
Your Weekly Horoscopes: November 21 to 27, 2021

It’s the week between two eclipses! If last week’s lunar eclipse (on the 19th) rocked your world, hold on to your seat because a solar eclipse is coming on December 4th. There’s no rest for the weary, the only constant is change. This is especially true because Sagittarius season begins on the 21st. Unlike a change-averse and reliable Scorpio, Sagittarius gets bored very easily and is always wanting to break norms, make waves and bring the party wherever they go. (Sagittarius Taylor Swift wasn’t just going to re-release Red, she was also going to rehash all her drama with fellow Sagittarius Jake Gyllenhaal on a 10-minute extended version of “All Too Well” to entertain the masses.) Mercury follows the sun into Sagittarius on the 24th ensuring that our Thanksgiving tables will be loaded with freewheeling, philosophical, and fiery conversation.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)

12 aries

You wanted to keep this year’s Thanksgiving celebrations lowkey, but the universe has other plans. Instead of cozying up in The Comfy while you leisurely cook a small turkey for your immediate family, you’re instead slogging through airport security on the way to see your in-laws. With Sagittarius season beginning on the 21st, everyone’s feeling entitled to their outlandish opinions. Consider what’s worth an argument before approaching cousin Paul for a chat about politics.

This week’s mantra: “I am powerful when I am flexible.”

1 taurus

Sagittarius season kicks off on the 21st lighting up your shared resources sector. To put it simply, you’re looking for new clients and more money. Though last week’s eclipse (on the 19th) in your sign was exhaustion central, you’re ready to work through this weekend’s holiday break. It’s OK to hustle while your eye is on the prize, just remember not to take on every offer just because you need the cash. Follow your gut and go only with what’s aligned.

This week’s mantra: “I get what I want.”

2 gemini

Your relationships take center stage as Sagittarius season kicks off on the 21st and we build toward the final eclipse in the archer’s sign until 2029, which takes place next week on December 4th. Since early 2020, you’ve been getting very clear messages about what partnerships are meant to last and which ones need to be let go. Whether you’re spending the holidays with your spouse, your new lover or a bestie, make sure you’re making decisions together. Teamwork is very powerful for you right now.

This week’s mantra: “My choices are for both of us.”

3 cancer

Scorpio season was about tapping into more of life’s pleasures: romance, creativity and plenty of snacks. Sagittarius season begins on the 21st, and you must recalibrate your focus to things that must be done. Hosting Thanksgiving always seems like a good idea until you actually have to clean your house, run all the errands and cater to everyone’s dietary restrictions. Lean into the to-do list of it all and celebrate each step as you slowly but surely get it all done.

This week’s mantra: “I can do it all.”

4 leo

Work has been so busy lately. All you’ve had the energy to do in your spare time is binge Real Housewives of Salt Lake City and nap. But as Sagittarius season begins on the 21st, you get the urge to pull yourself off the couch and go on a date. If you’re visiting family back home for the holidays, you might hear from a high school boyfriend or college summer hookup from deep in the archives. Could there still be a spark now? Why not find out?

This week’s mantra: “I’m the one who writes my story.”

5 virgo

Just in time for the holidays, Sagittarius season kicks off on the 21st, putting all your focus on home and family. Since early 2020, you’ve relocated or renovated your house or helped your parents Swedish death clean theirs. With next week’s eclipse in Sagittarius being the last in the archer’s sign until 2029, you’re ready to close this difficult chapter. Take some time to appreciate how much you’ve been able to build your own safe space and chosen kin over the past few years.

This week’s mantra: “Home is whatever I choose it to be.”

6 libra

Sagittarius season begins on the 21st and you’re feeling the mutable fire sign’s insatiable urge to get away. Wanderlust hits you like a ton of bricks. Though you might not have the cash on hand to finance one of your bucket-list destination vacations, indulge in some travel blogs over the long weekend. It’s also a prime week to take a quick road trip, even if it’s just a few towns over to check out some local shops for holiday shopping. Never underestimate the power of a little change of scenery.

This week’s mantra: “Vacation is a mindset.”

7 scorpio

Who owes you money? The sun’s shift into Sagittarius on the 21st, followed by Mercury’s move into the archer’s sign on the 24th, forces you to get real about your budgets. This might not be the Black Friday for you to go wild on every sale at Target. In fact, you might want to spend your Turkey Day hangover snuggled up on the couch with some Irish Coffee and...your invoices. Now’s the time to square away any outstanding payments before the holiday whirlwind picks up and emails go unanswered until the new year.

This week’s mantra: “Money is attracted to me.”

8 sagittarius

It’s your power time, Sagittarius! The sun moves into your sign on the 21st and Mercury follows suit on the 24th. The last several weeks might have felt like you were on another planet: doing work behind the scenes or at odd hours and missing out on regularly scheduled life. Now, finally, you’re back to reality and once again can take your place as the life of the party. Don’t let grumpy relatives ruin your holiday cheer this long weekend. Take it upon yourself to make sure everyone has fun (or at least has a laugh).

This week’s mantra: “I bring joy wherever I go.”


Sagittarius season is your power down time, Capricorn. The sun and Mercury both move into your unconscious sector this week and you’re ready for an extended vacation from the daily grind. You have less patience than usual for the petty family arguments this holiday season so stick to an easy role over Thanksgiving weekend. Bring some crescent rolls and a bottle of wine for the hostess to the function. Otherwise, watch the National Dog Show with the kids and keep to yourself.

This week’s mantra: “What I don’t say is as powerful as what I do say.”

10 aquarius

Sagittarius season kicks off on the 21st, lighting up your friends and community sector, making this an excellent time to get out and find your people. Whether you’re stuck in a different city from the rest of your family due to the pandemic or just choosing to spend the long weekend in peace away from their shenanigans, it’s a great time to get out and volunteer with a local charity or neighborhood cleanup. Connect with those who want to help realize your dreams.

This week’s mantra: “I create my own ideal world.”

11 pisces

Though everyone else in your family is taking a vacation for the holiday weekend, you’re still in grind mode as Sagittarius season begins on the 21st. You’re checking your emails as you mash the potatoes and updating Slack while playing Monopoly with the kids. Over the last few years, you’ve learned so much about how you want to show up as a leader. So this might be a moment to take your own advice and cut yourself some slack. If the rest of your team is resting this weekend, so should you. It can always wait until Monday.

This week’s mantra: “Rest is not a reward; it’s a requirement!”

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can subscribe to her newsletter for more musings on the stars.

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast