Welcome to September! While this week’s cosmic weather has us feeling obsessive, impulsive and inarticulate, as Virgo season continues, it’s probably best to stay inside, lay low and catch up on projects. This is especially difficult on Sunday the 30th when mixed messages have us feeling extra suspicious and ready to send 30 texts in a row to our crush. Things improve at the full moon in dreamy water sign Pisces on Wednesday the 2nd when it’s clear we’re not far from actualizing what once seemed like a distant dream.
On Saturday the 5th, communication planet Mercury moves into Libra which brings balance and sophistication to our communication—no wonder it can be found in the birth chart of a boundary-pushing politician like AOC who gets to the point with style. If we can’t act on it, we might as well talk it out.
(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that will provide further insight.)