The series, which began streaming on Netflix in 2016, follows the lives of five young animals: Kip the Wallaby, Bailey the Elephant, Franny the Cheetah, Lulu the Panda and Tilly the Tortoise. These animals, who sing songs in order to help young viewers build their vocabulary skills, have become a major success on the streaming platform.
According to Netflix, "The show invites our youngest viewers to help teach the baby animals new words, practice these new words themselves, and celebrate these achievements with a "Word Party!"
While Henson is known for his quintessential puppets, this show uses a modern version of his award-winning formula. The series is brought to life at the Henson Digital Puppetry Studio, which is, "a proprietary technology from Jim Henson’s Creature Shop that allows puppeteers to perform digitally animated characters in real time."
Word Party was created by Alex Rockwell. Voice work was provided by Dorien Davies, Donna Kimball, John Tartaglia, Victor Yerrid, Alice Dinnean and Patina Miller, who narrates the series.
Cheers to keeping your kids happy (while also educating them along the way).
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