To know me is to understand that my pre-K-through-college Catholic education has left an indelible mark (wound?) on my psyche in more ways than even I understand. I swear I’m not just being dramatic. The uniforms alone were enough to give me PTSD.
So imagine the chill that went down my spine when I read a recent headline boldly declaring, “Khakis Are the New Jeans.”
This may be true, but you won’t catch me dead in a pair. Allow me to explain.
For starters, there’s the chafe factor. Khakis were billed as the more comfortable alternative to our Black Watch plaid kilts, which required that you wear shorts underneath to A) avoid accidentally flashing your underwear B) accidentally being flashed by mean-spirited demon adolescent boys and C) sitting on the butt sweat of whoever was in that plastic desk chair before you.