
Your Weekly Horoscopes: May 17 to 23, 2020

Gemini season begins on the 20th (happy birthday to all of our twins!), which means that the sun, Mercury and retrograde Venus are all hanging out in the curious and extremely social sign. The new moon in Gemini on the 22nd is our chance to get chatty again, to reimagine our social lives and make plans for the socially-distanced gatherings of the future! With both Mars (our actions) and Neptune (our collective fantasies) in the mix, we feel extremely ready to move forward even if we’re still not clear on all the details. It’s time to embrace a different kind of world.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that will provide further insight.)

2 gemini

Everything’s coming up Gemini this week! With Mercury, Venus and the sun all in your sign, there’s no better time to focus on self-care. Your season begins officially on the 20th and, on the same day, you might be put on the spot or given a last-minute assignment at work. Don’t worry, you can get through it with your usual charisma and wit. At the new moon on the 22nd, consider what systems you need in place to make your professional life less hectic. Take the first steps now to prevent exhausting situations later.

This week’s mantra: Trust your charm.

3 cancer

Let’s face it, moonchild: You’re the homebody of the zodiac and certain aspects of this whole quarantine situation have had you in your element. Nothing planned except being at home with your family? Plenty of time to make that simply divine ricotta gnocchi from Bon Appétit? A legitimate excuse to wear slippers and a Snuggie 24/7? As the new moon on the 22nd highlights your unconscious sector, you worry about missing out on cozy times when things get busy again. Thrive in isolation while it lasts.

This week’s mantra: There’s no place like right now.

4 leo

Despite this being a most unusual year (understatement of the century), you are celebrated this week, especially around the 17th, for your work on a personal project or professional venture that you launched last December. You’ve put blood, sweat and tears into this endeavor and this week’s recognition inspires you to keep moving forward. Who has helped you along the way? The new moon on the 22nd is a time to surround yourself with only your most devoted cheerleaders. Make time for the friends that make you feel like the lioness you know you are.

This week’s manta: You earned this.

5 virgo

As the planets pile up in Gemini, highlighting your career and reputation sector, you are tasked with—officially or unofficially—leading your office through its reopening procedures. Even if everyone is still working at home for the foreseeable future, as you know, it’s never too early to make a plan. For once, you are rewarded for your prudence and common sense. Use the energy of the new moon on the 22nd to get feedback from your coworkers and refine your ideas.

This week’s mantra: Lead the way.

6 libra

Whether you’ve made your skincare routine into a spiritual practice or have been doing daily yoga during quarantine, you’re not quite sure how your new practice will carry over into life beyond shelter-in-place. How will you keep up your good habits when you no longer have all the time in the world? Remember that you haven’t just been filling time, you’ve really been building a foundation. At the new moon on the 22nd, ask a friend to be an accountability partner as you prepare for what’s to come.

This week’s mantra: Continue the routine.

7 scorpio

You’ve been spending way less money than you normally would during quarantine, but are you paying off your debts? With the planets where they are, you can no longer avoid those unfiled taxes or those unpaid credit cards. Neptune’s hazy influence in the mix means you won’t want to focus on anything too detail-oriented, but use the energy of the new moon on the 22nd to print out bills and bank statements and take a long, hard look at what you have. You can get through this.

This week’s mantra: A Scorpio always pays her debts.

8 sagittarius

Whether you’re cohabitating with your boyfriend or you’re single and focused on clients, you’re seriously evaluating your committed relationships this week. What’s really working and what’s just not? The new moon on the 22nd is an opportunity to identify both the strengths and the challenges in your partnerships. Are you getting what you need from your ride-or-dies? It’s been easy to give them your full attention during quarantine, but how do you keep showing up as life gets more complicated? Click “refresh” on the relationship together.

This week’s mantra: Keep falling in love.


With the planets piling up in Gemini, this week brings a continued focus to your daily grind sector. How can you adjust your quarantine routine so you can still eat well, keep a tidy house and work out regularly when life gets busy again? Remember that taking care of yourself has brought you joy, so reframe these “chores” as self-care. At the new moon on the 22nd, skip that socially distanced birthday party in the park to bake some sourdough and do your laundry instead. There’s nothing as luxurious as clean sheets. Hell, we see your sheets and raise you a deep-cleaned mattress.

This week’s mantra: There’s magic in the mundane.

10 aquarius

You’re feeling romantic this week as the planets gather in Gemini. As texts pile up from exes and potential new lovers alike, you want to write songs for them all. But where can you put all this creative energy while still quarantined? At the new moon on the 22nd, do something that honors your inner child, whether that’s painting a mural with your kids, buying a Nintendo Switch or cranking up your ‘90s playlist. Maybe you can even schedule a visit to your crush’s Animal Crossing island.

This week’s mantra: Make it a date!

11 pisces

Whether you were planning to move across the country, get a new apartment or simply freshen up your current space this month, your plans—like everything—have been put on hold. At the new moon on the 22nd, which falls in your home sector, you can lay the groundwork to manifest your next home (or home improvement). It might be the time to bust out your craft supplies and make a vision board with that view you want or the texture and pattern of your ideal duvet. Dream your home into reality. And in the meantime, buy a plant.

This week’s mantra: Plans change, and so do possibilities.

12 aries

The new moon in Gemini on the 22nd is a chance for you to get reacquainted with your neighborhood. You don’t need to travel to learn something new or have a wild experience. As shops begin to safely reopen, pick up those to-go lattes (wearing masks, of course) and join in on the digital community discussion boards. Take an extra moment to ask the butcher—your new Facebook friend—about the best way to roast a chicken. Get gardening tips from the landscapers at the park! Stop and smell the flowers where you are, even if it’s still mostly online.

This week’s mantra: Think local.

1 taurus

If you’ve had to take a pay cut in the last few months, at least you’ve been penny-pinching during the quarantine—making your own sourdough is practically free, right? As parts of the world reopen, and others stay locked down, you become more conscious of your material urges and spending habits. Your favorite restaurant is doing takeout orders (hallelujah!), but do you need to eat out as much as you did in the Before Times? At the new moon on the 22nd, consider what’s a luxury versus what you really need to survive.

This week’s mantra: Keep it simple.

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can follow her on Instagram @jaimeallycewright or subscribe to her newsletter.

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast