Inspiration strikes as the sun squares off with Uranus on the 30th. This is an energizing aspect for following hunches all the way down the rabbit hole. This alignment is found in the charts of celebs who seem to run on a higher frequency than the rest of us like Lenny Kravitz, Bono and Paris Hilton. Then on the 1st (or late night on the 31st for the West Coast), there’s a new moon in Aquarius, further emphasizing the need to be unabashedly ourselves.
Mercury retrograde comes to an end on the 3rd with the communication planet stationing direct in Capricorn. Then on the 4th, the sun meets up with serious Saturn, a sobering aspect which puts a damper on all of the Uranian impulses from earlier in the week. Even our wildest ideas need a solid container.
(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)