)