
How to Get Rid of Negative Energy In Your Home in 7 Steps

We know what you're thinking, but hear us out, y’all: The visceral feeling you get from a space is not to be discredited. Whether you’ve moved into a new crib with suspect former tenants or had a crappy week at work and feel like you dragged that toxicity home with you, resetting your home—no matter how abstract or "woo woo" that may sound—might be just what you need to relax already. We checked in with natural healing expert Michael Carbaugh (of Sandoval) for the best way to get rid of negative energy—or "energetic debris"—from your home.

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Step 1: Wipe Your Doorway

Energy is believed to enter and exit a space the same way we do, so wiping down your front door, inside and out, is the first step in resetting flow.

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Step 2: Set Your Intention

Are you clearing out a specific energy? Welcoming in new energy? Making a general cleanse of the home? Sit cross-legged on the floor, or in a favorite chair, and then take ten deep, meditative breaths, breathing in your intention and breathing out negative thoughts.

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Step 3: Light Your Intentions

Choose a burning element, whether that’s sage, incense, palo santo sticks or a candle. Turn and face the four cardinal directions—north, south, east and west—wafting your burning element in each direction. Carbaugh recommends speaking out loud: “To the North, to the East, to the South and to the West, I send good vibes and positive intentions, my current intentions.”

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Step 4: Ring Your Doorway

Make circular motions with your burning element around the front door, both inside and out, while thinking about your intention and saying Sat Nam. This phrase is a Kundalini mantra that translates to “I am here; I am welcoming in new energy.”

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Step 5: Now The Rest Of Your Home

Walk around the parameter of your house, burning into the corners and around the perimeter of your space. Burn around specific furniture pieces if you feel like there is someone else’s energy on it. “Especially a bed; if you are clearing out an old boyfriend or girlfriend, think about that while you are doing it,” notes Carbaugh.

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Step 6: Make A Mantra

Carbaugh suggests speaking aloud a mantra for your newly cleansed space. Something like: “Thank you, universe, and thank you for providing infinite wisdom and guidance, as I welcome in the new energies that I want to enter my space.”

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Step 7: Close Your Practice

End in the center of your home, seated, with your eyes closed and focused at the third eye. Chant Sat Nam, Sat Nam, Sat Nam three times. You can do this silently in your mind, if you prefer. “We all have the power to set goals, and spiritually, we can help align our homes,” explains Carbaugh. “We can write things down, journal, chant etc., but the real connection comes when we believe in our intentions and in our inner power to make things happen.”


Home Editor

From 2014-2019 Grace Beuley Hunt held the role of Home Editor covering interior design, styling, trends and more.