
The Easy Trick That’ll Make Your Wedding Photos Look Less Posed and More Natural

Real talk: It's an unassailable truth that not everything in your wedding day is going to be picture-perfect and go according to plan. (Weather happens, spills happen, sloppy groomsmen happen—this you know.) But one thing you'd really like to achieve in all the madness? Gorgeous, keepsake wedding photos, of course. And that's easier said than done, right? Wrong.

Enter this clever pro trick for achieving gorgeous, natural captures. According to veteran wedding photographer Amy Kolodziej of Sunshower Photography, the key to feeling comfortable in front of the camera—and thereby landing Pinterest-perfect photos—is using your "body props." In other words, using both your spouse and your accoutrements as props in your photoshoot. 

“Use your hair, jewelry or clothing to help you feel more natural on camera," she says. "If your hair is loose around your face, allow your partner to reposition it for you! Or maybe strike a pose with your dress’s skirting. This movement will really kick your photos up a notch.”

We like to think of it as giving yourself a task that isn't to look great in front of a camera. Play with stuff! Have fun with it! It takes some of the pressure off, don't you think? Plus, the easy-breezy results speak for themselves. 


Home Editor

From 2014-2019 Grace Beuley Hunt held the role of Home Editor covering interior design, styling, trends and more.